BRL-CAD 7.38.2 💾

BRL-CAD is a constructive solid geometry (CSG) solid modeling computer-aided design (CAD) system. It includes an interactive geometry editor, ray tracing support for graphics rendering and geometric analysis, computer network distributed framebuffer support, scripting, image-processing and signal-processing tools. The entire package is distributed in source code and binary form. BRL-CAD is a powerful cross-platform Open Source combinatorial Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) solid modeling system that includes interactive 3D solid geometry editing, high-performance ray-tracing support for rendering and geometric analysis, network-distributed framebuffer support, image and signal-processing tools, path-tracing and photon mapping support for realistic image synthesis, a system performance analysis benchmark suite, an embedded scripting interface, and libraries for robust high-performance geometric representation and analysis. For more than 20 years, BRL-CAD has been the primary tri-service solid modeling CAD system used by the U.S. military to model weapons systems for vulnerability and lethality analyses. The solid modeling system is frequently used in a wide range of military, academic, and industrial applications including in the design and analysis of vehicles, mechanical parts, and architecture. The package has also been used in radiation dose planning, medical visualization, computer graphics education, CSG concepts and modeling education, and system performance benchma

minor feature: Added "rtsurf" exterior surface area tool prototype - Sean Morrison. Updated sqlite3 to version 3.45.1 - Cliff Yapp. Updated libpng to version 1.6.43 - Cliff Yapp. Updated zlib to version 1.3.1 - Cliff Yapp. Updated and corrected dbconcat man page - Cliff Yapp. Improved ambient occlusion rt during -k cut planes - Sean Morrison. Changed rt ambient occlusion randomization default - Sean Morrison. Added ambient occlusion example to rt manual pages - Sean Morrison. Rtweight output display inside MGED - Chris McGregor. Added shipping container example geometry model - Josh Baker. Added traffic light example geometry model - Chris McGregor. Improved rtwizard command-line option reporting - Sean Morrison. Added self-intersecting torus ray tracing support - Sean Morrison. rt crash rendering to -F/dev/null - Sean Morrison. Added mater man page density table example - Chris McGregor. Adjusted default ghosting intensity in rtwizard - Josh Baker. MGED command line handling of objects named 'y' - Cliff Yapp. Double printing of last 'search -exec' result - Chris McGregor. Improve 'search -v' to support multiple levels - Chris McGregor. Update 'search -v' to report # of objects found - Chris McGregor. Added a "bots only" mode to script - Cliff Yapp. Asc2g/g2asc support for brep primitives - Cliff Yapp. Added brep and bot versions of pinewood.g model - Josh Baker. Added new.g example file "Annual Gift Man" - Josh Baker. Dsp terrain file data loading for relative paths - Cliff Yapp. Updated Manifold lib for improved facetize robustness - Cliff Yapp.

GNU LGPL cad solid modeling electromagnetics graphics signal processing design engineering

Babel 7.24.2 💾

Babel is a code translator, which compiles next-gen EcmaScript 6 syntax into browser-consumable ES5/JavaScript. It adds a few proposed ES7 constructs even, and works with React, Node.js, Rails, etc. It provides for: array comprehensions, arrow functions, async functions, async generator functions, classes, class properties, computed property names, constants, decorators, default parameters, destructuring, exponentiation operator, for-of, generators, generator comprehensions, let scoping, modules, module export extensions, object rest/spread, property method assignment, property name shorthand, rest parameters, react, spread, tail call optimisation, template literals, type annotations, unicode regex support.

minor bugfix: (2024-03-19). #### :: `babel-code-frame`, `babel-highlight`. Restore previous `FORCE_COLOR=0` behavior (@nicolo-ribaudo).

MITL javascript ecmascript nodejs compiler conversion es6 es7 developers

Firefly III 6.1.11 💾

"Firefly III" is a self-hosted financial manager. It can help you keep track of expenses, income, budgets and everything in between.

minor feature: Added: New expression engine by @michaelhthomas, still disabled though. Missing database indexes to speed up performance. A button to the experimental `v2`-layout to go back to `v1`. Changed: New login/register screens. New CSP headers. Deprecated: Dropped all old v3 code. Dropped all generated JS and CSS, thanks @paulius-valiunas!. : Discussion 8569 (What is classed as an "automatic transaction" when it comes to notifications?) started by @digitlength. (404 error when deleting a category) reported by @Jademalo. (Create right now option for recurring transaction missing during weekend) reported by @Transportman. PR 8634 ( trivial broken link in readme) reported by @WardenJakx. (No search results returned when using `tag_contains` and `tag_starts`) reported by @Call-Me-G-Now. (Graph error on Reports) reported by @nicolopozzato. (Rule with -has_any_category:true trigger not triggering) reported by @pvieira84. (Can't remove foreign amount using the trash icon) reported by @danielnetop. (Not possible to upload CSV file as an attachment) reported by @dbtdsilva. Removed: Support for Mandrill because the necessary packages aren't maintained anymore.

Affero GPLv3 finance personal financial budget budgeting money manager management currency sums financials php laravel

WirePlumber 0.5.0 💾

WirePlumber is a modular session / policy manager for PipeWire and a GObject-based high-level library that wraps PipeWire’s API, providing convenience for writing the daemon’s modules as well as external tools for managing PipeWire. The WirePlumber daemon implements the session & policy management service. It follows a modular design, having plugins that implement the actual management functionality. The WirePlumber Library provides API that allows you to extend the WirePlumber daemon, to write management or status tools for PipeWire (apps that don’t do actual media streaming) and to write custom session managers for embedded devices.

major bugfix: Changes: - Bumped the minimum required version of PipeWire to 1.0.2, because we. Make use of the 'api.bluez5.internal' property of the BlueZ monitor (!613) - Improved the naming of Bluetooth nodes when the auto-switching loopback. Node is present (!614) - Updated the documentation on "settings", the Bluetooth monitor, the Access. Configuration, the file search locations and added a document on how to Modify the configuration file (#595, !616) : Checking for available routes when selecting the default node (!609). - an that was causing an infinite loop storing routes in the. State file (!610) The interpretation of boolean values in the alsa monitor rules (#586, !611). - a Lua crash when we have 2 smart filters, one with a target and one. Without (!612) - an where the default nodes would not be updated when the. Currently selected default node became unavailable (#588, !615) - an that would cause the Props (volume, mute, etc) of loopbacks. And other filter nodes to not be restored at startup (#577, !617) How some constants were represented in the gobject-introspection file. Mostly by converting them from defines to enums (#540, #591) - an using WirePlumber headers in other projects due to. Redefinition of G_LOG_DOMAIN Past releases.

Other audio session-manager policy-manager pipewire c lua

asterisk 21.2.0 💾

Asterisk is an open source framework for building communications applications. Asterisk turns an ordinary computer into a communications server. Asterisk powers IP PBX systems, VoIP gateways, conference servers and other custom solutions. It is used by small businesses, large businesses, call centers, carriers and government agencies, worldwide. Asterisk is free and open source.

minor feature: Res_pjsip_stir_shaken.c: Add checks for missing parameters. App_dial: Add dial time for progress/ringing. App_voicemail: Properly reinitialize config after unit tests. App_queue.c : "queue add member" usage string. App_voicemail: Allow preventing mark messages as urgent. Res_pjsip: Use consistent type for boolean columns. Attestation_config.c: Use ast_free instead of ast_std_free. Makefile: Add stir_shaken/cache to directories created on install. Stir/Shaken Refactor. Translate.c: implement new direct comp table mode. Removed outdated link. Strings.h: Ensure ast_str_buffer( ) returns a 0 terminated string. Res_rtp_asterisk.c: Correct coefficient in MOS calculation. Dsp.c: and improve potentially inaccurate log message. Pjsip show channelstats: Prevent possible segfault when faxing. Reduce startup/shutdown verbose logging. Configure: Rerun bootstrap on modern platform. Upgrade bundled pjproject to 2.14. Res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Add User-Agent header override. App_speech_utils.c: Allow partial speech results. Utils: Make behavior of ast_strsep match strsep. App_chanspy: Add 'D' option for dual-channel audio. App_if: next priority calculation. Res_pjsip_t38.c: Permit IPv6 SDP connection addresses. BuildSystem: Bump autotools versions on OpenBSD. Main/utils: Simplify the FreeBSD ast_get_tid() handling. Res_pjsip_session.c: Correctly format SDP connection addresses. Rtp_engine.c: Correct sample rate typo for L16/44100. Manager.c: erroneous reloads in UpdateConfig. Res_calendar_icalendar: Print iCalendar error on parsing failure. App_confbridge: Don't emit warnings on valid configurations. App_voicemail_odbc: remove macrocontext from voicemail_messages table. Chan_dahdi: Allow MWI to be manually toggled on channels. Chan_rtp.c: MulticastRTP missing refcount without codec option. Chan_rtp.c: Change MulticastRTP nameing to avoid memory leak. Func_frame_trace: Add CLI command to dump frame queue.

GNU GPL communication conferencing telephony sip pbx c python

Orekit 12.0.2 💾

Orekit aims at providing accurate and efficient low level components for the development of flight dynamics applications. It is designed to be easily used in very different contexts, from quick studies up to critical operations. As a library, Orekit provides basic elements (orbits, dates, attitude, frames, ...) and various algorithms to handle them (conversions, propagations, pointing, ...).

minor feature: lt;p gt;Version 12.0.2 is a patch release of Orekit. The main changes are: lt;/p gt;. lt;ul gt;. lt;li gt;Change visibility of InertiaAxis and Inertia constructors to public. lt;/li gt;. lt;li gt;Allow Rinex V4 observation files to have either "ANTENNA: DELTA X/Y/Z" or "ANTENNA: DELTA H/E/N" header line. lt;/li gt;. lt;li gt;Field versions of Frame.getStaticTransformTo don't allow null dates (they never did, but the javadoc wrongly stated this was allowed). lt;/li gt;. lt;li gt;Removed blank lines in SP3 file generation. lt;/li gt;. lt;li gt;forbidden SBAS System Time in SP3 files. lt;/li gt;. lt;li gt;wrong key for Beidou System Time in SP3 files. lt;/li gt;. lt;li gt;wrong parsing of some time systems in SP3 files. lt;/li gt;. lt;li gt;incorrect transmitter location in BistaticRange measurement. lt;/li gt;. lt;li gt;regression in Ephemeris with interpolationPoints=1. lt;/li gt;. lt;li gt;loading of UTC (now thread safe). lt;/li gt;. lt;li gt;DSST Jacobian setup. lt;/li gt;. lt;/ul gt;. lt;p gt;This version depends on Hipparchus 3.0 lt;/p gt;.

Apache scientific physics space flight dynamics aerodynamics astrodynamics satellite-prediction altitude spaceflight orbital-mechanics java

Pandoc 💾

If you need to convert files from one markup format into another, pandoc is your swiss-army knife. Pandoc is a Haskell library for converting from one markup format to another, and a command-line tool that uses this library.

minor bugfix: . . Markdown reader: with footnotes at end of fenced. Div. LaTeX reader:. . Improve tokenization of . Make Tokenization sensitive to makeatletter/ makeatother. Previously we Just always treated as a letter. This led to bad results, e.g. with the sequence . E.g., a @ b would parse as ab and as a .. Make withRaw work. Inside parseFromToks. This is needed for raw environments to work inside table cells.. Better handling of table colwidths. Previously the parser just failed if the column width specified in. p wasn t a multiple of. linewidth. This led to. Cases where content was skipped. . Typst writer:. . Add kind parameter to figures with tables.. Avoid unnecessary box around image in figure.. Omit width/height in images unless explicitly specified. Previously we computed width/heigth for images that didn t have. Size information, because otherwise typst would expand the image to fit page width. This typst behavior has changed in 0.11. This. Change a in which images would sometimes overflow page Margins, depending on their intrinsic size. Don t add hard-coded inset to tables. Instead, set this globally in the default template, allowing it to be customized.. . LaTeX template: block headings support for unnumbered. Paragraphs. HTML templates: Replace polyfill provider. Replace. with has Been acquired by Funnull, and the service has become Unstable. Korean translations: delete colon in translation for to . This was invalid YAML, and not desired anyway, since a colon is. Added. Use latest commonmark, commonmark-extensions. This a 3.12 regression in parsing of commonmark/gfm autolinks. (jgm/commonmark-hs#151). Depend on djot, which a serious parsing affecting regular paragraphs after lists.. Depend on latest skylighting, skylighting-core, typst-hs. Texmath. MANUAL.txt: Change broken link to IDML cookbook.. . . .

GNU GPLv3 utilities haskell

asterisk 21.2.0 💾

Asterisk is an open source framework for building communications applications. Asterisk turns an ordinary computer into a communications server. Asterisk powers IP PBX systems, VoIP gateways, conference servers and other custom solutions. It is used by small businesses, large businesses, call centers, carriers and government agencies, worldwide. Asterisk is free and open source.

minor feature: Res_pjsip_stir_shaken.c: Add checks for missing parameters. App_dial: Add dial time for progress/ringing. App_voicemail: Properly reinitialize config after unit tests. App_queue.c : "queue add member" usage string. App_voicemail: Allow preventing mark messages as urgent. Res_pjsip: Use consistent type for boolean columns. Attestation_config.c: Use ast_free instead of ast_std_free. Makefile: Add stir_shaken/cache to directories created on install. Stir/Shaken Refactor. Translate.c: implement new direct comp table mode. Removed outdated link. Strings.h: Ensure ast_str_buffer( ) returns a 0 terminated string. Res_rtp_asterisk.c: Correct coefficient in MOS calculation. Dsp.c: and improve potentially inaccurate log message. Pjsip show channelstats: Prevent possible segfault when faxing. Reduce startup/shutdown verbose logging. Configure: Rerun bootstrap on modern platform. Upgrade bundled pjproject to 2.14. Res_pjsip_outbound_registration.c: Add User-Agent header override. App_speech_utils.c: Allow partial speech results. Utils: Make behavior of ast_strsep match strsep. App_chanspy: Add 'D' option for dual-channel audio. App_if: next priority calculation. Res_pjsip_t38.c: Permit IPv6 SDP connection addresses. BuildSystem: Bump autotools versions on OpenBSD. Main/utils: Simplify the FreeBSD ast_get_tid() handling. Res_pjsip_session.c: Correctly format SDP connection addresses. Rtp_engine.c: Correct sample rate typo for L16/44100. Manager.c: erroneous reloads in UpdateConfig. Res_calendar_icalendar: Print iCalendar error on parsing failure. App_confbridge: Don't emit warnings on valid configurations. App_voicemail_odbc: remove macrocontext from voicemail_messages table. Chan_dahdi: Allow MWI to be manually toggled on channels. Chan_rtp.c: MulticastRTP missing refcount without codec option. Chan_rtp.c: Change MulticastRTP nameing to avoid memory leak. Func_frame_trace: Add CLI command to dump frame queue. User Notes: app_dial: Add dial time for progress/ringing.

GNU GPL communication conferencing telephony sip pbx c python

asterisk 20.7.0 💾

Asterisk is an open source framework for building communications applications. Asterisk turns an ordinary computer into a communications server. Asterisk powers IP PBX systems, VoIP gateways, conference servers and other custom solutions. It is used by small businesses, large businesses, call centers, carriers and government agencies, worldwide. Asterisk is free and open source.

minor feature: Res_pjsip_stir_shaken.c: Add checks for missing parameters. App_dial: Add dial time for progress/ringing. App_voicemail: Properly reinitialize config after unit tests. App_queue.c : "queue add member" usage string. App_voicemail: Allow preventing mark messages as urgent. Res_pjsip: Use consistent type for boolean columns. Attestation_config.c: Use ast_free instead of ast_std_free. Makefile: Add stir_shaken/cache to directories created on install. Stir/Shaken Refactor. Alembic: Synchronize alembic heads between supported branches. Translate.c: implement new direct comp table mode. Removed outdated link. Strings.h: Ensure ast_str_buffer( ) returns a 0 terminated string. Res_rtp_asterisk.c: Correct coefficient in MOS calculation. Dsp.c: and improve potentially inaccurate log message. Pjsip show channelstats: Prevent possible segfault when faxing. Reduce startup/shutdown verbose logging. Configure: Rerun bootstrap on modern platform. Upgrade bundled pjproject to 2.14. App_speech_utils.c: Allow partial speech results. Utils: Make behavior of ast_strsep match strsep. App_chanspy: Add 'D' option for dual-channel audio. App_if: next priority calculation. Res_pjsip_t38.c: Permit IPv6 SDP connection addresses. BuildSystem: Bump autotools versions on OpenBSD. Main/utils: Simplify the FreeBSD ast_get_tid() handling. Res_pjsip_session.c: Correctly format SDP connection addresses. Rtp_engine.c: Correct sample rate typo for L16/44100. Manager.c: erroneous reloads in UpdateConfig. Res_calendar_icalendar: Print iCalendar error on parsing failure. App_confbridge: Don't emit warnings on valid configurations. App_voicemail: add NoOp alembic script to maintain sync. Chan_dahdi: Allow MWI to be manually toggled on channels. Chan_rtp.c: MulticastRTP missing refcount without codec option. Chan_rtp.c: Change MulticastRTP nameing to avoid memory leak. Func_frame_trace: Add CLI command to dump frame queue.

GNU GPL communication conferencing telephony sip pbx c python

GEGL 0.4.48 💾

GEGL (Generic Graphics Library) is a data flow based image processing framework, providing floating point processing and non-destructive image processing capabilities to GNU Image Manipulation Program and other projects (imgflo, GNOME Photos, gcut, iconographer, …) With GEGL you chain together processing operations to represent the desired image processing pipeline. GEGL provides operations for image loading and storing, color adjustments, GIMPs artistic filters and more forms of image processing GEGL can also be used from the commandline. The primary repository for the GEGL source code in GNOME git, and at GIMPs download site tarball releases. GEGL is Free Software, and both new functionality in new operations as well as relevant development, enhancement requests, patches and bug reports for GEGL at , Finanical support for fun new filters and capabilities as well as gardening/janitor bits and offshoot new color related infrastructure as part of project maintainership is welcome through the patreon campaign at GIMPs donation page.

minor feature:

GNU LGPLv3 multimedia visualization c

asterisk 18.22.0 💾

Asterisk is an open source framework for building communications applications. Asterisk turns an ordinary computer into a communications server. Asterisk powers IP PBX systems, VoIP gateways, conference servers and other custom solutions. It is used by small businesses, large businesses, call centers, carriers and government agencies, worldwide. Asterisk is free and open source.

minor feature: Res_pjsip_stir_shaken.c: Add checks for missing parameters. App_dial: Add dial time for progress/ringing. App_voicemail: Properly reinitialize config after unit tests. App_queue.c : "queue add member" usage string. App_voicemail: Allow preventing mark messages as urgent. Res_pjsip: Use consistent type for boolean columns. Attestation_config.c: Use ast_free instead of ast_std_free. Makefile: Add stir_shaken/cache to directories created on install. Stir/Shaken Refactor. Alembic: Synchronize alembic heads between supported branches. Translate.c: implement new direct comp table mode. Removed outdated link. Strings.h: Ensure ast_str_buffer( ) returns a 0 terminated string. Res_rtp_asterisk.c: Correct coefficient in MOS calculation. Dsp.c: and improve potentially inaccurate log message. Pjsip show channelstats: Prevent possible segfault when faxing. Reduce startup/shutdown verbose logging. Configure: Rerun bootstrap on modern platform. Upgrade bundled pjproject to 2.14. App_speech_utils.c: Allow partial speech results. Utils: Make behavior of ast_strsep match strsep. App_chanspy: Add 'D' option for dual-channel audio. App_if: next priority calculation. Res_pjsip_t38.c: Permit IPv6 SDP connection addresses. BuildSystem: Bump autotools versions on OpenBSD. Main/utils: Simplify the FreeBSD ast_get_tid() handling. Res_pjsip_session.c: Correctly format SDP connection addresses. Rtp_engine.c: Correct sample rate typo for L16/44100. Manager.c: erroneous reloads in UpdateConfig. Res_calendar_icalendar: Print iCalendar error on parsing failure. App_confbridge: Don't emit warnings on valid configurations. App_voicemail: add NoOp alembic script to maintain sync. Chan_dahdi: Allow MWI to be manually toggled on channels. Chan_rtp.c: MulticastRTP missing refcount without codec option. Chan_rtp.c: Change MulticastRTP nameing to avoid memory leak. Func_frame_trace: Add CLI command to dump frame queue.

GNU GPL communication conferencing telephony sip pbx c python

Red5 Media Server 1.3.31 💾

Red5 is an Open Source Flash Server written in Java that supports streaming Video (FLV, F4V, MP4, 3GP), streaming Audio (MP3, F4A, M4A, AAC), recording Client Streams (FLV and AVC+AAC in FLV container), shared objects, live stream publishing, remoting and protocols RTMP, RTMPT, RTMPS, RTMPE. Additional features supported via plugin: WebSocket (ws and wss), RTSP (From Axis-type cameras) and HLS.

minor bugfix: /title . . . mondain. . . . .,2008:Repository/14514767/v1.3.30. 2024-03-18T13:26:50Z. . .

Apache multimedia streaming server java

Paperless-ngx 2.6.3 💾

Paperless-ngx is a community-supported open-source document management system that transforms your physical documents into a searchable online archive so you can keep, well, less paper. Features: Organize and index your scanned documents with tags, correspondents, types, and more. Your data is stored locally on your server and is never transmitted or shared in any way. Performs OCR on your documents, adding searchable and selectable text, even to documents scanned with only images. Utilizes the open-source Tesseract engine to recognize more than 100 languages. Documents are saved as PDF/A format which is designed for long term storage, alongside the unaltered originals. Uses machine-learning to automatically add tags, correspondents and document types to your documents. Supports PDF documents, images, plain text files, Office documents (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and LibreOffice equivalents)1 and more. Paperless stores your documents plain on disk. Filenames and folders are managed by paperless and their format can be configured freely with different configurations assigned to different documents. Beautiful, modern web application that features: Customizable dashboard with statistics. Filtering by tags, correspondents, types, and more. Bulk editing of tags, correspondents, types and more. Drag-and-drop uploading of documents throughout the app. Customizable views can be saved and displayed on the dash

minor feature: : : allow setting allauth @shamoon. Change: dont require empty bulk edit parameters @shamoon. Dependencies: . 4 changes. Chore(deps-dev): Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.5 to 1.15.6 in /src-ui @dependabot. Chore(deps-dev): Bump the development group with 3 updates @dependabot. Chore(deps): Bump the django group with 1 update @dependabot. Chore(deps): Bump the small-changes group with 2 updates @dependabot. . All App Changes: . 8 changes. Chore(deps-dev): Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.5 to 1.15.6 in /src-ui @dependabot. : allow setting allauth @shamoon. Change: remove credentials from redis url in system status @shamoon. Chore(deps-dev): Bump the development group with 3 updates @dependabot. Chore(deps): Bump the django group with 1 update @dependabot. Chore(deps): Bump the small-changes group with 2 updates @dependabot. Change: dont require empty bulk edit parameters @shamoon. : missing translation string @DimitriDR. .

GNU GPLv3 internet web dynamic content indexing search

RE/flex lexical analyzer generator 4.1.2 💾

RE/flex is the fast lexical analyzer generator with full Unicode support, indent/nodent/dedent anchors, lazy quantifiers, word boundaries, and many other modern features. Supports Flex lexer specification syntax and is compatible with Bison/Yacc parsers. Generates reusable source code that is easy to understand. Supports fast scanning of UTF-8/16/32 files, strings, and streams. The reflex scanner generator tool generates clean lexer class code that is thread-safe. Generates Graphviz files to visualize state machine DFAs. RE/flex also offers a collection of class templates to wrap C++ regex engines in a unified API for scanning and searching large data sources.

minor feature: Released 4.1.2 Updated configure scripts. Cast negative ctype function arguments (problem detected on NetBSD 10) #198.

BSDL code-generator c++ cross-plattform developers