GNUnet Worker 1.0.0

As it is often the case with network applications, GNUnet is built following a single-threaded event-driven model. This is an optimal model when dealing with high concurrency scenarios, but can be problematic in other contexts (like, for example, graphical user interfaces, which normally have their own event loop). To accomplish its event-driven flow, GNUnet uses a scheduler. Once such scheduler is started, it is not designed to be invoked by other threads, but can schedule only routines reques

Dasynq 1.1.7

Dasynq is an event loop library similar to libevent, libev and libuv. Key features/attributes are: written in portable C++ code (C++11); Thread safe — full support for use in a multi-threaded application; Header-only library — does not install a shared library; Supports file I/O, signals, process termination and timer events; Linux, OpenBSD, FreeBSD, MacOS — and portable to others. Like other such libraries, it is crossplatform / portable. Unlike most other such libraries, it is intended to be