QOwnNotes 18.06.7

QOwnNotes is the open source (GPL) plain-text file notepad with markdown support and todo list manager for GNU/Linux, Mac OS X and Windows, that (optionally) works together with the notes application of ownCloud.

ownCloud 10.0.9RC2 💾

ownCloud is an online file synchronization and sharing solution. It's easy to use as consumer-grade product, but can be hosted on private servers or data centers. It integrates with existing IT business infrastructure as well, and this allows to constrain and customize security and functional requirements. It comes with a simple user interface for file uploading, viewing or editing, contacts and calendars, bookmarks and media files.

minor feature: stable10 Adjust IProvider2::isAvailable to match IProvider::isAvail . . stable10 delete thumbnails on write hooks. . . . . . API-test-use-webdav-version-table. . scenerio outline for custom DAV property. . stable10 Booksmarks crt was removed. . . . stable10 add IAccountModules and AccountModuleMiddleware. . allow edge to gc chunks. . . . Adjust notification message for the sharing apps. . Adjust tests. . . . . . . . Update changelog for 10.0.9 RC2. . Backport of languages from master. . . . . . Set version to 10.0.9 RC2.

OSL storage cloud web-environment file-sharing