Pandoc 3.1.13 💾

If you need to convert files from one markup format into another, pandoc is your swiss-army knife. Pandoc is a Haskell library for converting from one markup format to another, and a command-line tool that uses this library.

minor feature: . . Org reader:. . treatment of id. Property under heading. . DocBook reader:. . Add empty title to admonition div if not present. This. Allows admonition elements (e.g.  lt;note gt;) to work with gfm admonitions even if. The lt;title gt; is not Present. . DokuWiki reader:. . Link text cannot contain formatting (e.g., // is not italics). An explicitly empty link text ( url ) works the same as an Omitted link text. . Typst reader:. . Support Typst 0.11 table features: col/rowspans, table head. And foot. Parse cell col/rowspans.. . CSLJson writer:. . Put or around math in csljson output. . ConTeXt writer:. . options order with externalfigure. The dimensions Should come before the class if both are present. . Typst writer:. . Put label after Span, not before. Labels get applied to. Preceding markup item. Support Typst 0.11 table features : Colspans, rowspans, cell alignment overrides, relative column Widths, header and footer, multiple table bodies with intermediate Headers. Row heads are not yet supported. The default typst template has been modified so that tables. Don t have lines by default. As is standard with pandoc, we only Add a line under a header or over a footer. However, a different Default stroke pattern can easily be added in a template. More reliable escaping in inline .. contexts. For Example, we need to escape 1. April or it will be Treated as an ordered list. Handle unnumbered on. Headings. . LaTeX writer:. . math inside strikeout.. . Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared:. . Export isOrderedListMarker API Change . . Change lhs tests so they don t use --standalone. This will avoid Test failures due to minor changes in skylighting versions, e.g. #9589. Use latest texmath, typst.. Require pandoc-lua-marshal 0.2.6. an arising when the value of content properties on BlockQuote, Figure, and Div elements. Was an empty list. Update . . .

GNU GPLv3 utilities haskell

PanConvert 0.2.5

PanConvert is a multi-platform GUI for instrumenting Pandoc to convert between various text, file and markup formats. It allows selecting files, or ad-hoc conversion of entered/pasted markup. Pandoc needs to be installed, and handles MarkDown/CommonMark, LaTeX, OPML, ODT and EPUB formats.