mipsrun 0.1

mipsrun is an emulator that allows to run binaries for MIPS machines on *nix-like operating systems. mipsrun does not emulate the machines the binaries were meant to run on, but rather when the program asks to run a system call, mipsrun emulates the system call converting from and to the correct formats, so to the emulated application it looks like a system call in its native execution environment was executed. mipsrun is written in C++, and has been tested on Linux (i386, amd64 and PPC), NetBSD

PSXSDK 20150729

The PSXSDK is a free and open source software development kit that enables anyone with C programming knowledge to make programs and games for Sony's PlayStation console. Everything was either written from scratch or based on already available open source resources. It is thus free from any proprietary code and fully legal to use. The SDK is mostly geared towards a *nix environment, but is fully usable with emulation environments such as MSYS and Cygwin.