wxPHP 💾

wxWidgets for PHP provides a plattform-agnostic extension for building rich and native GUI applications using PHP. All common window, widget and event types are supported in the usual object-structured fashion. Code auto-generation is provided by wxFormBuilder.

minor feature: Fix to correctly brake search for wx-config when first found in confi?. Updated PKGBUILD to use wxWidgets 3.0.1 as link against gtk3. Updated debian changelog. Updated version number on inno setup script. Modified config.m4 to download wxWidgets 3.0.1. Added some wxApp methods. Removed some testing printf code. Updated config.m4 to require sdl and sdl_sound on linux which. Added sdl, sdl_sound as dependencies on archlinux PKGBUILD. Updating docs for building on Mac OS X. Updating macosx-version-min to 10.9. Updating link to heading. Updating location of Mac OS X SDK in docs. Custom templates for wxImage GetData and SetData which fix and. Own the data parameter on wxImage SetData to really fix. Unmodified copy of wxImage::GetData to zval which. Fetch TSRM on wxAppWrapper which probably fixes. Forgot to conditionally fetch tsrm on wxAppWrapper. Set the default wxWidgets version to download and compile on linux an?. Added --with-wxwidgets-version to package.xml so 'pecl install wxwidg?. Updated version numbers and added userland version constants: WXWIDGE?. Enabled wxOutputStream::Write and wxInputStream::Read variations that?. Enabled wxWindow::GetHandle by casting WXWidget to size_t. May fix is?. Modified wxWindow::GetHandle to return the XWindowID on Gtk which sho?. Remove delete on the wxThread garbage collector function, which shoul?. Updated the thread.php example to work properly. Updated debian build files to use gtk3 and others with new changes lo?. setenv.bat now installation independent. Adding travis.yml file. Adding build status to readme. Adding test for PHP 7, and allow failures from it. Added travis-ci IRC notifications to wxphp room on freenode. Git ignore compiler generated *.loT files. Merge child class method overrides that differ into parent methods wh?. Removed trace of debugging code. Simplified README.md and added building steps into INSTALL.md. Automated Mac OSX detection which should. Added note about wx.rc under windows. Updated cha

PHPL php desktop wxwidgets

Phar GUI

Phar-GUI is a wxPHP-based graphical frontend for Phar packages; PHPs universal ZIP/TAR files. It can inspect archives, create or extract them, add or remove files, browse the contained code. It also works on meta attributes, the stub or set an alias. It can't yet modify the compression modes.