Hibernate 6.4.1 šŸ’¾

Hibernate is a popular Object/Relational Mapper tool for Java, and implements the persistence API. Besides ORM functionality, it provides indexing and search, annotation-based constraints, OGM for NoSQL storage, various tools (mapping editor, console, wizards, database reverse engineering) and a few extensions (Hibernate Shards).

minor feature: https://hibernate.atlassian.net/projects/HHH/versions/32216 HHH-17570 - Wrong name provided when checking Oracle autonomous JSON database. HHH-17561 - NullPointerException at OracleServerConfiguration class. HHH-17555 - equals hashcode combined with naturalId. HHH-17553 - java.util.ConcurrentModificationException: null when loading an entity. HHH-17551 - Gradle Enterprise improvements. HHH-17528 - Explicit selection of an @Embeddable property containing associated collections doesn't work. HHH-17525 - StackOverflowError when using @ManyToMany with composite id. HHH-17520 - Schema creation fails with interval second data type on PostgreSQL. HHH-17519 - Initializing a lazy association with a non aggregate id causes a NPE. HHH-17515 - DynamicInstantiationResult wrong java type constructor selected. HHH-17499 - SemanticException when querying embedded id entity with positional parameter. HHH-17494 - Metamodel generator produces an uncompilable class when an EntityGraph name contains a comma. HHH-17491 - UnknownEntityTypeException thrown when multiple subclasses define an attribute with the same name and one is a MappedSuperclass. HHH-17489 - ConcurrentModificationException after upgrading to 6.4.0. HHH-17466 - Exception on query: Could not convert 'java.util.Locale' to 'java.util.Locale' using 'org.hibernate.type.descriptor.java.LocaleJavaType' to wrap. HHH-17464 - 6.4.0 regression: NullPointerException in DefaultEvictEventListener#onEvict. HHH-17456 - java.util.UnknownFormatConversionException thrown why logging set to TRACE. HHH-17445 - Subquery correlated path expressions do not work with nullness predicates. HHH-17418 - Bytecode enchanced read accessor for a final field uses "missing" writer method. HHH-17416 - Using tuples in WHERE clause throws SemanticException. HHH-17413 - Invalid SQL with TYPE() function and CASE expression in SELECT cl

GNU GPL java orm hibernate database indexing

Rspamd 3.7.5 šŸ’¾

Rspamd is an advanced spam filtering system featuring support for various internal and external filters such as regular expressions, suffix tries, RBLs, URL black lists, IP lists, SPF, DKIM, character maps, advanced statistics module (based on OSB-Bayes algorithm) and fuzzy hashes database that is generated based on honeypots traffic. Rspamd is designed to process hundreds of messages per second simultaneously without significant CPU load.

minor bugfix: * Fixed logging in `rspamadm` (Reported by `@cfasnacht`) * Fixed logging when using `systemd = true` (Reported by `@AdamMajer`) * `dkim_signing`: `signing_table`: lowercase inputs before lookup (Reported by `@EurenikZ`) * Fixed build without hyperscan (Reported by `@a16bitsysop`) * Fix build on loongarch64 (Contributed by `@wuruilong01`)

Apache email-filter antispam c lua

Calibre 7.2 šŸ’¾

Calibre is an e-book library management application, viewer and editor. It's also commonly used for e-book file format conversion and syncing to reader devices. Calibre also simplifies downloading news from the web and converting them into e-book form, and can act as content server for online access to your book collection.

minor feature: Release: 7.2 15 Dec, 2023 New features Content server: Also listen for all incoming IPv6 connections by default, not just IPv4. Book details: Allow deleting notes from the right click menu easily. Windows: Edit book: a crash when using the check book tool with a book that contains malformed markup, in calibre 7 Windows: Improve flickering at startup due to a Qt regression in calibre 7. Windows: moving the main window causing popup/floating windows to be resized in calibre 7 due to yet another Qt regression. detection of existing books on the Tolino Vision 6 Linux: external applications not being launched under Wayland in calibre 7 because of a in Qt. Linux: network requests failing under Fedora in calibre 7. Improved news sources. Reuters. Scientific American. New Yorker. Times of India. infzm. singtaohk.

GNU GPLv3 python c++ ebook-reader e-book conversion

Manuskript 0.16.1 šŸ’¾

Manuskript is a perfect tool for those writer who like to organize and plan everything before writing. The snowflake method can help you grow your idea into a book, by leading you step by step and asking you questions to go deeper. While writing, keep track of notes about every characters, plot, event, place in your story. Manuskript is still in development, and in need of extensive testing.

minor bugfix: Full Changelog : Characters, Plots and Worlds are greyed out #1249. Missing Pages with Version 0.16.0 #1248. Software crashing every time I open #1247.

GNU GPLv3 writing word processor editor markdown

GitLab 16.6.2 šŸ’¾

GitLab is a development collaboration tool and git DVCS frontend. It includes repository management features, code reviews, an issue tracker, activity feeds and wikis. GitLab provides fine-grained access control, user management, 5 permission levels and branch constraints, and can utilize LDAP/AD intranet authorization. Powered by Ruby on Rails it comes as open source package, and as commercial supported enterprise version.

minor security: (2023-12-13). ### (1 change). adding confidential child tasks (gitlab-org/security/gitlab@1e67ddffca37e733aee2c3b118c2f9510fc094c0). ### Security (8 changes). Prevent tag names starting with SHA-1 and SHA-256 values (gitlab-org/security/gitlab@d942166b879e8986d9deb45ab1732fa563e715c2) ( merge request (gitlab-org/security/gitlab!3746)). Pass encoded file paths to router (gitlab-org/security/gitlab@1e414bb90ec85c818955bb241934bd43137adb4d) ( merge request (gitlab-org/security/gitlab!3735)). Validate access level of user while rotating token (gitlab-org/security/gitlab@a8267a4facee6ba922897fa2a1f358636d24fb09) ( merge request (gitlab-org/security/gitlab!3750)). large time_spent value causing GraphQL error `Integer out of bounds` (gitlab-org/security/gitlab@6a48b4b8d58daf75a1d1da192b69c790435427bc) ( merge request (gitlab-org/security/gitlab!3745)). Restrict Protected branch access via group to direct members (gitlab-org/security/gitlab@dde50268150c2ef4653c7024eb8357321042ec94) ( merge request (gitlab-org/security/gitlab!3726)). Remove the ability to fork and create MR for auditors (gitlab-org/security/gitlab@c1a532527ee764c32f9c0779fa787a31b6d481f4) ( merge request (gitlab-org/security/gitlab!3738)). Restrict passing variables on the pipeline schedule API (gitlab-org/security/gitlab@0f12c83c9be495e37a04594c678a500643deb410) ( merge request (gitlab-org/security/gitlab!3723)). Smartcard auth: encrypt client cert in params (gitlab-org/security/gitlab@180374e354da080d90c70500aef9e574cc371e9e) ( merge request (gitlab-org/security/gitlab!3729)).

MITL ruby ruby-on-rails git dvcs wiki bugtracker version-control

LimeSurvey 6.3.9 build 231211 šŸ’¾

LimeSurvey is a web application that interacts with MySQL, MSSQL, or Postgres to develop surveys, publish surveys, and collect responses to surveys. Once a survey has been created, data can be inserted into the survey either by a "pretty" public screen which presents each question one at a time, or by a quick and nasty data entry screen. It includes the capacity to generate individualized "tokens", so that invitations can be issued to participants. It also has the capacity to set conditions on whether questions will display (branching), numerous question types, and a basic statistics function.

minor feature: Unable to update from pre 495 version (Denis Chenu). CT-531: not able to download quickCSVReport (Patrick Teichmann). CT-531: Timing statistics button is missing from the responses view (Patrick Teichmann). CT-531: Popover error on empty string in responsesListTable (twilligls). Invalid fruity_twentythree template directory on PostgreSQL (Olle HƤrstedt). SURVEYURL didn't work with plugin using cli event (Gabriel Jenik). Updated translation: Slovak by jelen1. Updated translation: Polish by elissa. Updated translation: Polish (Informal) by elissa. Updated translation: Korean by modernity4r. Updated translation: Japanese by d_inoue, nomoto. Updated translation: Hungarian by kkd, tkazinczy. Updated translation: Hebrew by neaman. Updated translation: German by c_schmitz. Updated translation: Finnish by Jmantysalo. Updated translation: Czech by jelen1. Updated translation: Czech (Informal) by jelen1.

GNU GPL survey php mysql mssql postgres

Univention Corporate Server 5.0-6 šŸ’¾

Univention Corporate Server (UCS) is a scalable and Open Source Linux based software appliance for identity, IT infrastructure and service management. It offers basic services for managing users, groups, and computers. In addition, UCS also contains a wide range of server applications, i.e. for IP management (DNS/DHCP), mail and groupware solutions, file share and sync tools, online office suites, project management tools, ERP solutions, and more ā€“ all available in the Univention App Center. UCS has a modular design, scales well, and is easy to deploy. UCS is Open Source, available as free edition or as enterprise edition with support and extended maintenance. UCS integrates with Microsoft Active Directory or offers Active Directory compatible services to replace Microsoft servers. It's also possible to manage the identities for Windows, macOS, and Linux clients and servers. Main Features: ā€¢ Easy web based management system for identities, resources, services, and more. ā€¢ Integrated IT management services like LDAP (directory services), Kerberos (authentication), DNS and DHCP. ā€¢ More than 90 apps in the Univention App Center, including 3rd party business applications like Nextcloud, ownCloud, ONLYOFFICE, Collabora, OpenProject, SuiteCRM, OpenXchange and Kopano (one-click installation or virtual appliances). ā€¢ Compatible with Microsoft Active Directory Download at: https://www.univention.com/downloads/

major feature: On december 13, 2023, UCS 5.0-6 was released. Release notes with all details at: https://docs.software-univention.de/release-notes/5.0-6/en/

Affero GPLv3 it-infrastructure-management active-directory-migration domain-management cloud-management samba-4 app-center linux-distribution open-source

jq 1.7.1 šŸ’¾

"jq" is a JSON querying and processing tool for the command line. It implements features from awk/grep/sed for structured data, can be used in pipes or mangle data in-place with a simple query language and combination/filtering syntax. Implemented in portable C with minimal dependencies.

minor feature: DecNumberToString calls for a buffer that can hold a string of digits+14 Characters, not a buffer of size digits+14. We need to allocate an extra byte for the NUL byte. -10E-1000010001, for example, will be stringified as -1.0E-1000010000. And decNumberToString will currently write an extra NUL byte after the. Allocated buffer in the heap. Originally reported by @SEU-SSL on GitHub. Ref: https://.chromium.org/p/oss-fuzz//detail?id=64574. GHSA-686w-5m7m-54vc.

MITL c json command-line querying extraction text-processing

Geonkick 3.1.1 šŸ’¾

Geonkick is a free software synthesizer capable of generating a wide range of percussive sounds, including kicks, snares, claps, hi-hats, shakers, and also unique effect sounds. LV2, VST3, Standalone 16 Instruments, 16 MIDI Keys 16 Stereo Channels 3 Layers/Instrument, 3 Oscillators/Layer Play, modify & blend samples with synthesis Save (JSON) & Export (FLAC, WAV, Ogg, SFZ)

minor bugfix: : For Windows: GUI getting slow after a time of working. Shading of effects group box by the global and noise group box.

GNU GPLv3 audio synthesizer

BallroomDJ 4 4.4.7 šŸ’¾

BallroomDJ 4 is a ballroom music player. It is designed to play music the entire evening without intervention. Manage your ballroom dance music and create song lists, automatic playlist and sequenced playlists. BallroomDJ 4 is the replacement for BallroomDJ.

minor feature: 4.4.7 2023-12-13 * Bug Fixes: * Fix some memory leaks. * Player: Fix issue switching queues when playback was paused. * Starter: De-iconify windows when they are iconified. * New Features: * Player: Reload.

Zlib end-users linux macos windows player ballroom c gtk

Yoshimi šŸ’¾

A software synthesizer for Linux, originally forked from ZynAddSubFX (Copyright 2002-2009 Nasca Octavian Paul) in 2009 by Alan Calvert. Initially, Yoshimi delivered the same synthesizer capabilities. After early improvement of Jack and Alsa midi/audio performance, now many new features have been added, and we are concentrating on accessibility.

minor bugfix:

GNU GPL audio synthesizer

The Ursa programming language 0.2.1 šŸ’¾

Ursa helps you write code that will last a long time: a simple, general-purpose programming language that is easy to pick up and will work the same way long into the future.

minor bugfix: This release includes minor fixes and improvements for Ursa running in the browser.

GNU GPLv3 proglang programming language

Pandoc 3.1.10 šŸ’¾

If you need to convert files from one markup format into another, pandoc is your swiss-army knife. Pandoc is a Haskell library for converting from one markup format to another, and a command-line tool that uses this library.

major feature: Link pandoc-cli version to pandoc version. Henceforth pandoc-cli s version will be synchronized with pandoc s, and pandoc-cli will depend on an exact pandoc version. This will avoid confusion by ensuring that cabal install pandoc-cli-X.Y.Z installs pandoc version X.Y.Z. It will make things more straightforward for upstream packagers (see #9232). This scheme does not follow the Haskell PVP, but that should cause no harm, because this package does not expose a library. Add alerts markdown extension. This enables GitHub style markdown alerts as a commonmark extension. This extension is now default for gfm. It can t be used with markdown, only with commonmark and variants. Markdown reader: Preserve newlines in math instead of changing to spaces. Otherwise we can get unwanted results if there s a comment (#9193). Make attributes work with reference links (#9171). HTML reader: Improve handling of invalidly nested sublists (#9187, cf. #8150). MediaWiki reader: Allow attribute keys with hyphens (#9178). ODT reader: Support attr text:continue-numbering (#8979, Stephan Meijer). Typst reader: Allow references (e.g. @foo) to become citations if there is no corresponding label in the document. Collapse adjacent cite elements. Handle supplements in cite. Change cite (only one key allowed, a label) (typst 0.9 breaking change). Support quote element (typst 0.9). LaTeX reader: Handle otherlanguage environment and language-name environments like begin french ... end french (#9202). Fix theorem label parsing (#8872, Hikaru Ibayashi). Docx reader: Unwrap content of shaped textboxes (Stephan Meijer, #9214). Improve handling of w:sym (#9220). We now look up symbols in symbol fonts using the table defined at Text.Pandoc.Readers.Docx.Symbols. Add unexported module Text.Pandoc.Readers.Docx.Symbols. This gives us a table to

GNU GPLv3 utilities haskell

Owncast 0.1.2 šŸ’¾

Owncast is a free and open source live video and web chat server for use with existing popular broadcasting software.

major feature: Major updates Added Log IP address when stream key is rejected #3212 Do not allow the use of externally API registered chat display names #3234 Add confirmation/conditions/agreement modal when enabling directory #3258 Chat user leave event #3201 Changed Don't let people set private IP addresses as public url #3268 Revert back to using server-rendered bot pages #3253 Handle people trying to save invalid URLs in the admin #3297 Fixed Fix typo in actions.tsx #3225 Cleanup local files when using object storage #3230 Occasional crashes, SIGSEGV #3223 Add support for custom object storage path prefixes #3254 bug macOS 0.1.0 release doesn't run on arm macs #3056 Support custom serving endpoint with local storage #3292 Firefox: URL adds a mysterious "#" #3240 Geo details in viewer list is not populated when using a CDN #3349 Fix embed player heights #3210 invalid memory address error #3331 Mobile action menu button does not scroll #3271 Client side exception in /admin/chat/users/ #3373 fix emojis overflowing the chat message #3228 Fix parsing of Authorization Bearer header #3376 "missing port in address" error after IP address parsing change #3371 fix: add additional validation before making remote requests #3398 Bug: "Error: too many colons in address" #3419 User badges need spacing between them #3247 Incorrect artifact timestamps on builds #3282 live for announcements should not be in aria live region #3334

MITL audio video livestreaming streaming

Gitea 1.21.2 šŸ’¾

Gitea is a painless self-hosted Git service. It is similar to GitHub, Bitbucket, and GitLab. Gitea is a fork of Gogs. See the Gitea Announcement blog post to read about the justification for a fork. Purpose The goal of this project is to provide the easiest, fastest, and most painless way of setting up a self-hosted Git service. With Go, this can be done with an independent binary distribution across all platforms and architectures that Go supports. This support includes Linux, macOS, and Windows, on architectures like amd64, i386, ARM, PowerPC, and others.

minor feature: SECURITY. Rebuild with recently released golang version. missing check. Do some missing checks. . margin in server signed signature verification view. object does not exist error when checking citation file. Use `filepath` instead of `path` to create SQLite3 database file. the runs will not be displayed when the main branch have no workflows but other branches have. Handle repository.size column being NULL in migration v263. Convert git commit summary to valid UTF8.. migration panic due to an empty review comment diff. Add `HEAD` support for rpm repo files. RPM/Debian signature key creation. Keep profile tab when clicking on Language. missing search index update when changing status. wrong link in `protect_branch_name_pattern_desc`. Read `previous` info from git blame. Ignore "non-existing" errors when getDirectorySize calculates the size. Use appSubUrl for OAuth2 callback URL tip. Meilisearch: require all query terms to be matched. required error for token name. will be detected as pull request when checking `First-time contributor`. Use full width for project boards. Increase "version" when update the setting value to a same value as before. Also sync DB branches on push if necessary. Make gogit Repository.GetBranchNames consistent. Recover from panic in cron task. Deprecate query string auth tokens. ENHANCEMENTS. Improve doctor cli behavior. margin in server signed signature verification view. Refactor template empty checks. Read `previous` info from git blame. Use full width for project boards. Enable system users search via the API.

MITL git go