adx - addressbook.xml 1.50

adx is a minimalistic but full-featured address book. For contact management running completely in your web browser. Based on Plain Old XML (POX). FEATURES: Small (<350KB), lightweight, portable, contact tagging, geo mapping, web accounts, vCard download, QR code generator (offline) for (vCard, WiFi, free text), etc. HOW IT WORKS: Plain Old XML + XSLT = HTML web app in your web browser. Can be hosted online or local (disk, USB flash drive, etc). Own your data!

Tags address-book contact-mangement web-app browser cross-plattform offline online minimalistic tagging qr-code soho xml pox
License BSDL
State mature

Recent Releases

1.5022 Oct 2023 00:19 major feature: Besides improved support for computer accessibility (a11y) this release promotes the new feature for user settings in addressbook xml from experimental to final.
1.4005 May 2023 20:40 major feature: This release introduces bigger new experimental on-top features for early evaluation (while being fully backward-compatible): 1. USER SETTINGS which can be directly set in the addressbook xml file 2. With QUICK ACCESS for contact fields of your choice 3. (X)HTML formatting 4. Custom CSS formatting 4. Enables Micro CMS as off-topic feature. Besides the new experimental features this is a maintenance release with several smaller improvements and fixes.
1.2207 Apr 2023 22:03 minor feature: Improved OS integration (MIME-Type of downloaded vCards). Fixed Google Maps links (URL template, displayname removed for more stability). Improved User interface on small screens (adx headline). Improved search functionality (includes now values of xml tag "org"). Updated documentation for phone numbers (see tooltip in search field). Fixed issue when search term via url parameter contained percentage.
1.1704 Sep 2017 22:05 minor feature: QR code generator supports now up to max 2953 Bytes (note: max characters may be lower due to UTF-8 encoding which eats more than 1 byte for special characters). Added entry "QR" in top menu for showing/hiding box with QR code generator. Save Settings provides now also URL for copy and paste. minor changes for QR handling.
1.1618 Aug 2017 20:04 minor feature: 1.16 (2017-08-18) - Improved CR code creation for slower machines or big text length for QR (Added QR creation scheduler skipping non needed QR creations when keyboard input is quicker then QR creation) - Added QR footer with info about text and byte length - Added experimental account support for 'WhatsApp'
1.1406 Jul 2017 21:05 minor feature: 1.14 (2017-07-05) - Changed document output from HTML 4.01 to HTML 5 and encoding from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8. This should also fix character encoding issues which resulted in malfunction of javascript operations on contacts (like show/hide contact details) - Visual enhancement: Expand/collapse of contact details now with animation - Visual enhancement: fixed position of vertical divider - Fixed issue with QR infobox (CSS change for new fixed table centering changed also QR infobox by accident). changed id from "main" to "contacts" - Added account support for (incl icon): http:// account - and other minor changes and fixes
1.1315 Mar 2017 08:43 minor feature: 1.13 (2017-03-14) - QR Code: speed optimization for creating QR codes (for default error correction level "L") - QR Code: Added QR Code for WiFi lt;wifi authentication="WPA WEP " password="" hidden="true " type="home work ... " myWiFiName lt;/wifi -- works for: Android (open: support for windows phone, iphone) - Alpha New URL parameters for creating QR Codes (e.g. for omnibar integration): -- Added new url param "qr" (example url: addressbook.xml?qr=MyTextToEncodeIntoQRCode ) -- Added new url param "qrbyid" (example url: addressbook.xml?qrbyid=bartensud ) --- Value of param is the id of the contact. If fhe id is not defined manually in XML via contact's attribute "id", the automatically calculated id is used - GUI change: New adx logo is shown in browser tab - GUI enhancement: frequency groups are now visually separated by dashed vertical line (style can be configured with new setting variable "frequencyGroups_separator_borderStyle") - serveral other minor changes