Atom 1.59.0-beta0

Atom is a programming editor. It has a web / JavaScript-based GUI, but runs as desktop application. Atom can be edited with itself. Lots of plugins and extensions, and language bindings are available. The default interface comes with a paned interface, a file system browser, fuzzy search, code folding, an understandable configuration dialog, snippet browser, multi-cursor and selection support.

Tags javascript editor programmers web-development
License MITL
State stable

Recent Releases

1.59.0-beta030 Jul 2021 03:16 minor feature: #22315 - Update to macOS Big Sur icon. #22424 - reopening a project in safeMode and devMode. #22123 - Improve contrast on Windows app icons. Atom/archive-view#73 - Add ability to collapse archived directories (zip, tar, e.t.c). Atom/bracket-matcher#405 - Handle multicursor selection inside brackets. Atom/find-and-replace#932 - Add "Open in New Tab" and "Open in New Window" right-click context menu options. Atom/atom#22185 - Use n-api for native modules. Atom/atom#21379 - Use the built-in Visual Studio instead of windows-build-tools v4. Atom/atom#22347 - Bump whitespace@0.37.8. Atom/atom#22353 - Bump find-and-replace@0.219.8. Atom/atom#22354 - Speed up blinking cursor. Atom/atom#22372 - Bump hosted-git-info from 2.7.1 to 2.8.9 in /packages/about. Atom/atom#22371 - Bump hosted-git-info from 2.7.1 to 2.8.9 in /script/vsts. Atom/atom#22361 - Bump lodash from 4.17.20 to 4.17.21 in /packages/about. Atom/atom#22384 - Bump pathwatcher@8.1.1. Atom/atom#22386 - Bump bracket-matcher@0.92.0. Atom/atom#22385 - Bump postcss from 8.1.6 to 8.2.10. Atom/atom#22395 - Bump language-php@0.47.0. Atom/atom#22096 - : update language-python for nightly. Atom/atom#22407 - Bump archive-view@0.66.0. Atom/atom#22315 - Replaced OS X Yosemite-era icon with macOS Big Sur icon for Atom for Macs. Atom/atom#22424 - Pass safeMode and devMode on reopening a project. Atom/atom#22433 - Get rpm from bionic. Atom/atom#22446 - Update to match the move to Github Discussion. Atom/atom#22447 - Remove instructions to join slack. Atom/atom#22297 - typo in text-editor-spec.js. Atom/atom#22123 - app icons on Windows. Atom/atom#22103 - Convert var to const/let in src files. Atom/atom#22076 - RPM dependencies. Atom/atom#22421 - Replaced the old Atom document icon with the Big Sur icon. Atom/atom#22053 - : remove unused parser instance. Atom/atom#22450 - script: Let bootstrap install apm with npm ci. Atom/atom#22453 - Bump minidump@0.22.0. Atom/archive-view#78 - Migrate to Github Actions. At
1.57.012 May 2021 12:25 minor feature: #21847 - Improve detection of incompatible native modules. Atom/atom#22019 - failing Dependency Bump script. Atom/atom#21927 - : require.node files directly to detect incompatible native modules. Atom/atom#22046 - context menu not working. Atom/atom#22050 - context menu right click not working ( alternative ). Atom/atom#22106 - Bump y18n from 3.2.1 to 3.2.2. Atom/atom#22061 - focus-trap@6.3.0. Atom/atom#22060 - chai@4.3.4. Atom/atom#22063 - git-utils@5.7.1. Atom/atom#22068 - normalize-package-data@3.0.2. Atom/atom#22152 - Bump settings-view@0.261.8. Atom/atom#22159 - Bump tree-view@0.228.3. Atom/atom#22080 - tree-sitter-language-mode null highlight iterators. Atom/settings-view#1176 - : update async dependency. Atom/settings-view#1182 - Catch README file not found error. Atom/tree-view#1377 - Wrap fs.realpathSync in a try catch.
1.57.0-beta014 Apr 2021 09:45 minor feature: #21847 - gy quitting behaviour on macOS after all windows are. #21852 - Improve java syntax highlighting. #21847 - Add setting to disable middle mouse paste. (editor. selectionClipboard). #21777 - Electron upgrade . Atom/atom#21753 - handling of "empty" language injections with Tree-sitter. Atom/atom#21715 - check if testRunner is es module. Atom/atom#21848 - Add Authorization. Atom/atom#21903 - github. Atom/atom#21928 - dependency bump script. Atom/github#2459 - use action-setup-atom. Atom/github#2621 - package.json: pin @babel/core to less than 7.12.10. Atom/github#2625 - Update shell.openExternal to promise due to electron update on atom. Atom/github#2626 - Update to promise api for some methods in the electron API. Atom/github#2631 - github failing tests for Atom's electron 9.4.1 upgrade. Atom/spell-check#357 - Add enableDeto config. Atom/spell-check#359 - unable to load package.
1.55.010 Mar 2021 06:05 minor feature: Atom/github#2564 - Read and write git configuration without repository. Atom/atom#21665 - postcss@8.1.6. Atom/atom#21762 - GitHub package update. Atom/atom#21787 - async confirm. Atom/github#2559 - GraphQL schema update. Atom/github#2566 - GraphQL schema update. Atom/github#2564 - Read and write git configuration without repository. Atom/github#2572 - Increase priority of login prompt on GitHub tab. Atom/github#2573 - Correct a flaky test. Atom/github#2574 - Trim and pull request templates. Atom/github#2575 - GraphQL schema update. Atom/github#2583 - Bump superstring from 2.4.2 to 2.4.3. Atom/github#2584 - Bump whats-my-line@0.1.13. Atom/github#2585 - GraphQL schema update. Atom/github#2587 - Accept and cancel buttons on Git identity panel. Atom/github#2586 - Some useful docs to link to. Atom/github#2588 - Bump whats-my-line@0.1.4. Atom/github#2592 - Security Bump ini from 1.3.5 to 1.3.7. Atom/github#2598 - Bump dompurify from 2.0.7 to 2.0.17. Atom/github#2617 - test: Disable failing file-patch tests for Atom CI.
1.54.014 Jan 2021 03:16 minor feature: #21495 - Add defaultFontSize setting. #20393 - Skip shell functions when parsing env. Atom/spell-check#350 - Add cmd shortkeys for Linux and Windows. Atom/tree-view#1359 - Do not wipe original file when duplicating. Atom/tree-view#1364 - unable to show file warning. Atom/atom#21495 - Add defaultFontSize setting. Atom/atom#21510 - Add support for global macOS find pasteboard. Atom/atom#21518 - yargs@16.1.0. Atom/atom#21447 - WSL uname test. Atom/atom#21492 - tree-sitter@0.17.1. Atom/atom#20892 - Use HTML native preventScroll for textEditorComponent focus. Atom/atom#21543 - postcss@8.1.2. Atom/atom#21542 - chart.js@2.9.4. Atom/atom#20393 - Skip shell functions when parsing env. Atom/atom#21544 - resolve@1.18.1. Atom/atom#21589 - temp@0.9.2. Atom/atom#21587 - atom.confirm and internal use of dialog.showMessageBox. Atom/atom#21604 - sinon@9.2.1. Atom/atom#21615 - tree-view@0.228.2. Atom/atom#21641 - electron-osx-sign@0.5.0. Atom/atom#21655 - find-and-replace@0.219.7. Atom/atom#21657 - Upgrade the GitHub package. Atom/find-and-replace#1142 - broken find and replace button. Atom/github#2358 - GraphQL schema update. Atom/github#2429 - GraphQL schema update. Atom/github#2436 - Give dialog text editors room to expand. Atom/github#2298 - Use GitHub actions for tests. Atom/github#2437 - Only show identity on present repositories. Atom/github#2441 - GraphQL schema update. Atom/github#2444 - Dugite 1.88.5 and Failing Test. Atom/github#2445 - GraphQL schema update. Atom/github#2457 - GraphQL schema update. Atom/github#2461 - GraphQL schema update. Atom/github#2463 - GraphQL schema update. Atom/github#2465 - GraphQL schema update. Atom/github#2472 - GraphQL schema update. Atom/github#2475 - GraphQL schema update. Atom/github#2478 - GraphQL schema update. Atom/github#2480 - GraphQL schema update. Atom/github#2482 - GraphQL schema update. Atom/github#2484 - GraphQL schema update. Atom/github#2489 - Bump lodash from 4.17.14 to 4.17.19. Atom/github#2490 - Bump
1.54.0-beta011 Nov 2020 06:05 minor feature: #21367 - version information. #21425 - Update Debian dependencies, installing Atom on Ubuntu Groovy. #21446 - Clarify the context under which log-file is used. Atom/github#2425 - Hide git and GitHub tab avatar alt text when offline. Atom/github#2426 - Create repository for single file. Atom/tree-view#1315 - Always show Tree View. Atom/atom#21267 - Revert build template. Atom/atom#21287 - Bump lodash from 4.17.15 to 4.17.20 in /packages/about. Atom/atom#21242 - Bump bl from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 in /script. Atom/atom#20956 - github@0.35.0. Atom/atom#21196 - tree-sitter@0.16.2. Atom/atom#21028 - electron-osx-sign@0.4.17. Atom/atom#21029 - etch@0.14.0. Atom/atom#21262 - Ci publish template. Atom/atom#21269 - CI build template including patches. Atom/atom#21298 - CI test template. Atom/atom#21299 - async@3.2.0. Atom/atom#21193 - fs-admin@0.15.0. Atom/atom#21081 - Cross-platform CI scripts. Atom/atom#21310 - tree-view@0.228.1. Atom/atom#21294 - Bump node-fetch from 2.6.0 to 2.6.1 in /script. Atom/atom#21293 - Bump node-fetch from 2.2.0 to 2.6.1 in /script/vsts. Atom/atom#21249 - Bump decompress from 4.2.0 to 4.2.1 in /script/vsts. Atom/atom#20521 - Bump acorn from 5.7.3 to 5.7.4. Atom/atom#20043 - Bump mixin-deep from 1.3.1 to 1.3.2 in /script. Atom/atom#20632 - Bump https-proxy-agent from 2.2.1 to 2.2.4 in /script/vsts. Atom/atom#21212 - update npm@6.14.8. Atom/atom#21109 - Parallelize Tests in CI (+ Refactor and Improvements). Atom/atom#21319 - postcss@8.0.3. Atom/atom#20042 - Bump eslint-utils from 1.3.1 to 1.4.3 in /script. Atom/atom#21331 - postcss@8.0.5. Atom/atom#21336 - DependsOn windows_tests. Atom/atom#21042 - scrollbar-style@3.2.1. Atom/atom#21046 - typescript-simple@8.0.6. Atom/atom#21338 - tree-sitter@0.16.2. Atom/atom#21295 - Tests: retry timed out steps automatically. Atom/atom#21340 - Remove random-words dependancy. Atom/atom#21343 - Dependancy updates. Atom/atom#21036 - mocha-junit-reporter@2.0.0. Atom/atom#21367 - version informati
1.53.0-beta014 Oct 2020 06:05 minor feature: #21079 - Upgrade to electron 6 . #20212 - Support semantic highlighting on tree-sitter grammars. Atom/language-php#394 - Improve php syntax highlighting. Atom/language-python#318 - Improve python syntax highlighting. Atom/atom#21095 - find-and-replace@0.219.5. Atom/atom#21096 - settings-view@0.261.5. Atom/atom#20212 - Support semanticolor. Atom/atom#21179 - Bump language-php to 0.44.6. Atom/atom#21079 - Electron 6 Take Two. Atom/atom#21198 - language-python@0.53.5. Atom/atom#21248 - language-php@0.44.7. Atom/atom#21230 - CI build template. Atom/atom#21230 - CI build template. Atom/atom#21264 - CI build template patch. Atom/atom#21264 - CI build template patch. Atom/atom#21267 - Revert build template. Atom/find-and-replace#1128 - broken replace all function. Atom/settings-view#1156 - scroll in package settings pane. Atom/language-php#394 - meta.use end regex. Atom/language-php#399 - multiline ternary, add named arguments. Atom/language-python#318 - Added async (line 851).
1.52.0-beta010 Sep 2020 08:25 minor feature: #20899 - Faster listing of available packages. Atom/atom#21039 - prebuild-install@5.3.5. Atom/atom#21061 - no PR triggers on release builds. Atom/atom#20856 - Miscellaneous python3-related updates and. Atom/atom#20899 - Faster atom.packages.getAvailablePackages.
1.51.0-beta012 Aug 2020 10:25 minor feature: #20804 - multi cursor correct setting. #20910 - Add async and await keywords to Rust highlighter. Atom/language-gfm#240 - Improve GitHub favoured markdown syntax highlighting. Atom/language-php#377 - Add support for arrow functions. Atom/language-php#378 - Add support for numeric literal separator. Atom/language-php#379 - Add missing operators: spread, exponentiation, null coalescing. Atom/language-php#380 - Add support for typed properties, anonymous classes, object serialization. Atom/language-php#384 - parsing class with capital letter after instanceof correctly. Atom/atom#20406 -.deb install on ubuntu 20.04. Atom/atom#20716 - Review/finalize Python approach for mid 2020. Atom/atom#20804 - multi cursor correct setting. Atom/atom#20927 - language-gfm@0.90.8. Atom/atom#20928 - language-typescript@0.6.3. Atom/atom#20989 - Typos. Atom/atom#20560 - language-php@0.44.5. Atom/atom#20910 - Add async and await keywords to Rust highlighter. Atom/atom#20999 - Automate dependency bumps. Atom/atom#21041 - resolve@1.17.0. Atom/atom#21043 - semver@7.3.2. Atom/language-gfm#240 - Refactor grammar in order to improve readability and address a in syntax highlighting of Atom and GitHub. Atom/language-php#377 - Arrow functions. Atom/language-php#378 - Numeric literal separator. Atom/language-php#379 - Missing operators: spread, exponentiation, null coalescing. Atom/language-php#380 - Typed properties, anonymous classes, object serialization. Atom/language-php#384 - Parse class with capitol letter after instanceof correctly. Atom/language-typescript#44 - fileTypes.
1.50.0-beta015 Jul 2020 03:25 minor feature: #20799 - chrome-sandbox file permissions on linux distross. #20855 - Enable webview support. Atom/atom#20750 - spell-check@0.76.1. Atom/atom#20741 - Enable WebView on main-process in electron options. Atom/atom#20830 - text-buffer@13.17.3. Atom/atom#20799 - chrome-sandbox file permissions. Atom/atom#20855 - Enable webview support with the correct option. Atom/atom#20879 - Use the "ELECTRON_CUSTOM_VERSION" env var in build scripts. Atom/atom#20547 - Await configuration loading on Windows. Atom/atom#20804 - multi cursor correct setting.
1.48.011 Jun 2020 16:25 minor feature: Atom/spell-check#332 cannot load the checker for xx-YY. Upgrade apm to 2.5.0. Update npm to 6.14.4 for Python 3 support. Add setting to disable multi cursor on click. #20799 - chrome-sandbox file permissions on linux distross. #20855 - Enable webview support. #20614 - Improve Java syntax highlighting. Atom/atom#20614 - language-java@0.31.5. Atom/atom#20703 - Upgrade apm to 2.5.0. Atom/atom#20711 - script: Update npm to 6.14.4 for Python 3 support. Atom/atom#20444 - feat: add setting to disable multi cursor on click. Atom/atom#20799 - chrome-sandbox file permissions. Atom/atom#20855 - Enable webview support with the correct option.
1.48.0-beta020 May 2020 15:05 minor feature: Atom/spell-check#332 cannot load the checker for xx-YY. Upgrade to electron 5.0.12 . Add overlay when resizing panels to prevent panes stealing focus. Atom/language-c#330 Improve C++ syntax highlighting. Atom/language-ruby#276 Improve Ruby syntax highlighting. Atom/atom#20494 - Bump Azure Devops Windows images to version vs2017-win2016. Atom/atom#20172 - Upgrade to electron 5.0.12. Atom/atom#20559 - settings-view@0.261.4. Atom/atom#19862 - Add overlay when resizing panels to prevent panes stealing focus. Atom/atom#20406 -.deb install on ubuntu 20.04. Atom/atom#20347 - If Text Editor Component uses the scroll event, consume it / prevent bubbling. Atom/atom#20750 - spell-check@0.76.1. Atom/fuzzy-finder#409 - @atom/fuzzy-native@1.1.2. Atom/github#2413 - failing tests on electron 5. Atom/settings-view#1146 - color.setting-description alignment. Atom/snippets#299 - Decaf the tests (2nd attempt). Atom/spell-check#332 - with Windows and Mac checking, reduce noise. Atom/language-c#330 - Scopes after tree-sitter-c and tree-sitter-cpp. Atom/language-ruby#276 - tree-sitter add variable identifier support in assignments expressions.
1.47.0-beta006 May 2020 12:25 minor feature: MacOS app has been notarized!. Atom/find-and-replace#1109 Adds option to prevent search result to be overwritten by a new search. Atom/find-and-replace#1105 Maintains scroll position after opening a file from the results page. Atom/atom#20397 - find-and-replace@0.219.3. Atom/atom#20398 - archive-view@0.65.2. Atom/atom#20458 - Re-enable Macos Notarization and Startup. Atom/atom#20456 - Bump Azure Devops Mac images to version 10.14. Atom/atom#20462 - to get spell-check@0.76.0 #20400 to merge. Atom/atom#20469 - native dependencies fail to load when notarized. Atom/archive-view#67 - Pin linter to standard v11. Atom/find-and-replace#1105 - Maintain previous scroll position. Atom/find-and-replace#1109 - Add option to save search resulst from being overwrittenby next search. Atom/github#2406 - bump dugite version to 1.88.2. Atom/github#2298 - Use GitHub actions for tests. Atom/spell-check#314 - Split checkers to explictly handle macOS/Windows system checkers verses locale-based checking. Atom/symbols-view#242 - Add Probot no-response configuration. Atom/symbols-view#243 - Configure probot/no-response to allow 28 days when requesting more info on an. Atom/symbols-view#250 - ctags@3.1.0. Atom/symbols-view#252 - Recompile ctags-darwin against SDK 10.15.
1.46.0-beta011 Mar 2020 13:05 minor feature: #20194 - Improve Java syntax highlighting. Atom/github#2399 - Git repository context may be "locked" to manage manually or "unlocked" to follow the active pane item. Atom/atom#20350 - Add notarization to macOS app. Atom/atom#20351 - startup after notarization. Atom/atom#20357 - switch from atom's special winstaller version to electron's winstaller. Atom/atom#20194 - language-java@0.31.4. Atom/atom#20390 - revert notarization. Atom/github#2352 - Bump @babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread from 7.6.2 to 7.7.4. Atom/github#2366 - Bump dugite from 1.87.5 to 1.87.6. Atom/github#2367 - Bump tree-kill from 1.2.1 to 1.2.2. Atom/github#2368 - Bump whats-my-line from 0.1.1 to 0.1.2. Atom/github#2370 - Bump eslint from 6.7.0 to 6.7.2. Atom/github#2371 - Bump marked from 0.7.0 to 0.8.0. Atom/github#2377 - Bump @babel/preset-env from 7.7.5 to 7.7.7. Atom/github#2385 - Security Bump handlebars from 4.1.2 to 4.6.0. Atom/github#2390 - Upgrade Babel dependencies all at once. Atom/github#2399 - Context locking.
1.45.0-beta011 Feb 2020 15:45 minor feature: #20194 - Improve Java syntax highlighting. Atom/github#2399 - Git repository context may be "locked" to manage manually or "unlocked" to follow the active pane item. Atom/atom#20350 - Add notarization to macOS app. Atom/atom#20351 - startup after notarization. Atom/atom#20357 - switch from atom's special winstaller version to electron's winstaller. Atom/atom#20194 - language-java@0.31.4. Atom/atom#20390 - revert notarization. Atom/github#2352 - Bump @babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread from 7.6.2 to 7.7.4. Atom/github#2366 - Bump dugite from 1.87.5 to 1.87.6. Atom/github#2367 - Bump tree-kill from 1.2.1 to 1.2.2. Atom/github#2368 - Bump whats-my-line from 0.1.1 to 0.1.2. Atom/github#2370 - Bump eslint from 6.7.0 to 6.7.2. Atom/github#2371 - Bump marked from 0.7.0 to 0.8.0. Atom/github#2377 - Bump @babel/preset-env from 7.7.5 to 7.7.7. Atom/github#2385 - Security Bump handlebars from 4.1.2 to 4.6.0. Atom/github#2390 - Upgrade Babel dependencies all at once. Atom/github#2399 - Context locking.
1.44.0-beta015 Jan 2020 15:45 minor feature: #20041 - Improve PHP syntax highlighting for ternary operator, ereg functions, and comments within closures. #20122 - Improve PHP syntax highlighting for functions returning references, return types. #20088 - Improve SCSS syntax highlighting, by recognizing '-' as part of a class selector in an @extend statement. #20099 - find and replace crashes when a tab is not an editor. #19832 - an that prevented directories created by git worktree from being recognized as git repositories. #20134 - Improve CSS syntax highlighting by supporting grid properties (e.g row-gap, place-items, place-self and place-content). #20142 - Improve CSS syntax highlighting by preventing deprecated CSS properties from being highlighted as errors. #20156 - Add support for Javascript forEach snippet. #20173 - Add support for Javascript syntax highlighting for BigInt numeric. #20196 - Update legacy TextMate grammars to match microsoft/vscode@e6abf47. Atom/github#2324: Removed the non-functional "jump to file" context menu option when viewing past commits. Atom/github#2308: Explicitly display and choose the active git working directory in the Git and GitHub tabs. Atom/github#2305: a crash when viewing review comments on Windows. Atom/github#2297: Avoid stalls due to data buffering by using TCP sockets instead of UNIX domain sockets for git dialog communications. Atom/github#2222: Create and publish GitHub repositories with the github:create-repository and github:publish-repository commands. Atom/github#2270: Copy the commit SHA and subject to the clipboard from the context menu on the mini-log. Atom/atom#20041 - language-php@0.443. Atom/atom#20044 - language-typescript version in package.json. Atom/atom#20061 - Update tree-sitter to 0.15.13. Atom/atom#20088 - language-sass@0.62.1. Atom/atom#20096 - open-on-github@1.3.2. Atom/atom#20099 - find-and-replace@0.219.1. Atom/atom#19832 - Recognize git worktree directories as valid git repositories. Atom/atom#20115 - Bump Tree-sitter to 0.
1.42.017 Dec 2019 13:45 minor feature: #19770 - Add appropriate punctuation scopes to various characters in HTML. #19795 - Add support for Ruby syntax highlighting of symbols inside literal symbol arrays (e.g i() and I() when using Tree-sitter parsers). #19840 - Add support for Ruby syntax highlighting of alias, alias_method, block_given?, defined?, iterator?, super, and undef when using Tree-sitter parsers. #19880 - Improve JavaScript syntax highlighting of function names and function parameters when using Tree-sitter parsers. #19908 - Add support for jl as a language identifier for the Julia language when using fenced code blocks in Markdown files. Atom/atom#19770 - language-html@0.53.0. Atom/atom#19772 - Migrate core package 'welcome' into./packages. Atom/atom#19779 - Migrate core package 'update-package-dependencies' into./packages. Atom/atom#19795 - language-ruby@0.72.21. Atom/atom#19796 - Bump lodash.template from 4.4.0 to 4.5.0 in /script. Atom/atom#19797 - Bump lodash.merge from 4.6.1 to 4.6.2 in /script. Atom/atom#19798 - Bump lodash from 4.17.10 to 4.17.15 in /packages/about. Atom/atom#19799 - Bump fstream from 0.1.24 to 1.0.12. Atom/atom#19800 - Bump js-yaml from 3.12.0 to 3.13.1 in /packages/about. Atom/atom#19801 - Bump js-yaml from 3.12.0 to 3.13.1 in /script. Atom/atom#19803 - Bump extend from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2 in /script/vsts. Atom/atom#19802 - Bump underscore.string from 3.3.4 to 3.3.5 in /script. Atom/atom#19809 - apm@2.4.3. Atom/atom#19840 - language-ruby@0.72.22. Atom/atom#19880 - language-javascript@0.133.0. Atom/atom#19908 - language-gfm@0.90.7. Atom/atom#19949 - base16 project link. Atom/atom#19951 - language-typescript@0.5.3. Atom/atom#19952 - Revert " language-typescript@0.5.3". Atom/atom#19953 - language-typescript@0.5.3. Atom/atom#20025 - Update URL used for jasmine-node in package-lock.json. Atom/github#2214 - Simplify CI. Atom/github#2213 - branch menu on unborn branch. Atom/github#2209 - Refactor dialog handling. Atom/github#2216 - Upgrade Relay dep
1.42.0-beta024 Oct 2019 18:45 minor feature: #19373 - Upgrade to Electron 4. #19754 - Improve syntax highlighting for numerous Ruby language constructs (atom/language-ruby#266, atom/language-ruby#267, atom/language-ruby#269). Atom/atom#19681 - Upgrade GitHub package on dev. Atom/atom#19373 - Upgrade to Electron 4. Atom/atom#19617 - Restore use of Ubuntu 14.04 for Linux CI builds. Atom/atom#19726 - Only cover scope boundaries in the parent layer if there is a scope boundary in the injected layer. Atom/atom#19735 - Use class colors for inherited classes in One syntax themes. Atom/atom#19738 - Avoid covering up scopes at boundaries of injection layers. Atom/atom#19740 - language-ruby@0.72.19. Atom/atom#19754 - language-ruby@0.72.20. Atom/atom#13925 - add support for jasmine.any. Atom/atom#19757 - notifications@0.71.0. Atom/atom#19763 - Remove unused TimeReporter class. Atom/atom#19809 - apm@2.4.3. Atom/notifications#180 - Clear log. Atom/language-ruby#266 - Allow numerals in all-caps constants. Atom/language-ruby#267 - Add scopes for a number of items. Atom/language-ruby#269 - Tokenize visibility modifier in Tree-sitter grammar. Atom/language-shellscript#149 - Support ANSII-C escaped strings in Bash.
1.41.0-beta014 Aug 2019 03:17 minor feature: Atom/github#2124 - Review comments and summaries are editable in the review tab. Atom/github#2102 - Checks statuses are included in the build status page of a PR item. Atom/github#2195 - Avoid stalls when opening a branch associated with a PR that has a large ( 1MB) patch. Atom/github#2128 - Show a friendly message when the network isn't available (instead of crashing horribly ), and attempt to reconnect when the network becomes available again. Atom/atom#19579 - Improve handling of.gitignore edge cases. Atom/atom#17813 - Enable multiple release channels (e.g., Atom, Atom Beta, and Atom Nightly) to be installed side-by-side on Windows. Atom/atom#19594 - Improve reliability of "restart and install" operation when updating Atom. Atom/atom#19556 - Add a new injection point setting to support parsing Rust macros via language injection. Atom/atom#18738 - Show Tree-sitter grammars in the grammar selector. Atom/atom#19528 - Assign originalFontSize when the Workspace is initialized. Atom/find-and-replace#1095 - Add pcre2 ripgrep option for find-and-replace operations. Atom/language-c#331 - Add noexcept and mutable and remove _Atomic from tree-sitter-cpp. Atom/language-javascript#650 - auto-indent when the previous line ends with a comment with a quote. Atom/language-javascript#651 - Allow JS snippets to be used in Flow files. Atom/language-php#360 - syntax highlighting for flexible HEREDOC and NOWDOC in PHP 7.3. Atom/atom#19464 - first-mate@7.4.0. Atom/atom#19462 - spell-check@0.75.0. Atom/atom#19460 - nslog@3.2.0. Atom/atom#19387 - Highlight keyword.operator by default. Atom/atom#19476 - autocomplete-plus@2.42.1. Atom/atom#19396 - autoflow: Do not reflow selections that contain only LaTeX tags. Atom/atom#19481 - Update language-json. Atom/atom#19487 - Ensure TextEditorComponent was resized before asserting on its contents. Atom/atom#19489 - autocomplete-plus@2.42.1. Atom/atom#19491 - Do not store null buffers on the cacheStore. Atom/atom#19469 - Upgrade text-buf
1.40.0-beta128 Jul 2019 19:45 minor feature: Restore use of Ubuntu 14.04 for Linux CI builds Cherry-pick #19617 onto 1.40-releases branch. Co-authored-by: Antonio Scandurra lt; gt;.
1.40.0-beta024 Jul 2019 06:25 minor feature: Atom/fuzzy-finder#401 - Enable fuzzy finder's new fast mode by default . Atom/atom#19612 - Enhance performance of window resizing to provide speed and responsiveness comparable to native desktop applications . Atom/find-and-replace#1086 - Add config option to use ripgrep for scanning files for much faster searches in large projects . Atom/atom#19419 - Upgrade to Electron 3.1.10. Atom/find-and-replace#1085 - Handle multiline results on the find and replace UI. Atom/find-and-replace#1088 - Support multiple selections when "Only In Selection" option is enabled. Atom/tree-view#1257 - Copy files on drop if control is pressed. Atom/language-python#303 - Tokenize *args and kwargs the same as other parameters (tree-sitter). Atom/language-typescript#37 - Use new TSX-aware TreeSitter grammar. Atom/atom#19244 - Default to @atom/notify for file system notifications. Atom/atom#19244 - Default to @atom/notify for file system notifications. Atom/atom#19189 - Remove apm's node-gyp dependency. Atom/atom#19318 - electron-packager@12.2.0. Atom/atom#19321 - Always return a Disposable from the watch() method. Atom/atom#19302 - Use eslint + prettier for linting. Atom/atom#19324 - Integrate packager improvements from Atom/atom#19325 - Exclude @atom/notify binary from the ASAR bundle. Atom/atom#19325 - Exclude @atom/notify binary from the ASAR bundle. Atom/atom#19329 - Update apm to permission. Atom/atom#19322 - Remove cached-run-in-this-context dependency. Atom/atom#19331 - @atom/notify subprocess path resolution when V8 startup snapshot is in effect. Atom/atom#19331 - @atom/notify subprocess path resolution when V8 startup snapshot is in effect. Atom/atom#19335 - Add.atom-socket-secret- to.atom's.gitignore. Atom/atom#19339 - Replace new Buffer() with Buffer.from(). Atom/atom#19336 - Allow escaped quote literals in the SyntaxScopeMap. Atom/atom#19345 - Disable @atom/notify on master for now. Atom/atom#19345 - Disable @atom/notify on master for
1.39.0-beta303 Jul 2019 04:05 minor feature: a regression in window:reset-font-size that did not allow resetting to the default size. #19521. Atom/atom#19528 - Assign originalFontSize when the Workspace is initialized.
1.39.0-beta220 Jun 2019 06:25 minor feature: a regression in window:reset-font-size that did not allow resetting to the default size. #19521. Atom/atom#19528 - Assign originalFontSize when the Workspace is initialized.
1.39.0-beta116 Jun 2019 03:16 minor feature: a crash when using Tree Sitter grammars on versions on macOS versions before 10.12. a regression in JSON syntax highlighting that applied hyperlink styling to non-hyperlinks atom/language-json#76. Atom/language-json#76 - hyperlink highlighting.
1.39.0-beta012 Jun 2019 03:16 minor feature: #18471 - Toggle comment cursor placement. #19136 - "Open file" in existing window. #19138 - Calculate env vars when launching Atom from the desktop. #18499 - Support contentRegex for TextMate grammar. #19206 - Set the panel flag as focused when activate() is called. #19192 - reset-font-size. #18705 - Enable autoFocus option to accept an element to focus on pane creation. #19231 - Skip dev mode windows when choosing an existing window for an open action. #19272 - Improve positioning when opening file at line. #19280 - when it has no arguments. #19279 - Improve handling of comment characters in ERB and EJS. #19354 - Wait for config file to load before prompting to restart in config.onDidChange callback. Atom/fuzzy-finder#383 - Handle correctly similar results from multiple projects. Atom/fuzzy-finder#385 - Make sure that cursor position is centered after navigating to a line. Atom/markdown-preview#559 - Stop using roaster for rendering markdown. Atom/tree-view#1180 - Add UI for moving conflicting entries. Atom/language-go#156 - Add support for Go module and checksum files. Atom/language-html#227 - Improve comment handling in EJS and ERB. Atom/language-hyperlink#27 - allow single matching parens. Atom/language-javascript#644 - Allow folding switch_default. Atom/language-json#68 - Add tree-sitter json grammar. Atom/language-json#73 - Scope link as string and add scope for ". Atom/language-python#288 - Add more scopes to the tree sitter grammar. Atom/language-python#297 - Tokenize formal function parameters in tree-sitter grammar. Atom/language-python#298 - Tokenize subclass list names in tree-sitter grammar. Atom/language-python#300 - Allow folding if statement without elif or else. Atom/atom#19060 - Update tree-sitter to v0.14.0. Atom/atom#19124 - atom-application tests. Atom/atom#19126 - Wait until the editor is ready on application test. Atom/atom#19130 - fuzzy-finder@1.13.0. Atom/atom#18471 - Toggle comment cursor placement. Atom/atom#19131
1.38.0-beta015 May 2019 10:25 minor feature: "File - Reopen Project" when there are no open windows on macOS. Authenticate and encrypt communications over the activation pipe used by the Atom main process. As a consequence, the --socket-path CLI argument has also been removed. An asynchronous implementation of GitRepositoryProvider.repositoryForDirectory is available. Jasmine spec functions automatically support async bodies without needing to write a helper. Fuzzy-finder: Add option to use ripgrep for crawling the list of files for a huge performance boost on large repositories . Github: Read and navigate among pull request review comments in a reviews dock. Keybinding-resolver: Move the resolver into a dock to a number of longstanding usability. Settings-view: Enum configuration options may be displayed as radio buttons by setting radio: true. Welcome: Update the wording of the metrics consent to be a bit friendlier. Language-clojure: Improve handling of non-ASCII letters in keywords, symbols, and elsewhere. Language-python: Support "python2" and "python3" shebang lines in the tree-sitter grammar. Language-ruby: Recognize next as a keyword. Language-toml: Support multiple key/value pairs on a single line. Atom/atom#18832 - Report macOS renderer crashes in CI. Atom/atom#18855 - "Open Folder" menu item on Windows. Atom/atom#18802 - Report test result metadata to Azure DevOps. Atom/atom#18863 - Allow the use of console, stdout, and stderr in Jasmine tests. Atom/atom#18864 - atom-keymap@8.2.13. Atom/atom#18844 - Align git-diff icons. Atom/atom#16558 - Add async implementation of GitRepositoryProvider.repositoryForDirectory. Atom/atom#18900 - Actually dump minidump contents to.sym files. Atom/atom#18899 - fuzzy-finder@1.9.1. Atom/atom#18898 - find-and-replace@0.218.9. Atom/atom#18885 - Add linter to packages/ folder. Atom/atom#18906 - git-diff package test. Atom/atom#18919 - fuzzy-finder@1.9.2. Atom/atom#18923 - snippets@1.4.1. Atom/atom#18921 - Update welcome@v0.36.8 II. Atom/atom#18924 - Update ver
1.36.126 Apr 2019 03:16 minor feature: #19109: Authenticate and encrypt the connection used to discover and communicate with existing main processes. #19169: If any existing Atom window contains no project roots and --new-window is not specified, opened files and directories will be added to the most recently focused empty window. #19169: When opening only file paths that do not belong to the open project roots of any existing window, add them to the most recently focused window. #19169: When core.restorePreviousWindowsOnStart is set to "always", --new-window is specified, and one or more paths are opened, previous windows are no longer restored; --new-window always takes precedence. #19169: When previous windows are restored at application launch, paths and arguments given on the command-line are no longer duplicated within each opened window. #19169: When locating an existing window to open a new path within, existing windows are considered in the order in which they were most recently focused, not the order in which they were created. This is consistent with the way that --add finds its window and URLs are routed to windows. #19169: When locating an existing window to open a new path within, --safe mode is respected - if --safe is provided, only a safe-mode window will be considered. #19169: If --add is provided and the most recently focused window is a dev mode window, a previously focused non-dev mode window will be used if available instead of opening a new window. #19169: If --add and --safe are both provided, the paths will only be added to an existing, most recently focused safe-mode window. If --safe is not provided, the paths will only be added to a non-safe-mode window. #19200: Re-upgrade electron-link to correct a startup time performance regression. And #19203: "File - Reopen Project" works correctly on macOS when no windows are open. #19203: "File - Reopen Project" from the application menu opens the chosen project folders. #19203: Choosing application:reopen-project from the
1.37.0-beta013 Apr 2019 00:05 minor feature: When only a file is specified, don't open and index the parent directory. For Windows and macOS auto-update behavior. "File - Open" works when no windows are open on macOS. When using the default Jasmine test runner, a temporary directory is used for ATOM_HOME so that other packages can't interfere with unrelated tests. Set APM_TEST_PACKAGES to explicitly depend on tests. Bookmarks: Select to the only bookmark when using "select to next/previous bookmark" commands, even if it's in the other direction. Find-and-replace: TextEditors outside of the current project are not watched with Project Find which prevents them from "popping in" to the search results if you edit them to contain a match. Find-and-replace: Pane items may implement getEmbeddedTextEditors() or observeEmbeddedTextEditor to allow find-and-replace to search within internal TextEditors. Github: Pull request review comments are included in the "Files Changed" tab of a pull request detail item. Github: git's core.commentChar setting is respected during commit message preprocessing. Github: Large diffs are collapsed by default, and any file patch within a commit preview or commit detail item can be collapsed and expanded. Tabs: Tabs are removed correctly when they've been dropped on another window. Wrap-guide: Multiple wrap guide lines are now supported. Language-coffee-script: Support JSX tags. Language-html: Use the GraphQL grammar to highlight embedded GraphQL script. Note that users will need to install the community GraphQL language package for highlighting to work properly. Language-javascript: Allow tagged template injections to accept function parameters. Language-javascript: Understand CSS, GraphQL, and SQL template literal tags. Language-ruby: Correct syntax highlighting for floats and some integer types. Atom/atom#18649 - Update find-and-replace. Atom/atom#18650 - Compatibility with linter-js-standard-engine. Atom/atom#18630 - Move getBuffer out of Event Subscription section. Atom/atom#18665 -
1.36.0-beta012 Mar 2019 20:45 minor feature: Upgrade to Electron 2.0.18 to address recent Chrome vulnerability. Add tab to GitHub pane that shows all changed files in a pull request. Where git tab keeps popping open when there's a merge conflict. View commit details in pane. Improved styling for settings-view when docked. Where tree-sitter code folding markers were out of sync. Remove snippet config for self from language-python. Atom/atom#18500 - tree-view@0.224.5. Atom/atom#18501 - Atom version in package-lock.json. Atom/atom#18502 - typo that messed up fold marker updates. Atom/atom#18506 - Add screenshot to README. Atom/atom#18484 - Migrate 'atom-ui' into core. Atom/atom#18532 - settings-view@v0.257.3. Atom/atom#18545 - Avoid sending async updates on config update. Atom/atom#18557 - status-bar@v1.8.16. Atom/atom#18570 - Only deref top-level symlinks in node_modules when copying assets. Atom/atom#18597 - electron@2.0.16. Atom/atom#18601 - Bump language-javascript, update test w/ new scope mapping. Atom/atom#18602 - Delete 'packages//node_modules' in script/clean. Atom/atom#18631 - typo in atom.confirm documentation. Atom/atom#18611 - Update electron-link. Atom/atom#18552 - Migrate core package 'solarized-light-syntax. Atom/atom#18555 - Migrate core package 'solarized-dark-syntax' into./packages. Atom/atom#18641 - Upgrade GitHub package on dev. Atom/atom#17529 - Enable "File - Open" to work on macOS when no windows are open. Atom/atom#17862 - Enable stable and beta draft release creation on VSTS. Atom/atom#18961 - settings-view@0.260.1. Atom/atom#18962 - electron@2.0.18. Atom/github#1810 - Update screenshots. Atom/github#1809 - Suppress "Unable to locate git workspace root" error. Atom/github#1808 - Add button to show/hide password in credentials dialog. Atom/github#1811 - Process iteration. Atom/github#1804 - split ishDetailView into DetailView and PullRequestDetailView. Atom/github#1826 - Moving to CodeCov. Atom/github#1827 - Disable the "changes" status from CodeCov. Atom/github#1828 - wh
1.35.0-beta009 Jan 2019 07:25 minor feature: View multi-file diff of all staged changes prior to committing. Add commit message template support. Render git diff view with a TextEditor. Add Kotlin language syntax highlighting in Markdown code blocks. Collapse all directories in tree view even if nothing is selected. a where package searches from the settings view were throwing uncaught exceptions. an error when running Bracket Matcher: Select Inside Matching Bracket with the cursor just before or after closing parentheses ). Atom/atom#18287 - Don't soft-wrap spaces and '/' to new lines. Atom/atom#18300 - github. Atom/atom#18313 - language-java@0.31.0. Atom/atom#18316 - Move syntax-aware-selection key bindings to base keymap. Atom/atom#18198 - apm@2.1.3. Atom/atom#18201 - Add libcurl3 and libcurl4 as deps for.deb package. Atom/atom#18334 - Use the correct comment strings for nested languages. Atom/atom#18333 - language-ruby@0.72.12. Atom/atom#18339 - language-typescript language-javascript. Atom/atom#18340 - maintainGrammar - maintainLanguageMode. Atom/atom#18348 - language-c language-javascript. Atom/atom#18344 - Update language-xml and language-less. Atom/atom#18357 - language-go. Atom/atom#18362 - electron@2.0.12. Atom/atom#18354 - Add "Release Notes" section to PR templates. Atom/atom#18363 - Enable upload of Linux packages to packagecloud from release builds. Atom/atom#18266 - Update deprecation-cop.less. Atom/atom#18341 - Style operators in typescript and flow in one-dark/light-syntax. Atom/atom#18377 - Focused pane marker. Atom/atom#18388 - Update language-make. Atom/atom#18375 - error causing tree-sitter highlighting to get out-of-sync when editing rapidly. Atom/atom#18390 - Update settings-view. Atom/atom#18382 - Distinguish between anonymous token and wildcard selector. Atom/atom#18392 - Update language-php. Atom/atom#18374 - languages. Atom/atom#18404 - language-javascript language-typescript. Atom/atom#18411 - failure to emit did-change-highlighting event in TreeSitterLanguageM
1.34.0-beta120 Dec 2018 06:45 minor feature: Updated to Electron 2.0.16. Improved highlighting of JSDoc comments in JavaScript files highlighted with Tree-sitter. an error when running Bracket Matcher: Select Inside Matching Bracket with the cursor just before or after a closing parentheses ). an causing some Atom release packages to double in size. Atom/atom#18570 - Only deref top-level symlinks in node_modules when copying assets. Atom/atom#18597 - electron@2.0.16. Atom/atom#18601 - Bump language-javascript, update test w/ new scope mapping. Atom/bracket-matcher#377 - exception when running select-inside-brackets command w/o tree-si . Atom/language-javascript#629 - Add JSDoc injection w/ tree-sitter-jsdoc. Atom/language-javascript#628 - Change scopes in comparison to language-babel. Atom/language-javascript#633 - Bump tree-sitter-javascript and adjust scope mapping for new_expression.
1.34.0-beta029 Nov 2018 03:15 minor feature: Added built-in support for Rust using Tree-sitter. Improved soft-wrapping behavior. Added the ability to disable packages' snippets. Moved the 'Undo Discard' button in the Git panel into a context menu. Added a commit list to the GitHub panel. Adding Git / GitHub icons to the status bar. an where Linux users were unable to push or fetch Git branches with the GitHub package on distributions with libcurl4 installed. an where the Toggle Line Comments command created the wrong kinds of comments in files with multiple languages. Multiple syntax highlighting and other involving the tree sitter parser: Missing syntax highlighting classes in several languages when using the new Tree-sitter parsing system Ruby Go JavaScript (atom/language-javascript#611, atom/language-javascript#612, atom/language-javascript#614) C Python . Ruby. Go. JavaScript (atom/language-javascript#611, atom/language-javascript#612, atom/language-javascript#614). C. Python. Missing syntax highlighting of CSS inside of JavaScript and HTML. Missing syntax highlighting of macro definitions in C code. Incorrect highlighting of raw byte strings in Rust code. an where making rapid, large edits could cause invalid syntax highlighting. an that caused a freeze when making certain edits to ERB files. an where typing a '#' would spuriously insert curly braces in several languages. Added the ability to fold several more types of statements in some languages (atom/language-go#164, atom/language-javascript#624). Added several syntax highlighting classes that were accidentally removed in 1.32.0 (atom/language-javascript#620, atom/language-javascript#623, atom/language-javascript#622). an that caused the API documentation to be omitted for some core Atom APIs. Windows release artifacts signed with new certificate -- see details at Atom/atom#18092 - Migrate core package 'atom-dark-ui' into./packages. Atom/atom#18093 - Migrate core package 'atom-dark-syntax
1.33.0-beta321 Nov 2018 03:15 minor feature: an where making rapid, large edits could cause invalid syntax highlighting. an that caused a freeze when making certain edits to ERB files. an where typing a '#' would spuriously insert curly braces in several languages. Added the ability to fold several more types of statements in some languages (atom/language-go#164, atom/language-javascript#624). Added several syntax highlighting classes that were accidentally removed in 1.32.0 (atom/language-javascript#620, atom/language-javascript#623, atom/language-javascript#622). Atom/atom#18404 - language-javascript language-typescript. Atom/atom#18411 - failure to emit did-change-highlighting event in TreeSitterLanguageMode. Atom/bracket-matcher#360 - Add Probot no-response configuration. Atom/bracket-matcher#361 - Configure probot/no-response to allow 28 days when requesting more info on an. Atom/language-c#302 - Scope primitive types as instead of Atom/language-c#303 - Add more scopes to the tree-sitter grammar. Atom/language-go#160 - scope source_file as source.go. Atom/language-go#164 - Fold select, switch, case. Atom/language-javascript#604 - Add support for gql template literal. Atom/language-javascript#622 - Self closing elements can also be meta.class. Atom/language-javascript#623 - Distinguish between commas and periods. Atom/language-javascript#624 - Fold rules for switch_case. Atom/language-javascript#620 - Add more scopes to the tree-sitter grammar. Atom/language-ruby#250 - Scope self as variable.language.
1.33.0-beta210 Nov 2018 03:15 minor feature: an where making rapid, large edits could cause invalid syntax highlighting. an that caused a freeze when making certain edits to ERB files. an where typing a '#' would spuriously insert curly braces in several languages. Added the ability to fold several more types of statements in some languages (atom/language-go#164, atom/language-javascript#624). Added several syntax highlighting classes that were accidentally removed in 1.32.0 (atom/language-javascript#620, atom/language-javascript#623, atom/language-javascript#622). Atom/atom#18404 - language-javascript language-typescript. Atom/atom#18411 - failure to emit did-change-highlighting event in TreeSitterLanguageMode. Atom/bracket-matcher#360 - Add Probot no-response configuration. Atom/bracket-matcher#361 - Configure probot/no-response to allow 28 days when requesting more info on an. Atom/language-c#302 - Scope primitive types as instead of Atom/language-c#303 - Add more scopes to the tree-sitter grammar. Atom/language-go#160 - scope source_file as source.go. Atom/language-go#164 - Fold select, switch, case. Atom/language-javascript#604 - Add support for gql template literal. Atom/language-javascript#622 - Self closing elements can also be meta.class. Atom/language-javascript#623 - Distinguish between commas and periods. Atom/language-javascript#624 - Fold rules for switch_case. Atom/language-javascript#620 - Add more scopes to the tree-sitter grammar. Atom/language-ruby#250 - Scope self as variable.language.
1.33.0-beta101 Nov 2018 10:05 minor feature: an where Linux users were unable to push or fetch Git branches with the GitHub package on distributions with libcurl4 installed. an where the Toggle Line Comments command created the wrong kinds of comments in files with multiple languages. Missing syntax highlighting classes in several languages when using the new Tree-sitter parsing system Ruby Go JavaScript (atom/language-javascript#611, atom/language-javascript#612, atom/language-javascript#614) C Python . Ruby. Go. JavaScript (atom/language-javascript#611, atom/language-javascript#612, atom/language-javascript#614). C. Python. Missing syntax highlighting of CSS inside of JavaScript and HTML. Missing syntax highlighting of macro definitions in C code. Atom/atom#18340 - maintainGrammar - maintainLanguageMode. Atom/atom#18357 - language-go. Atom/atom#18334 - Use the correct comment strings for nested languages. Atom/atom#18201 - Add libcurl3 and libcurl4 as deps for.deb package. Atom/language-c#287 - Configure probot/no-response to allow 28 days when requesting more info on an. Atom/language-c#300 - Add more operators to match the textmate grammar. Atom/language-css#149 - Add Probot no-response configuration. Atom/language-css#150 - Configure probot/no-response to allow 28 days when requesting more info on an. Atom/language-css#156 - Add Tree-sitter CSS grammar. Atom/language-go#153 - Add Probot no-response configuration. Atom/language-go#154 - Configure probot/no-response to allow 28 days when requesting more info on an. Atom/language-go#158 - Add more scopes to the tree-sitter go grammar. Atom/language-javascript#602 - Configure probot/no-response to allow 28 days when requesting more info on an. Atom/language-javascript#611 - some JSX scope mappings. Atom/language-javascript#612 - Add missing operators to the tree-sitter grammar. Atom/language-javascript#614 - Scope super as support.function. Atom/language-python#276 - Add Probot no-response configuration. Atom/language-python#277 - Configure p
1.33.0-beta024 Oct 2018 22:25 minor feature: Enabled the new Tree-sitter parsing system by default. Reduced memory consumption by minifying the startup script. Atom/atom#16526 - Directly require clipboard from Electron. Atom/atom#17925 - Convert the remaining coffee-script code in the main process to JavaScript. Atom/atom#17920 - Update themes. Atom/atom#17926 - Minify the startup snapshot script with terser. Atom/atom#17913 - Avoid serialization race condition with slow package deactivation. Atom/atom#17873 - During quit, unloaded windows. Atom/atom#17795 - Atom from WSL respects windows drive mount location defined in /etc/wsl.conf. Atom/atom#17938 - classes whose constructor name was broken by minification. Atom/atom#11139 - Add Selection.onDidChangeRange event object to emitter. Atom/atom#17953 - Update apm on dev. Atom/atom#17955 - Preserve function names when minifying startup snapshot. Atom/atom#17956 - some Tree-sitter found when enabling by default. Atom/atom#17964 - spell-check 0.74.1. Atom/atom#17983 - Migrate core package 'one-dark-syntax' into./packages. Atom/atom#17879 - Turn tree-sitter on by default. Atom/atom#16940 - Support atom protocol links when links are handled. Atom/atom#17958 - : Added capturing to keydown events when hiding tooltips. Atom/atom#17508 -.Desktop SCL compat by setting exec path. Atom/atom#17988 - Bump modules that were updated for Node 10 / Electron 3 support. Atom/atom#17978 - VSTS CI Schema Change. Atom/atom#17990 - Migrate one-dark-ui package into packages directory. Atom/atom#17993 - Migrate core package 'git-diff' into./packages. Atom/atom#17981 - Migrate core package 'one-light-syntax' into./packages. Atom/atom#17985 - Disallow OS text selection in atom buffers. Atom/atom#17996 - Update apm on master. Atom/atom#18012 - Update to Electron 2.0.9. Atom/atom#18015 - Accept a TextMate scope selector in bufferRangeForScopeAtPosition. Atom/atom#18014 - Migrate core package 'autoflow' into./packages. Atom/atom#18016 - autocomplete icon. Atom/atom#18048 - Enable 32-bit
1.32.0-beta027 Sep 2018 04:05 minor feature: Tree-sitter grammars are now able to highlight common identifiers differently based on their content, like exports and document in JavaScript. atom/atom#17738. Write config file updates atomically. atom/atom#17774. Use apm ci for reproducable builds. atom/atom#17803. Update Electron to 2.0.7. See the Electron release notes for details. atom/atom#17815. Improve tree-sitter grammar detection to prevent spurious identification collisions. atom/atom#17816. Support loading core packages from a packages folder in this repository for easier maintenance and discoverability. atom/atom#17686 Migrate the core packages about ( and one-light-ui. Custom, efficient line-number gutters with arbitrary labels. atom/atom#17736. Metrics Send analytics to a GitHub-controlled metrics collection endpoint instead of Google Analytics. atom/metrics#100. Github Initialize git repositories in the correct directory when you don't have an editor open in your workspace. atom/github#1627. Github The "GitHub" tab is no longer in "preview" atom/github#1602. Github Don't detect added or deleted files as "executable mode changed." atom/github#1633. Github Correct "undo" a repository's initial commit atom/github#1635. Tree-view Drag and drop folders onto the tree view to add them as project folders atom/tree-view#1209. Tree-view Drag and drop multiple items at once. atom/tree-view#1179. Tree-view Do not allow moving a folder into itself. atom/tree-view#1173. Image-view Disable user selections. atom/image-view#182. Styleguide Work correctly with tree-sitter grammars enabled. atom/styleguide#69. Atom/atom#17675 - apm upgrade. Atom/atom#17738 - Allow scope mappings to be refined via match rules. Atom/atom#17432 - atom/watcher upgrade. Atom/atom#17761 - Add missing x64 build artifacts to appveyor.yml. Atom/atom#17766 - :arrow_up: electron@2.0.6. Atom/atom#17749 - Create release branch build definition for VSTS. Atom/atom#17770 - Enable pull request builds on VSTS. Atom/atom#17781 - Allow comma-separated
1.31.0-beta102 Sep 2018 03:19 minor feature: Updated to Electron 2.0.4. The GitHub tab now displays open pull requests for the repo you're working in and allows you to easily check out PR branches without leaving the editor. The Git tab now renders emojis in recent commit messages. Tree-Sitter now supports grammar injections which enable highlighting of JavaScript in HTML files and HTML inside of Ruby and JavaScript files. A new Tree-Sitter grammar was added for language-ruby. New APIs for querying Tree-Sitter syntax nodes in a text buffer. Added a :root-scope-used activation hook so that packages can be activated when a language is set as the root scope of a text editor. Cmd+- now appears as the keybinding for window:decrease-font-size in the View menu on macOS. Added a few new data points to our metrics package to better understand the impact of Atom's hackability. Added Node.js, Chromium, and Electron version details to the About screen. Added a new image-view.defaultBackgroundColor that configures the default background color when viewing images in Atom. a regression in one-light-ui and one-dark-ui where text underlines appeared when hovering over clickable status bar elements. Updated one-light-syntax and one-dark-syntax to provide better syntax coloring for embedded languages. a crash that occurs when amending a co-authored commit. Improved clickability of the "Push/Pull" status bar item. in autocomplete-plus that prevented some completions from being inserted And degraded editor performance when editing long lines. This a where void tags (e.g. meta) fold weirdly when Tree-sitter is enabled in html. Cursor movement across lines is now more predictable. Hide tooltips when a user is typing. Introduce new Atom APIs for observing Git repositories. Don't clear built in CSS classes from TextEditor when calling updateClassList. an where panes were not calling onDidTerminatePendingState when destroyed. Spell check error on systems using a non-US locale as a default. Atom/atom#17518 - electron@2.0.2. Atom/ato
1.31.0-beta029 Aug 2018 10:45 minor feature: Updated to Electron 2.0.4. The GitHub tab now displays open pull requests for the repo you're working in and allows you to easily check out PR branches without leaving the editor. The Git tab now renders emojis in recent commit messages. Tree-Sitter now supports grammar injections which enable highlighting of JavaScript in HTML files and HTML inside of Ruby and JavaScript files. A new Tree-Sitter grammar was added for language-ruby. New APIs for querying Tree-Sitter syntax nodes in a text buffer. Added a :root-scope-used activation hook so that packages can be activated when a language is set as the root scope of a text editor. Cmd+- now appears as the keybinding for window:decrease-font-size in the View menu on macOS. Added a few new data points to our metrics package to better understand the impact of Atom's hackability. Added Node.js, Chromium, and Electron version details to the About screen. Added a new image-view.defaultBackgroundColor that configures the default background color when viewing images in Atom. a regression in one-light-ui and one-dark-ui where text underlines appeared when hovering over clickable status bar elements. Updated one-light-syntax and one-dark-syntax to provide better syntax coloring for embedded languages. a crash that occurs when amending a co-authored commit. Improved clickability of the "Push/Pull" status bar item. in autocomplete-plus that prevented some completions from being inserted And degraded editor performance when editing long lines. This a where void tags (e.g. meta) fold weirdly when Tree-sitter is enabled in html. Cursor movement across lines is now more predictable. Hide tooltips when a user is typing. Introduce new Atom APIs for observing Git repositories. Don't clear built in CSS classes from TextEditor when calling updateClassList. an where panes were not calling onDidTerminatePendingState when destroyed. Spell check error on systems using a non-US locale as a default. Atom/atom#17518 - electron@2.0.2. Atom/ato
1.30.0-beta216 Aug 2018 08:45 minor feature: Tree-sitter grammars are now parsed asynchronously for better performance. The One Light and One Dark themes now provide colors for the language-html-angular syntax grammar. The GitHub package now fetches co-author suggestions from the GitHub API. The Settings view now searches automatically when you type in the search box of the Install page. The spell-check package now supports checkers exported as ES6 default classes and relative paths for dictionary files. The whitespace.ignoreWhitespaceOnCurrentLine is now respected when the same buffer is open in more than one text editor. Flow typed JavaScript files using double slash flow comments are now transpiled correctly. Markdown files now support embedded "properties" blocks for highlighting content like Git config files. Improved stability when using proxy software like ShadowsocksX-NG with Atom. an where tree-sitter grammars may be selected incorrectly for the wrong language. an causing soft-wrapped editors to reflow text for each character typed. an in the GitHub package where the unstaged changes view would be refocused when you switch to another editor. an where the embedded commit message editor fails to reappear after closing an expanded commit message editor. Lambda parsing in language-python. Two in language-shellscript when parsing prompt strings. an where spawns a sleep process every second on --wait. an where an unexpected "Copy Path" item appears in the Project pane's context menu. Atom/atom#17299 - Fire grammar activation hooks after emitting new editors. Atom/atom#17350 - Update to require libgtk-3-0. Atom/atom#17351 - Provide more context when test fails due to timeout in waitsFor. Atom/atom#17362 - electron@2.0.1. Atom/atom#17363 - Update first-mate to 7.1.1. Atom/atom#17339 - Perform parsing off the main thread when Tree-sitter is enabled. Atom/atom#17406 - GitHub package upgrade. Atom/atom#17421 - GitHub package upgrade. Atom/atom#17008 - allow the use of double slash flow comments. Atom/a
1.30.0-beta101 Aug 2018 17:25 minor feature: Tree-sitter grammars are now parsed asynchronously for better performance. The One Light and One Dark themes now provide colors for the language-html-angular syntax grammar. The GitHub package now fetches co-author suggestions from the GitHub API. The Settings view now searches automatically when you type in the search box of the Install page. The spell-check package now supports checkers exported as ES6 default classes and relative paths for dictionary files. The whitespace.ignoreWhitespaceOnCurrentLine is now respected when the same buffer is open in more than one text editor. Flow typed JavaScript files using double slash flow comments are now transpiled correctly. Markdown files now support embedded "properties" blocks for highlighting content like Git config files. Improved stability when using proxy software like ShadowsocksX-NG with Atom. an where tree-sitter grammars may be selected incorrectly for the wrong language. an causing soft-wrapped editors to reflow text for each character typed. an in the GitHub package where the unstaged changes view would be refocused when you switch to another editor. an where the embedded commit message editor fails to reappear after closing an expanded commit message editor. Lambda parsing in language-python. Two in language-shellscript when parsing prompt strings. an where spawns a sleep process every second on --wait. an where an unexpected "Copy Path" item appears in the Project pane's context menu. Atom/atom#17299 - Fire grammar activation hooks after emitting new editors. Atom/atom#17350 - Update to require libgtk-3-0. Atom/atom#17351 - Provide more context when test fails due to timeout in waitsFor. Atom/atom#17362 - electron@2.0.1. Atom/atom#17363 - Update first-mate to 7.1.1. Atom/atom#17339 - Perform parsing off the main thread when Tree-sitter is enabled. Atom/atom#17406 - GitHub package upgrade. Atom/atom#17421 - GitHub package upgrade. Atom/atom#17008 - allow the use of double slash flow comments. Atom/a
1.29.0-beta214 Jul 2018 11:45 minor feature: Updated Electron to 2.0.5. Potentially improved reliability of using Atom in conjunction with a proxy. We're ly monitoring this, and we're hopeful that the release will help the affected users. If you continue to see crashes with this release, please let us know.
1.29.0-beta106 Jul 2018 14:45 minor feature: Updated Electron to 2.0.4. an that prevented Atom from starting on OS X 10.10 Yosemite. Additionally, if you're seeing this on OS X 10.11 El Capitan or macOS 10.12 Sierra, please give this update a try and let us know if you continue to experience the problem. Potentially improved reliability of using Atom in conjunction with Shadowsocks proxy. We're ly monitoring this, and we're hopeful that this release will help the affected users. If you continue to see crashes with this release, please let us know.
1.29.0-beta025 Jun 2018 08:05 minor feature: Electron has been upgraded to version 2.0. Atom now automatically honors your operating system's color profile. You can use the new Color Profile setting to customize this behavior. Active editors are now updated when experimental Tree-sitter grammars are toggled in settings. Shell environment variables are now carried into Atom when launched from PowerShell or Windows Command Prompt. The Find in Project results view now groups adjacent matches and highlights multiple matches on the same line. Commit message preprocessing has been substantially revisited, preserving newlines in amended commits, preserving # comments in commits composed within the mini editor, and respecting your commit.cleanup configuration when committing from an expanded editor. "Large" file patches are identified by byte count, not line count, of the patch body. This prevents performance hiccups when navigating past files with large diffs in a relatively small number of lines. Avatars are now supported for users who are using the newer-style anonymized email addresses. Modal dialogs can now be cancelled properly by pressing esc on Windows. The language-html package now supports GraphQL script tags and multi-line style attributes. CriticMarkup syntax is now colored correctly in Markdown files. an where files in a Git repo might be locked or corrupted. The placeholder glyph that appears when reordering tabs is now much more responsive. an where dashes were being prewith backslashes in non-regex searches. Atom/atom#17153 - Correct Project.onDidChangeFiles documentation. Atom/atom#17159 - Bump version for about package. Atom/atom#17131 - Weekly focus: 2018-04-16. Atom/atom#17169 - Remove FreeBSD build instructions since they don't work. Atom/atom#17166 - Avoid writing to config file while quitting. Atom/atom#17208 - white I-beam cursor. Atom/atom#15165 - Recognize Windows cmd or powershell environment in updateProcessEnv. Atom/atom#17215 - :arrow_up: git-utils v5.4.0. Atom/atom#17212 - Remove 'proje
1.28.0-beta016 May 2018 06:05 minor feature: You can now add co-authors to Git commits in the Git pane. It's now easier to undo and amend your last commit in the Git pane. You can now push and pull branches more easily from the status bar. You can now create pull requests from the GitHub pane. A tree view dock is no longer expanded when the 'Auto Reveal' option is enabled. Clip cursor width when soft-wrap is on and cursor is at the end of a line. Restore cursor position correctly after undo/redo when multiple editors are open for the same buffer. Prevent default editor commands from modifying read-only TextEditors. Separate the concept of "keyboard enabled" editor state from read-only editor state. Ensure that files are not opened incorrectly when multiple open requests occur simultaneously. Improve handling of line endings in Unicode files. an that causes the dock handle to break when an item is dragged over it. Clarify deprecation of undo: skip option. Atom/atom#16999 - Prevent default commands from modifying readonly TextEditors. Atom/atom#17041 - Add Probot lock configuration. Atom/atom#16864 - Convert Dock class to Etch. Atom/atom#16936 - caused by dragging file from desktop through dock handle. Atom/atom#17056 - Weekly Focus: 2018-04-02. Atom/atom#17070 - Defer component initialization until element is requested. Atom/atom#17089 - Clarify deprecation of undo: skip option. Atom/atom#17102 - Weekly Focus: 2018-04-09. Atom/atom#17111 - Bump github package version to 0.13.2. Atom/atom#17126 - atom/github v0.14.0. Atom/atom#17124 - Separate keyboard enablement from read-only editor state. Atom/atom#17166 - Avoid writing to config file while quitting. Atom/atom#17177 - atom/github 0.14.1. Atom/atom#17208 - white I-beam cursor. Atom/atom#17212 - Remove 'project' command line flag. Atom/atom#17216 - Wait to initialize auto update manager until config is loaded. Atom/atom#17218 - Update existing editors' language modes when toggling tree-sitter feature flag. Atom/one-dark-ui#248 - tabs.less. Atom/one-dark-ui#250
1.27.0-beta127 Apr 2018 09:45 minor feature: an error that would occur when opening files from Finder on macOS. a where Atom would auto-update even if auto-updates were disabled. The cursor not turning white when using dark syntax themes. an where packages could cause config file corruption by changing config settings during shutdown. a in the new system for excluding scopes from spell-check. an error that would occur when trying to expand snippets in the git commit message editor.
1.26.019 Apr 2018 07:05 minor feature: Added experimental file system watcher support. Improved support for git worktrees. Updated fuzzaldrin-plus across a few packages to get better fuzzy path searching. Improved file rename detection in the watchPath API. Initial support for a new Atom project file format. Package authors can now control the order of context menu items. Chromium 56's "system-ui" generic font family is now used to load platform-specific system fonts. Atom's.deb package dependencies have been expanded to enable installation inside headless environments. Crashes caused by missing USERNAME/USER environment variables. Atom --wait now works correctly with Windows file paths. User interface polish around typing, scroll wheel scaling, and editor text rendering. an where panes sometimes do not fill available space. Syntax grammar updates for language-java, language-javascript, language-php, and language-yaml. Atom/atom-dark-ui#74 - Switch to sytem-ui font. Atom/atom-light-ui#42 - Switch to sytem-ui font. Atom/one-dark-ui#233 - dock toggle button position. Atom/one-dark-ui#238 - Switch to sytem-ui font. Atom/one-dark-ui#242 - Remove margin of icon only status-bar items. Atom/one-dark-ui#243 - Increase transparency of the modal backdrop. Atom/one-dark-ui#244 - command palette input border. Atom/one-dark-ui#245 - Use dropdown as font size picker. Atom/one-dark-ui#246 - Sticky projects. Atom/one-light-ui#118 - dock toggle button position. Atom/one-light-ui#120 - Switch to sytem-ui font. Atom/one-light-ui#123 - Remove margin of icon only status-bar items. Atom/one-light-ui#124 - Increase transparency of the modal backdrop. Atom/one-light-ui#125 - command palette input border. Atom/one-light-ui#126 - Use dropdown as font size picker. Atom/one-light-ui#121 - Sticky projects. Atom/archive-view#60 - Refactor. Atom/archive-view#58 - Focus file before modifying DOM to avoid forced reflows. Atom/autocomplete-plus#957 - Update fuzzaldrin-plus to 0.6.0. Atom/autocomplete-plus#953 - validation for navigate-to
1.26.0-beta214 Apr 2018 11:25 minor feature: Added ability to customize the default timeout used for notifications that automatically dismiss themselves. Sanitized HTML rendered within notification descriptions.
1.26.0-beta106 Apr 2018 11:05 minor feature: Added ability to customize the default timeout used for notifications that automatically dismiss themselves. Sanitized HTML rendered within notification descriptions.
1.26.0-beta016 Mar 2018 15:25 minor feature: Electron has been upgraded to 1.7.11. Support greatly improved syntax highlighting and code folding with a next-generation parsing system called tree-sitter. See the pull request for details about opting in to try it out. Dialogs launched with the Atom API, including confirm and save, may now be asynchronous. Add a callback to atom.confirm() and showSaveDialog calls to opt-in to the asynchronous forms. Python language support is being overhauled substantially and now supports function annotations, async functions, string formatting, f-strings, and binary strings. Style attributes within HTML documents are tokenized as CSS. The GitHub package has a configuration setting to control automatic hard-wrapping of commit messages composed in the mini-editor. The GitHub package's diff view no longer scrolls when it shouldn't. Filemode changes and changes to symlinks are shown and handled properly by git operations. Duplicate snippet keys are an error and prevent the loading of erroneous user snippets. The spell-check package supports an excludedScopes setting to prevent spellchecking from being performed on specific grammatical constructs. Window dimensions are saved on resize rather than blur, which improves reliability. Atom --wait can reuse an existing window and return when the named buffers or folders are. Some TextEditor settings may be preserved when the language mode changes. Atom.commands.dispatch() returns a Promise that resolves after all handlers complete. Perform all configuration file I/O in the main process, to prevent race conditions that occur when multiple windows interact with the configuration file at once. Enable snippets within strings and comments. TypeScript files with a.tsx extension are now discovered by custom transpilers. an where panes could not be dragged into docks. Atom/atom#16341 - Changed atom safe mode theme to One Dark. Atom/atom#16074 - Make notifications.clear public and emit event. Atom/atom#16352 - :arrow_up: git-utils@5.2.0. Atom/atom
1.25.0-beta224 Feb 2018 20:05 minor feature: Context menus are now asynchronous . A new TextBuffer LanguageMode API is being rolled out. Automatically scroll to the cursor position after folding or unfolding text. Text editor elements support a readonly attribute. Create language packages with package-generator. Atom/atom#16073 - Decaffeinate spec/ Atom/atom#16090 - Decaffeinate TokenIterator. Atom/atom#16111 - flakiness in (and decaffeinate) GitRepository tests. Atom/atom#16119 - Convert atom-environment-spec to JS. Atom/atom#16091 - Decaffeinate text-utils. Atom/atom#16092 - Autoscroll to cursor position after folding or unfolding. Atom/atom#16140 - errors when passing subword regex to native find methods. Atom/atom#16141 - Convert AtomEnvironment to JS. Atom/atom#16144 - handling of jQuery objects in TooltipManager.add method. Atom/atom#16150 - Point Atom Core and build documentation to new Flight Manual section. Atom/atom#16173 - non ssl links. Atom/atom#16174 - Ensure app windows launch in the order we assert they do. Atom/atom#16180 - Change HTTP Links to HTTPS in Atom/atom#16114 - Use wheelDelta instead of delta in the scroll handler. Atom/atom#16190 - Change HTTP Links to HTTPS in Atom/atom#16186 - Autoscroll after folding from keyboard, take 2. Atom/atom#16191 - merge conflicts for #15415 (Adding option to skip main process tests. Cleaning up resources in tests). Atom/atom#16197 - Change HTTP Links to HTTPS in /docs/build-instructions/. Atom/atom#16221 - Change HTTP Link to HTTPS in Atom/atom#16223 - Repair Links in Documentation. Atom/atom#16215 - Translate line and column numbers from URI handlers. Atom/atom#16192 - Make ContextMenu async. Atom/atom#16227 - Use native Array.isArray in application-delegate. Atom/atom#16230 - Make links work even when not logged in. Atom/atom#16255 - Do not clobber recent project history when running specs. Atom/atom#16087 - Use new TextBuffer LanguageMode API. Atom/atom#16290 -
1.25.0-beta120 Feb 2018 03:25 minor feature: Context menus are now asynchronous . A new TextBuffer LanguageMode API is being rolled out. Automatically scroll to the cursor position after folding or unfolding text. Text editor elements support a readonly attribute. Create language packages with package-generator. Atom/atom#16073 - Decaffeinate spec/ Atom/atom#16090 - Decaffeinate TokenIterator. Atom/atom#16111 - flakiness in (and decaffeinate) GitRepository tests. Atom/atom#16119 - Convert atom-environment-spec to JS. Atom/atom#16091 - Decaffeinate text-utils. Atom/atom#16092 - Autoscroll to cursor position after folding or unfolding. Atom/atom#16140 - errors when passing subword regex to native find methods. Atom/atom#16141 - Convert AtomEnvironment to JS. Atom/atom#16144 - handling of jQuery objects in TooltipManager.add method. Atom/atom#16150 - Point Atom Core and build documentation to new Flight Manual section. Atom/atom#16173 - non ssl links. Atom/atom#16174 - Ensure app windows launch in the order we assert they do. Atom/atom#16180 - Change HTTP Links to HTTPS in Atom/atom#16114 - Use wheelDelta instead of delta in the scroll handler. Atom/atom#16190 - Change HTTP Links to HTTPS in Atom/atom#16186 - Autoscroll after folding from keyboard, take 2. Atom/atom#16191 - merge conflicts for #15415 (Adding option to skip main process tests. Cleaning up resources in tests). Atom/atom#16197 - Change HTTP Links to HTTPS in /docs/build-instructions/. Atom/atom#16221 - Change HTTP Link to HTTPS in Atom/atom#16223 - Repair Links in Documentation. Atom/atom#16215 - Translate line and column numbers from URI handlers. Atom/atom#16192 - Make ContextMenu async. Atom/atom#16227 - Use native Array.isArray in application-delegate. Atom/atom#16230 - Make links work even when not logged in. Atom/atom#16255 - Do not clobber recent project history when running specs. Atom/atom#16087 - Use new TextBuffer LanguageMode API. Atom/atom#16290 -
1.25.0-beta016 Feb 2018 10:05 minor feature: Context menus are now asynchronous . A new TextBuffer LanguageMode API is being rolled out. Automatically scroll to the cursor position after folding or unfolding text. Text editor elements support a readonly attribute. Create language packages with package-generator. Atom/atom#16073 - Decaffeinate spec/ Atom/atom#16090 - Decaffeinate TokenIterator. Atom/atom#16111 - flakiness in (and decaffeinate) GitRepository tests. Atom/atom#16119 - Convert atom-environment-spec to JS. Atom/atom#16091 - Decaffeinate text-utils. Atom/atom#16092 - Autoscroll to cursor position after folding or unfolding. Atom/atom#16140 - errors when passing subword regex to native find methods. Atom/atom#16141 - Convert AtomEnvironment to JS. Atom/atom#16144 - handling of jQuery objects in TooltipManager.add method. Atom/atom#16150 - Point Atom Core and build documentation to new Flight Manual section. Atom/atom#16173 - non ssl links. Atom/atom#16174 - Ensure app windows launch in the order we assert they do. Atom/atom#16180 - Change HTTP Links to HTTPS in Atom/atom#16114 - Use wheelDelta instead of delta in the scroll handler. Atom/atom#16190 - Change HTTP Links to HTTPS in Atom/atom#16186 - Autoscroll after folding from keyboard, take 2. Atom/atom#16191 - merge conflicts for #15415 (Adding option to skip main process tests. Cleaning up resources in tests). Atom/atom#16197 - Change HTTP Links to HTTPS in /docs/build-instructions/. Atom/atom#16221 - Change HTTP Link to HTTPS in Atom/atom#16223 - Repair Links in Documentation. Atom/atom#16215 - Translate line and column numbers from URI handlers. Atom/atom#16192 - Make ContextMenu async. Atom/atom#16227 - Use native Array.isArray in application-delegate. Atom/atom#16230 - Make links work even when not logged in. Atom/atom#16255 - Do not clobber recent project history when running specs. Atom/atom#16087 - Use new TextBuffer LanguageMode API. Atom/atom#16290 -
1.24.0-beta310 Jan 2018 10:45 minor feature: Atom/atom#16513 - Update protocol client installation. Atom/autocomplete-plus#930 - non-word character replacement. Atom/autocomplete-plus#810 - Avoid querying destroyed editor in SymbolProvider spec. Atom/autocomplete-plus#838 - Optionally dismiss suggestion list on up/down instead of cycling. Atom/autocomplete-plus#936 - Remove editor from watchedEditors when editor is destroyed. Atom/autocomplete-plus#940 - Introduce service API version 4.0 with simplified prehandling. Atom/spell-check#225 - the github README link. Atom/spell-check#222 - Don't watch editors more than once if they're re-added to the workspace. Atom/spell-check#227 - Update atom-select-list to 0.7.0. Atom/spell-check#233 - Fallback to the dictionary path provided by node-spellchecker.
1.24.0-beta203 Jan 2018 06:45 minor feature: Update APM to solve inability to upgrade/install packages with case-sensitive names #16478. Update language-html to remove begin/end matching for alphabetical character references atom/language-html#181. Honor 'never' when chosen in the atom protocol handler registration dialog #16201.
1.24.0-beta013 Dec 2017 10:05 minor feature: Atom packages can register a URI handler function that will be invoked any time the user visits a URI that starts with atom://package-name/. Hide specific commands in the command palette. Improved the performance of multi-cursor editing operations by restructuring event APIs to call their callbacks only once per keystroke. The GitHub package now never locks the index, making it easier to use the CLI or other Git tools with Atom open in the background. Atom/atom#15768 - :arrow_up: atom-keymap@8.2.6. Atom/atom#15770 - flaky package manager spec. Atom/atom#15777 - mouseup listener cleanup when dragging in text editor. Atom/atom#15760 - faded application icons on macOS 10.13. Atom/atom#15776 - slowness in Cursor.getCurrentWordBufferRange. Atom/atom#15729 - Update first-mate. Atom/atom#15785 - :art: Shortened last three methods in color class. Atom/atom#15769 - :arrow_up: electron@1.6.14. Atom/atom#15799 - Preserve indentation when toggling comments on whitespace-only lines. Atom/atom#15800 - rendering when folds cause the vertical scrollbar to disappear with soft wrapping enabled. Atom/atom#15798 - Prompt to save when unloading if editor is in conflict. Atom/atom#15775 - Update the stale markComment message. Atom/atom#15821 - Clear dimensions cache when approximate screen line count changes. Atom/atom#15828 - Clear the dimensions cache after updating the soft wrap column. Atom/atom#15823 - Decaffeinate Gutter. Atom/atom#15833 - Always revert to composition checkpoint, even if input is disabled. Atom/atom#15834 - Decaffeinate GutterContainer. Atom/atom#15840 - Add indentation to force YAML to leave certain lines the way they are. Atom/atom#15838 - Decaffeinate GrammarRegistry. Atom/atom#15865 - Don't throw when destroying block decorations inside marker change event. Atom/atom#15882 - decaffeinate Atom/atom#15904 - Link to more accurate local dev instructions. Atom/atom#15906 - Link to the flight-manual instead of duplicating documentation. Atom/atom#1
1.23.0-beta117 Nov 2017 06:05 minor feature: a performance problem in the autocomplete system that caused lag when typing long sequences of the same character.
1.23.0-beta008 Nov 2017 13:25 minor feature: Made a significant performance improvement fetching git status. Added a setting to highlight the line number in the gutter when matching brackets. Markdown preview panes no longer reset their scroll position to the top when the source is saved. Added a setting for maximum line length before soft wrapping is enforced. Numerous to bundled language grammar packages. Changed autocomplete-plus default provider to compute suggestions natively and on a separate thread. Atom/atom#15613 - Use the Atom Beta executable to verify startup snapshots when building Beta. Atom/atom#15618 - "softWrapped" appear twice in field extraction. Atom/atom#14495 - Enable MAX_SCREEN_LINE_LENGTH to now be set via a config option. Atom/atom#15440 - Replace pathwatcher w/ bundled watcher to catch created rename events. Atom/atom#15623 - Upgrade text-buffer for destroy-after-save. Atom/atom#15627 - Wait for async onWillDestroyPaneItem handlers before destroying items. Atom/atom#15649 - :arrow_up: bracket-matcher@0.88.0. Atom/atom#15652 - ?? Update autocomplete-plus to v2.35.10. Atom/atom#15654 - ? github@0.6.0. Atom/atom#15656 - Restore the fs.existsSync guard in Config. Atom/atom#15669 - :memo: cursor name letter casing. Atom/atom#15683 - Allow atom:// urls to be opened from the command line. Atom/atom#15643 - Wait for async PaneContainer.onWillDestroyPaneItem listeners. Atom/atom#15681 - Notify when deserializing project state for missing directories. Atom/atom#14654 - Improve confirm documentation. Atom/atom#15712 - Update language-html to 0.48.0. Atom/atom#15740 - Restore a missing "typeof". Atom/atom#15713 - Update syntax-related code to use new TextBuffer LanguageMode API (part 1). Atom/atom#15750 - Avoid process spawn overhead for refreshing git status. Atom/atom#15759 - Upgrade text-buffer and autosave to avoid spurious saves. Atom/atom#15692 - Pane on did change path. Atom/atom#15777 - mouseup listener cleanup when dragging in text editor. Atom/atom#15760 - faded application icons on m
1.22.0-beta201 Nov 2017 10:45 minor feature: Atom/atom#15894 - overlay resizing infinite loop. Atom/atom#15990 - Don't assign a default project path for package specs that don't have a tures directory. Atom/atom#16017 - Switch to fork of nsfw to symlink loops on Linux. 2504903 - offsetHeight of undefined error. Atom/atom-keymap#221 - matching a binding ending in a carat. Atom/atom-keymap#224 - Add a workaround to resolve slovak correctly with the cmd key. Atom/atom-keymap#226 - Support custom dvorak QWERTYCMD layouts. Atom/markdown-preview#506 - relative image path resolution. Atom/superstring#38 - Add case sensitivity to subword start bonus. Atom/text-buffer#269 - Make sure that destroyAllFolds works regardless of fold order.
1.22.0-beta114 Oct 2017 05:45 minor feature: ?? electron@1.6.15. Atom/atom#15760 - faded application icons on macOS 10.13. Atom/atom#15800 - rendering when folds cause the vertical scrollbar to disappear with soft wrapping enabled. Atom/atom#15821 - Clear dimensions cache when approximate screen line count changes. Atom/atom#15828 - Clear the dimensions cache after updating the soft wrap column. Atom/atom#15833 - Always revert to composition checkpoint, even if input is disabled. Atom/atom#15865 - Don't throw when destroying block decorations inside marker change event. Atom/markdown-preview#477 - restore scrollTop of viewElement for smoother livereload. Atom/markdown-preview#503 - Use dompurify to sanitize html. Atom/settings-view#1000 - broken docs link. Atom/settings-view#997 - Add tabType as a scoped setting. Atom/settings-view#1007 - Use DOMPurify for README sanitization. Atom/settings-view#1008 - Switch objective-c for node_js so Travis can use linux instead of OS X. Atom/snippets#241 - Make tests run with promise and non-promise package deactivate. Atom/snippets#244 - Make the bundled snippets work when the package is snapshotted. Atom/superstring#37 - sorting ambiguity in findWordsWithSubsequence. Atom/text-buffer#266 - Gracefully handle edits performed in onDidChange listeners during reload.
1.22.0-beta005 Oct 2017 19:45 minor feature: Language Server Protocol support and integration via atom-languageclient and atom-ide-ui. New filesystem watcher API to unify implementations and conserve system resources. More PR timeline events and build status are now available in the GitHub pane. MacOS native tabs are now supported. Restored Atom's ASAR archive to improve to improve performance in several scenarios, most notably installation on Windows. Lots of language-specific grammar improvements, including the addition of TypeScript. Atom/atom#15183 - regression re: closing tabs via middle mouse click on Linux. Atom/atom#14853 - Filesystem watcher API. Atom/atom#15186 - Upgrade atom-keymap to caps lock on Windows. Atom/atom#15191 - Update github to 0.4.2. Atom/atom#15198 - Update document with electron version. Atom/atom#15214 - Update language-javascript. Atom/atom#15208 - Separate tests and installer creation on AppVeyor. Atom/atom#15234 - Bring master up to date with recent changes in 1.20-release branch. Atom/atom#15224 - Set multiline flags for out-of-Atom regex replacements. Atom/atom#15240 - Create, update and destroy highlights manually. Atom/atom#15244 - Shim rowsPerPage property on Editor instances. Atom/atom#15270 - measuring lines in presence of pending autoscroll requests. Atom/atom#15265 - Work around incorrect data on compositionupdate events in Chrome 56. Atom/atom#15275 - Use default cursor on dummy scrollbars and make them 15px wide/tall. Atom/atom#15273 - Don't throw an error when setting an incredibly small lineHeight. Atom/atom#15264 - Ensure Pane.destroyItem always returns a promise. Atom/atom#15266 - Suppress composition events default prevented on previous keydown. Atom/atom#15285 - IME composition preview for new editors. Atom/atom#15299 - Ignore clicks on block decorations. Atom/atom#15296 - Prompt user only once when quitting/restarting and canceling save dialog. Atom/atom#15302 - Always render hidden input. Atom/atom#14682 - Bring back ASAR archives. Atom/atom#15310 - Honor edito
1.21.0-beta228 Sep 2017 01:45 minor feature: Atom/atom#15638 - Backport config improvements to 1.20. Atom/atom#15656 - Restore the fs.existsSync guard in Config. Atom/styleguide#61 - Lock js-beautify to 1.6.14. Atom/language-php#257 - Recursively match curly brackets. Atom/language-php#258 - Combine class use patterns. Atom/language-php#261 - Improve number regexes. Atom/language-php#262 - Revert "Improve number regexes". Atom/language-php#263 - Improve number regexes. Atom/language-php#269 - Bring in suggested changes. Atom/language-php#266 - Always end PHP on ? .
1.21.0-beta120 Sep 2017 13:25 minor feature: Atom/atom#15638 - Backport config improvements to 1.20. Atom/atom#15656 - Restore the fs.existsSync guard in Config. Atom/styleguide#61 - Lock js-beautify to 1.6.14. Atom/language-php#257 - Recursively match curly brackets. Atom/language-php#258 - Combine class use patterns. Atom/language-php#261 - Improve number regexes. Atom/language-php#262 - Revert "Improve number regexes". Atom/language-php#263 - Improve number regexes. Atom/language-php#269 - Bring in suggested changes. Atom/language-php#266 - Always end PHP on ? .
1.21.0-beta015 Sep 2017 11:05 minor feature: Added support for multiple git diff views. Git commit messages can now be edited in the main editor. Find in Project search results now include additional context lines. Added an API for observing dock visibility. Middle-mouse button behavior when closing tabs on Linux. CSS autocomplete now supports PostCSS. Support has been added to bracket-matcher for code embedded in strings. Atom/atom#14763 - typo in the document. Atom/atom#14769 - Prevent block decorations from mistakenly wrapping during measurements. Atom/atom#14745 - Disable flakey main process test on Windows. Atom/atom#14782 - Don't recreate Atom shortcut on Desktop on update. Atom/atom#14790 - Document text decorations. Atom/atom#14835 - Avoid dependency on recent c++ standard library version. Atom/atom#14761 - Update CSP to allow using eval from JavaScript. Atom/atom#14736 - Add methods for observing dock visibility. Atom/atom#14788 - AppVeyor node_module caches get corrupted, let's just disable them for now. Atom/atom#14895 - measuring block decorations if adding them before attaching element. Atom/atom#14893 - resetting styles in NodePool. Atom/atom#14897 - Ensure custom title bar is always updated when document.title changes. Atom/atom#14905 - Only expect a single 'did-destroy' event. Atom/atom#14886 - Add instructions for local development. Atom/atom#14929 - Invalidate block decoration dimensions automatically when their size changes. Atom/atom#14955 - Assign screen-row to each line number as a data field. Atom/atom#14948 - Always render 'decoration' class on custom decorations. Atom/atom#14967 - Upgrade text-buffer to v13.0.6. Atom/atom#14987 - regressions handling mousedown on Linux and macOS. Atom/atom#14773 - Appveyor switch to Node 6.9.4 from 6.8.0. Atom/atom#14690 - Add keyboard accelerators to file change window state dialogs. Atom/atom#15004 - Pin npm to 5.1 so we can build. Atom/atom#15013 - Swap underlying editor correctly when calling setModel on editor element. Atom/atom#
1.20.0-beta711 Sep 2017 04:45 minor feature: a regression that prevented lines from being displayed correctly after destroying a marker associated with a block decoration. an that caused scrollbars to be in the wrong position when splitting an editor.
1.20.0-beta607 Sep 2017 14:05 minor feature: Two that were causing the editor to move the cursor when clicking on scrollbars or near the viewport edges. a regression that prevented the editor from scrolling with a low editor.scrollSensitivity config setting. an that prevented scrollbars from showing when the "Show scrollbars only when scrolling" setting was enabled on macOS. a rendering glitch in the editor caused by adding block decorations on invalid markers. an uncaught exception that was sometimes thrown when adding block decorations on non-empty markers. a regression that prevented tabs from being on middle-click.
1.19.503 Sep 2017 21:05 minor feature: 1.19.0-beta0. ?? electron-winstaller. ?? text-buffer. ?? tabs. ?? line-ending-selector. ?? text-buffer. ?? text-buffer and whitespace. 1.19.0-beta1. 1.19.0-beta2. Disable flaky main process test on windows for now. ?? text-buffer. 1.19.0-beta3. ?? metrics. 1.19.0-beta4. Pin npm to 5.1 so we can build. 5.2 causes errors with eslinter-plugi?. 1.19.0-beta5. Output apm version info during build. Sign manually without using Squirrel. config setting for signing with Windows installer. Also sign update.exe manually. Sign update.exe before Squirrel copies it. ?? text-buffer. Prepare 1.19.0-beta6. Prepare 1.19.0-beta7. Revert ". ?? github@0.3.4-0. 1.19.0. ?? github. Create shorter temp path for Squirrel. Version bump. ?? bracket-matcher@0.87.3. ?? apm. ?? language-css. 1.19.2. ?? text-buffer. ?? text-buffer@13.0.10. v1.19.3. ?? pathwatcher and dependent packages. ?? text-buffer. ?? tabs. ?? pathwatcher, atom-keymap and tree-view. ?? text-buffer. ?? text-buffer. ?? text-buffer. ?? text-buffer. 1.19.4. ?? etch. ?? text-buffer. ?? text-buffer. ?? text-buffer. ?? text-buffer for pathwatcher crash. ?? text-buffer. ?? pathwatcher. ?? text-buffer. ?? text-buffer. 1.19.5.
1.20.0-beta530 Aug 2017 00:05 minor feature: Don't select when typing while also holding the left mouse button. assertion failure when buffer is destroyed within a transaction (e2f781c). Avoid reading garbage when GetOverlappedResult succeeds w/ zero bytes. Prevent multiple createWriteStream calls from creating multiple prompts (8484dd9). Avoid multiple prompts when the user cancels (cf0bab5). Make index.js compatible w/ electron-link (3f9f51e). crashes when splicing patches with mismatched text. Explicitly use 64-bit stat structure. patch getting partially updated before throwing invalid splice exception (afc948d). Include syscall name in TextBuffer IO errors.
1.20.0-beta424 Aug 2017 14:45 minor feature: Atom/atom#15372 - Blurry text on Windows. Atom/atom#14765 - File removed outside of Atom does not tab in Atom regardless of setting. Atom/atom#15267 - Mac: No elevation of privilege prompt when attempting to edit files owned by root. Atom/atom#15197 - Linux: Middle-clicking an unsaved tab causes entire desktop to be unresponsive to clicks. Atom/atom#15346 - Suppress default-prevented composition events on compositionstart instead of compositionupdate. Atom/atom#15345 - Round return values of getMaxScrollTop, getScrollHeight. Atom/atom#15347 - Use capture phase for mouseup handler. Atom/atom#15357 - Ignore scroll requests to NaN, null or undefined positions. Atom/atom#15359 - folding for lines that contain a comment. Atom/atom#15367 - Set visibility: hidden on dummy scrollbars if native ones are invisible. Atom/atom#15228 - Upgrade text-buffer for setTextViaDiff. Atom/atom#15372 - Always round GPU layer dimensions to physical pixel boundaries. Atom/atom#15389 - line number position when block decorations are at tile boundaries. Atom/atom#15384 - highlight end pixel position calculation. Atom/atom#15378 - Drop use of GPU tiles for lines and line numbers. Atom/tabs#515 - Perform left/middle click actions on click instead of on mousedown. Atom/text-buffer#242 - Don't consider lone CRs as line breaks in setTextViaDiff. Atom/text-buffer#244 - Use native text buffer to check if file is unmodified to be deleted. Atom/text-buffer#246 - Restore the ability to save files owned by root on Mac. Atom/text-buffer#247 - privilege escalation. Atom/node-pathwatcher#122 - Remove privilege escalation functionality. Atom/superstring#24 - Avoid changing buffers' modified status when saves fail.
1.20.0-beta320 Aug 2017 20:05 minor feature: Atom/atom#15310 - Honor editor's scrollSensitivity parameter. Atom/atom#15313 - Ensure extra document updates are not scheduled during updateSync. Atom/atom#15314 - Suppress text input for default-prevented keydown events. Atom/atom#15317 - Move cursors container inside lines container. Atom/atom#15322 - Move placeholder text inside lines div. Atom/atom#15324 - Only scroll one axis at a time, whichever has the greater delta. Atom/atom#15338 - Hide off-screen lines when we render them for measurement. Atom/atom#15339 - Only clear linesToMeasure when we have actually measured.
1.20.0-beta215 Aug 2017 07:25 minor feature: Atom/atom#15270 - measuring lines in presence of pending autoscroll requests. Atom/atom#15265 - Work around incorrect data on compositionupdate events in Chrome 56. Atom/atom#15275 - Use default cursor on dummy scrollbars and make them 15px wide/tall. Atom/atom#15273 - Don't throw an error when setting an incredibly small lineHeight. Atom/atom#15266 - Suppress composition events default prevented on previous keydown. Atom/atom#15285 - IME composition preview for new editors. Atom/atom#15299 - Ignore clicks on block decorations. Atom/atom#15296 - Prompt user only once when quitting/restarting and canceling save dialog. Atom/bracket-matcher#296 - Update to latest atom/ci version. Atom/bracket-matcher#294 - Add support for code embedded in strings. Atom/bracket-matcher#262 - reverse brace/bracket matching. Atom/bracket-matcher#257 - Recognize self-closing tags. Atom/bracket-matcher#257 - Recognize self-closing tags. Atom/bracket-matcher#301 - Match the exact tag name when looking for closing tags. Atom/bracket-matcher#302 - Skip over tag attributes when selecting inside tags. Atom/bracket-matcher#302 - Skip over tag attributes when selecting inside tags. Atom/bracket-matcher#308 - Guard against null tokenizedLineForRow. Atom/language-css#112 - valid identifier/identified error highlighting. Atom/language-css#112 - valid identifier/identified error highlighting. Atom/language-css#113 - Revert " Atom/language-css#117 - Add support for the fr unit. Atom/language-css#118 - adds semicolon to end of @import snippet. Atom/language-css#119 - Eliminate catastrophic backtracking that hangs Atom.
1.20.0-beta111 Aug 2017 19:45 minor feature: Atom's underlying text buffer has been implemented in native C++. Full rewrite of the editor's rendering layer. Update to Electron 1.6.9. Render line number gutter without numbers when showLineNumbers is false. Improved clarity of Editor not responding actions. Restore ability for escape to return focus to center. Optimize trailing whitespace removal using native buffer search. Atom/atom#13880 - Rewrite editor rendering layout to use new browser features and virtual DOM. Atom/atom#14416 - Show stdout in addition to stderr in script/test. Atom/atom#14417 - Add config schema for version pinned packages. Atom/atom#14419 - Remove jQuery from dependencies. Atom/atom#14428 - Remove 'color' dependency. Atom/atom#14432 - Revert "Remove 'color' dependency". Atom/atom#14393 - Add Github package to CI listing. Atom/atom#14445 - Install dev dependencies when transpiling. Atom/atom#14459 - search menu link. Atom/atom#14485 - exception when starting to drag text. Atom/atom#12696 - Upgrade Electron to v1.6.x. Atom/atom#14553 - Don't snapshot the iconv-lite module. Atom/atom#14553 - Don't snapshot the iconv-lite module. Atom/atom#14460 - ability to activate next/previous pane in a dock. Atom/atom#14492 - :: Report link to Atom/atom#14574 - :memo: Document Task.cancel. Atom/atom#14621 - :arrow_up: github@0.2.0. Atom/atom#14427 - the atom:// URL handler for real (with tests this time). Atom/atom#14420 - Don't show restore dialog for non-editor dock items. Atom/atom#14634 - Update languages. Atom/atom#14643 - :memo: Update and clean up CONTRIBUTING guide. Atom/atom#13691 - Allow building on Node 7+. Atom/atom#14686 - Try a different approach for preventing autoscroll to off-screen input. Atom/atom#14693 - Skip overlay resize events when we already measured at the current size. Atom/atom#14694 - Render line number gutter without numbers when showLineNumbers is false. Atom/atom#14697 - :memo: Add missing parameter documentation. Atom/atom#14657 - Atomicons. Atom/atom#14
1.19.0-beta707 Aug 2017 11:45 minor feature: All new Git and GitHub Integration. Improved tokenizing performance via oniguruma caching. Correctly launch Atom from Windows Subsystem for Linux. Added an option to always restore previous session. Added settings for showing context in find-and-replace. Improved suggestions in autocomplete-html. Atom/atom#14174 - Avoid errors deserializing 1.17 workspace state in prior Atom versions. Atom/atom#14166 - Ensure that atom-panel tags can be created via HTML. Atom/atom#14175 - Always focus active pane item when pane is activated. Atom/atom#14137 - Document pane item interface on Workspace. Atom/atom#14183 - Properly restore focus to center when hiding dock via toggle. Atom/atom#14188 - Always search a pane container w/ the given URI in Atom/atom#14164 - Add atom.whenShellEnvironmentLoaded(). Atom/atom#14177 - Remove event listeners from correct element. Atom/atom#14194 - Require TextEditorElement eagerly. Atom/atom#14178 - Prevent the resize handle from covering the center. Atom/atom#14146 - Improve snapshotting. Atom/atom#14203 - Ensure that dock toggle affordances can always be revealed. Atom/atom#14205 - URI resolution in openSync(). Atom/atom#14210 - Reduce dock initial size lookups. Atom/atom#14239 - Add Workspace.paneContainerForItem method. Atom/atom#13646 - Only sign and create-windows-installer on *-releases branches. Atom/atom#14221 - Don't permanent dock items. Atom/atom#14249 - Update languages. Atom/atom#14261 - Upgrade first-mate to take advantage of oniguruma caching. Atom/atom#14217 - Don't attempt to transpile directories. Atom/atom#14271 - Do not treat packages in unusual locations as bundled despite name. Atom/atom#14276 - bundled package path check to use path, not name. Atom/atom#14293 - Update Electron to 1.3.15. Atom/atom#14287 - Run Atom from Windows Subsystem for Linux. Atom/atom#14320 - Unbreak URL handlers in Atom 1.17-beta. Atom/atom#14269 - Update apm to use async keytar with libsecret. Atom/atom#14309 - Recalculate Tooltip po
1.19.0-beta603 Aug 2017 02:45 minor feature: All new Git and GitHub Integration. Improved tokenizing performance via oniguruma caching. Correctly launch Atom from Windows Subsystem for Linux. Added an option to always restore previous session. Added settings for showing context in find-and-replace. Improved suggestions in autocomplete-html. Atom/atom#14174 - Avoid errors deserializing 1.17 workspace state in prior Atom versions. Atom/atom#14166 - Ensure that atom-panel tags can be created via HTML. Atom/atom#14175 - Always focus active pane item when pane is activated. Atom/atom#14137 - Document pane item interface on Workspace. Atom/atom#14183 - Properly restore focus to center when hiding dock via toggle. Atom/atom#14188 - Always search a pane container w/ the given URI in Atom/atom#14164 - Add atom.whenShellEnvironmentLoaded(). Atom/atom#14177 - Remove event listeners from correct element. Atom/atom#14194 - Require TextEditorElement eagerly. Atom/atom#14178 - Prevent the resize handle from covering the center. Atom/atom#14146 - Improve snapshotting. Atom/atom#14203 - Ensure that dock toggle affordances can always be revealed. Atom/atom#14205 - URI resolution in openSync(). Atom/atom#14210 - Reduce dock initial size lookups. Atom/atom#14239 - Add Workspace.paneContainerForItem method. Atom/atom#13646 - Only sign and create-windows-installer on *-releases branches. Atom/atom#14221 - Don't permanent dock items. Atom/atom#14249 - Update languages. Atom/atom#14261 - Upgrade first-mate to take advantage of oniguruma caching. Atom/atom#14217 - Don't attempt to transpile directories. Atom/atom#14271 - Do not treat packages in unusual locations as bundled despite name. Atom/atom#14276 - bundled package path check to use path, not name. Atom/atom#14293 - Update Electron to 1.3.15. Atom/atom#14287 - Run Atom from Windows Subsystem for Linux. Atom/atom#14320 - Unbreak URL handlers in Atom 1.17-beta. Atom/atom#14269 - Update apm to use async keytar with libsecret. Atom/atom#14309 - Recalculate Tooltip po
1.19.0-beta526 Jul 2017 01:25 minor feature: All new Git and GitHub Integration. Improved tokenizing performance via oniguruma caching. Correctly launch Atom from Windows Subsystem for Linux. Added an option to always restore previous session. Added settings for showing context in find-and-replace. Improved suggestions in autocomplete-html. Atom/atom#14174 - Avoid errors deserializing 1.17 workspace state in prior Atom versions. Atom/atom#14166 - Ensure that atom-panel tags can be created via HTML. Atom/atom#14175 - Always focus active pane item when pane is activated. Atom/atom#14137 - Document pane item interface on Workspace. Atom/atom#14183 - Properly restore focus to center when hiding dock via toggle. Atom/atom#14188 - Always search a pane container w/ the given URI in Atom/atom#14164 - Add atom.whenShellEnvironmentLoaded(). Atom/atom#14177 - Remove event listeners from correct element. Atom/atom#14194 - Require TextEditorElement eagerly. Atom/atom#14178 - Prevent the resize handle from covering the center. Atom/atom#14146 - Improve snapshotting. Atom/atom#14203 - Ensure that dock toggle affordances can always be revealed. Atom/atom#14205 - URI resolution in openSync(). Atom/atom#14210 - Reduce dock initial size lookups. Atom/atom#14239 - Add Workspace.paneContainerForItem method. Atom/atom#13646 - Only sign and create-windows-installer on *-releases branches. Atom/atom#14221 - Don't permanent dock items. Atom/atom#14249 - Update languages. Atom/atom#14261 - Upgrade first-mate to take advantage of oniguruma caching. Atom/atom#14217 - Don't attempt to transpile directories. Atom/atom#14271 - Do not treat packages in unusual locations as bundled despite name. Atom/atom#14276 - bundled package path check to use path, not name. Atom/atom#14293 - Update Electron to 1.3.15. Atom/atom#14287 - Run Atom from Windows Subsystem for Linux. Atom/atom#14320 - Unbreak URL handlers in Atom 1.17-beta. Atom/atom#14269 - Update apm to use async keytar with libsecret. Atom/atom#14309 - Recalculate Tooltip po
1.19.0-beta416 Jul 2017 03:45 minor feature: All new Git and GitHub Integration. Improved tokenizing performance via oniguruma caching. Correctly launch Atom from Windows Subsystem for Linux. Added an option to always restore previous session. Added settings for showing context in find-and-replace. Improved suggestions in autocomplete-html. Atom/atom#14174 - Avoid errors deserializing 1.17 workspace state in prior Atom versions. Atom/atom#14166 - Ensure that atom-panel tags can be created via HTML. Atom/atom#14175 - Always focus active pane item when pane is activated. Atom/atom#14137 - Document pane item interface on Workspace. Atom/atom#14183 - Properly restore focus to center when hiding dock via toggle. Atom/atom#14188 - Always search a pane container w/ the given URI in Atom/atom#14164 - Add atom.whenShellEnvironmentLoaded(). Atom/atom#14177 - Remove event listeners from correct element. Atom/atom#14194 - Require TextEditorElement eagerly. Atom/atom#14178 - Prevent the resize handle from covering the center. Atom/atom#14146 - Improve snapshotting. Atom/atom#14203 - Ensure that dock toggle affordances can always be revealed. Atom/atom#14205 - URI resolution in openSync(). Atom/atom#14210 - Reduce dock initial size lookups. Atom/atom#14239 - Add Workspace.paneContainerForItem method. Atom/atom#13646 - Only sign and create-windows-installer on *-releases branches. Atom/atom#14221 - Don't permanent dock items. Atom/atom#14249 - Update languages. Atom/atom#14261 - Upgrade first-mate to take advantage of oniguruma caching. Atom/atom#14217 - Don't attempt to transpile directories. Atom/atom#14271 - Do not treat packages in unusual locations as bundled despite name. Atom/atom#14276 - bundled package path check to use path, not name. Atom/atom#14293 - Update Electron to 1.3.15. Atom/atom#14287 - Run Atom from Windows Subsystem for Linux. Atom/atom#14320 - Unbreak URL handlers in Atom 1.17-beta. Atom/atom#14269 - Update apm to use async keytar with libsecret. Atom/atom#14309 - Recalculate Tooltip po
1.19.0-beta309 Jul 2017 00:25 minor feature: All new Git and GitHub Integration. Improved tokenizing performance via oniguruma caching. Correctly launch Atom from Windows Subsystem for Linux. Added an option to always restore previous session. Added settings for showing context in find-and-replace. Improved suggestions in autocomplete-html. Atom/atom#14174 - Avoid errors deserializing 1.17 workspace state in prior Atom versions. Atom/atom#14166 - Ensure that atom-panel tags can be created via HTML. Atom/atom#14175 - Always focus active pane item when pane is activated. Atom/atom#14137 - Document pane item interface on Workspace. Atom/atom#14183 - Properly restore focus to center when hiding dock via toggle. Atom/atom#14188 - Always search a pane container w/ the given URI in Atom/atom#14164 - Add atom.whenShellEnvironmentLoaded(). Atom/atom#14177 - Remove event listeners from correct element. Atom/atom#14194 - Require TextEditorElement eagerly. Atom/atom#14178 - Prevent the resize handle from covering the center. Atom/atom#14146 - Improve snapshotting. Atom/atom#14203 - Ensure that dock toggle affordances can always be revealed. Atom/atom#14205 - URI resolution in openSync(). Atom/atom#14210 - Reduce dock initial size lookups. Atom/atom#14239 - Add Workspace.paneContainerForItem method. Atom/atom#13646 - Only sign and create-windows-installer on *-releases branches. Atom/atom#14221 - Don't permanent dock items. Atom/atom#14249 - Update languages. Atom/atom#14261 - Upgrade first-mate to take advantage of oniguruma caching. Atom/atom#14217 - Don't attempt to transpile directories. Atom/atom#14271 - Do not treat packages in unusual locations as bundled despite name. Atom/atom#14276 - bundled package path check to use path, not name. Atom/atom#14293 - Update Electron to 1.3.15. Atom/atom#14287 - Run Atom from Windows Subsystem for Linux. Atom/atom#14320 - Unbreak URL handlers in Atom 1.17-beta. Atom/atom#14269 - Update apm to use async keytar with libsecret. Atom/atom#14309 - Recalculate Tooltip po
1.19.0-beta228 Jun 2017 15:45 minor feature: All new Git and GitHub Integration. Improved tokenizing performance via oniguruma caching. Correctly launch Atom from Windows Subsystem for Linux. Added an option to always restore previous session. Added settings for showing context in find-and-replace. Improved suggestions in autocomplete-html. Atom/atom#14174 - Avoid errors deserializing 1.17 workspace state in prior Atom versions. Atom/atom#14166 - Ensure that atom-panel tags can be created via HTML. Atom/atom#14175 - Always focus active pane item when pane is activated. Atom/atom#14137 - Document pane item interface on Workspace. Atom/atom#14183 - Properly restore focus to center when hiding dock via toggle. Atom/atom#14188 - Always search a pane container w/ the given URI in Atom/atom#14164 - Add atom.whenShellEnvironmentLoaded(). Atom/atom#14177 - Remove event listeners from correct element. Atom/atom#14194 - Require TextEditorElement eagerly. Atom/atom#14178 - Prevent the resize handle from covering the center. Atom/atom#14146 - Improve snapshotting. Atom/atom#14203 - Ensure that dock toggle affordances can always be revealed. Atom/atom#14205 - URI resolution in openSync(). Atom/atom#14210 - Reduce dock initial size lookups. Atom/atom#14239 - Add Workspace.paneContainerForItem method. Atom/atom#13646 - Only sign and create-windows-installer on *-releases branches. Atom/atom#14221 - Don't permanent dock items. Atom/atom#14249 - Update languages. Atom/atom#14261 - Upgrade first-mate to take advantage of oniguruma caching. Atom/atom#14217 - Don't attempt to transpile directories. Atom/atom#14271 - Do not treat packages in unusual locations as bundled despite name. Atom/atom#14276 - bundled package path check to use path, not name. Atom/atom#14293 - Update Electron to 1.3.15. Atom/atom#14287 - Run Atom from Windows Subsystem for Linux. Atom/atom#14320 - Unbreak URL handlers in Atom 1.17-beta. Atom/atom#14269 - Update apm to use async keytar with libsecret. Atom/atom#14309 - Recalculate Tooltip po
1.19.0-beta121 Jun 2017 07:25 minor feature: All new Git and GitHub Integration. Improved tokenizing performance via oniguruma caching. Correctly launch Atom from Windows Subsystem for Linux. Added an option to always restore previous session. Added settings for showing context in find-and-replace. Improved suggestions in autocomplete-html. Atom/atom#14174 - Avoid errors deserializing 1.17 workspace state in prior Atom versions. Atom/atom#14166 - Ensure that atom-panel tags can be created via HTML. Atom/atom#14175 - Always focus active pane item when pane is activated. Atom/atom#14137 - Document pane item interface on Workspace. Atom/atom#14183 - Properly restore focus to center when hiding dock via toggle. Atom/atom#14188 - Always search a pane container w/ the given URI in Atom/atom#14164 - Add atom.whenShellEnvironmentLoaded(). Atom/atom#14177 - Remove event listeners from correct element. Atom/atom#14194 - Require TextEditorElement eagerly. Atom/atom#14178 - Prevent the resize handle from covering the center. Atom/atom#14146 - Improve snapshotting. Atom/atom#14203 - Ensure that dock toggle affordances can always be revealed. Atom/atom#14205 - URI resolution in openSync(). Atom/atom#14210 - Reduce dock initial size lookups. Atom/atom#14239 - Add Workspace.paneContainerForItem method. Atom/atom#13646 - Only sign and create-windows-installer on *-releases branches. Atom/atom#14221 - Don't permanent dock items. Atom/atom#14249 - Update languages. Atom/atom#14261 - Upgrade first-mate to take advantage of oniguruma caching. Atom/atom#14217 - Don't attempt to transpile directories. Atom/atom#14271 - Do not treat packages in unusual locations as bundled despite name. Atom/atom#14276 - bundled package path check to use path, not name. Atom/atom#14293 - Update Electron to 1.3.15. Atom/atom#14287 - Run Atom from Windows Subsystem for Linux. Atom/atom#14320 - Unbreak URL handlers in Atom 1.17-beta. Atom/atom#14269 - Update apm to use async keytar with libsecret. Atom/atom#14309 - Recalculate Tooltip po
1.18.016 Jun 2017 17:45 minor feature: All new Git and GitHub Integration. Improved tokenizing performance via oniguruma caching. Correctly launch Atom from Windows Subsystem for Linux. Added an option to always restore previous session. Added settings for showing context in find-and-replace. Improved suggestions in autocomplete-html. Atom/atom#14174 - Avoid errors deserializing 1.17 workspace state in prior Atom versions. Atom/atom#14166 - Ensure that atom-panel tags can be created via HTML. Atom/atom#14175 - Always focus active pane item when pane is activated. Atom/atom#14137 - Document pane item interface on Workspace. Atom/atom#14183 - Properly restore focus to center when hiding dock via toggle. Atom/atom#14188 - Always search a pane container w/ the given URI in Atom/atom#14164 - Add atom.whenShellEnvironmentLoaded(). Atom/atom#14177 - Remove event listeners from correct element. Atom/atom#14194 - Require TextEditorElement eagerly. Atom/atom#14178 - Prevent the resize handle from covering the center. Atom/atom#14146 - Improve snapshotting. Atom/atom#14203 - Ensure that dock toggle affordances can always be revealed. Atom/atom#14205 - URI resolution in openSync(). Atom/atom#14210 - Reduce dock initial size lookups. Atom/atom#14239 - Add Workspace.paneContainerForItem method. Atom/atom#13646 - Only sign and create-windows-installer on *-releases branches. Atom/atom#14221 - Don't permanent dock items. Atom/atom#14249 - Update languages. Atom/atom#14261 - Upgrade first-mate to take advantage of oniguruma caching. Atom/atom#14217 - Don't attempt to transpile directories. Atom/atom#14271 - Do not treat packages in unusual locations as bundled despite name. Atom/atom#14276 - bundled package path check to use path, not name. Atom/atom#14293 - Update Electron to 1.3.15. Atom/atom#14287 - Run Atom from Windows Subsystem for Linux. Atom/atom#14320 - Unbreak URL handlers in Atom 1.17-beta. Atom/atom#14269 - Update apm to use async keytar with libsecret. Atom/atom#14309 - Recalculate Tooltip po
1.18.0-beta229 May 2017 23:05 minor feature: selection of penultimate row to retrieve line ending. Add test for moving lines up without last line ending. Make an option to *always restore the last session, no matter how At?. Make an option to *always restore the last session, no matter how At?. Make an option to *always restore the last session, no matter how At?. Make an option to *always restore the last session, no matter how At?. Make an option to *always restore the last session, no matter how At?. Document workspace items. Document pane item interface on Workspace. Document more methods. Update docs for renamed methods in workspace item interface. ?? electron-link@0.0.23. Only pre-require core packages if we're generating a snapshot. Ensure that atom-panel tags can be created via HTML. Avoid error when Panel.destroy is called in a blur listener. Delete mistakenly added package from the snapshot require list. 1.18.0-dev. Avoid errors deserializing 1.17 workspace state in prior Atom versions. usages of removed getModel method in tests. less spec. Always focus active pane item when pane is activated. spurious pane activation when changing focus within a pane. ?? symbols-view. ?? event-kit@2.3.0. Add `atom.whenShellEnvironmentLoaded()`. ?? atom-keymap. Remove event listeners from correct element. Prevent the resize handle from covering the center. Properly restore focus to center when hiding dock via toggle. Always search a pane container w/ the given URI in ?? autocomplete-plus to tests. ?? find-and-replace@0.208.0. Don't show resize handle at all for collapsed docks. positioning of left dock toggle button when panel container has m?. Require `TextEditorElement` eagerly. ?? one-dark-ui and one-light-ui. Make sure docks affordance can always be revealed. Ensure dock mask has size of zero. URI resolution in `openSync()`. Don't attempt to transpile directories. Reduce dock initial size lookups. Add tests for dock sizing behavior. Don't permanent dock items. Add a way
1.18.0-beta125 May 2017 12:05 minor feature: Atom/atom#14485 - exception when starting to drag text. Atom/atom#14553 - Don't snapshot the iconv-lite module, ing Unable to switch the encoding. Atom/atom#14460 - ability to activate next/previous pane in a dock. Atom/atom#14427 - the atom:// URL handler for real (with tests this time). Atom/atom#14420 - Don't show restore dialog for non-editor dock items. Atom/fuzzy-finder#297 - Show matches correctly when useAlternateScoring is true. Atom/markdown-preview#482 - Destroy cursor line decoration layers in newer versions of the editor. Atom/notifications#157 - Adding for with having new lines as part of title. Atom/tree-view#1056 - Make the tree view a dock item. Atom/tree-view#1111 - Expand to full width/height. Atom/update-package-dependencies#16 - Resolve merge conflicts with #9 (use notification for success or error). Atom/welcome#61 - build.
1.18.0-beta017 May 2017 20:25 minor feature: Docks. Improved startup time. For middle-mouse-button paste on Linux. Restore the Atom environment when adding project folders to a fresh window. Removal of jQuery from all bundled packages. Atom/atom#14024 - Snapshot AtomEnvironment. Atom/atom#14038 - Optimize style sheets loading. Atom/atom#14065 - typo in comments of text-editor-registry.js. Atom/atom#13963 - Restore atom environment when adding project folders to a fresh window. Atom/atom#13764 - Disable soft wrap on mini editors. Atom/atom#14096 - Don't snapshot minimatch and package transpilation registry on win32. Atom/atom#13977 - Docks. Atom/atom#14103 - Add atom.workspace.hide(). Atom/atom#14027 - Add saveFocusedPaneItem() and call it in "core:save" command. Atom/atom#14104 - to use ATOM_HOME if present. Atom/atom#14080 - Packages preloading. Atom/atom#14116 - Assign Package.prototype.mainModulePath eagerly for preloaded packages. Atom/atom#14107 - Always add opened items to the workspace. Atom/atom#14119 - and #13978. Atom/atom#14108 - ? observation of moved items. Atom/atom#14063 - ing middle mouse button clipboard paste on linux. Atom/atom#14135 - ? Minor edits to Atom/atom#14134 - Don't store default locations. Atom/atom#14125 - Allow workspace item objects to be passed to Atom/atom#14136 - Open docks when activating their panes, but not when adding items. Atom/atom#13965 - Allow specifying installation directory. Atom/atom#14131 - Update build to pre-compile packages with per-package transpilation configs. Atom/atom#13813 - Attempt ing exception when trying to use portable electronUserData. Atom/atom#14143 - Refine Dock UX and API. Atom/atom#14161 - a regression in hovered dock tracking. Atom/atom#14168 - adding bundled packages to ModuleCache and increase test coverage. Atom/atom#14174 - Avoid errors deserializing 1.17 workspace state in prior Atom versions. Atom/atom#14166 - Ensure that atom-panel tags can be created via HTML. Atom/atom#14175 - Always focus active pa
1.17.0-beta507 May 2017 10:25 minor feature: More title-bar options on macOS. Restore the correct directory's project state when opening a new file from the CLI. Lots of progress in our ongoing effort to remove jQuery from bundled packages. Add the "dalek" package to let people know when they have built-in packages installed in /.atom/packages that are overshadowing core packages. Atom/atom#13806 - Overhaul element pool and dedouble-free errors. Atom/atom#13808 - code-signing on CircleCI. Atom/atom#13781 - Avoid emitting path change events while destroying the Project. Atom/atom#13817 - Throw exceptions when decorating destroyed marker layers. Atom/atom#13820 - Avoid hangs when opening minified files. Atom/atom#13810 - Restore correct directory's project state when opening a new file from the CLI. Atom/atom#13823 - Upgrade to Babel 6 and apply fewer transformations when transpiling babel files. Atom/atom#13818 - Return decorations for markers from all marker layers from decorationsForScreenRowRange. Atom/atom#13843 - Respect the --resource-path flag. Atom/atom#13754 - Normalize disk drive letter in path on Windows. Atom/atom#13616 - More title-bar options (macOS). Atom/atom#13525 - Add dalek package to let people know when they have built-in packages installed in /.atom/packages. Atom/atom#13825 - Relativize spec paths more when reporting. Atom/atom#13875 - ? apm shell script reference in Windows. Atom/atom#13887 - Ignore ref and key props in TextEditor.prototype.update. Atom/atom#13898 - Use new maxLineLength parameter to GrammarRegistry. Atom/atom#13918 - Cause an assertion failure if defaultMarkerLayer is destroyed early. Atom/atom#13919 - Throw an error when assertions fail if built from source. Atom/atom#13842 - Updating requires for linux to support 32bit build(For Testing). Atom/atom#13912 - Remove macOS emoji workaround. Atom/atom#13922 - Convert workspace to JavaScript. Atom/atom#13929 - destroying a PanelContainer containing multiple panels. Atom/atom#13945 - Always restore Reopen Project menu. At
1.17.0-beta427 Apr 2017 15:25 minor feature: More title-bar options on macOS. Restore the correct directory's project state when opening a new file from the CLI. Lots of progress in our ongoing effort to remove jQuery from bundled packages. Add the "dalek" package to let people know when they have built-in packages installed in /.atom/packages that are overshadowing core packages. Atom/atom#13806 - Overhaul element pool and dedouble-free errors. Atom/atom#13808 - code-signing on CircleCI. Atom/atom#13781 - Avoid emitting path change events while destroying the Project. Atom/atom#13817 - Throw exceptions when decorating destroyed marker layers. Atom/atom#13820 - Avoid hangs when opening minified files. Atom/atom#13810 - Restore correct directory's project state when opening a new file from the CLI. Atom/atom#13823 - Upgrade to Babel 6 and apply fewer transformations when transpiling babel files. Atom/atom#13818 - Return decorations for markers from all marker layers from decorationsForScreenRowRange. Atom/atom#13843 - Respect the --resource-path flag. Atom/atom#13754 - Normalize disk drive letter in path on Windows. Atom/atom#13616 - More title-bar options (macOS). Atom/atom#13525 - Add dalek package to let people know when they have built-in packages installed in /.atom/packages. Atom/atom#13825 - Relativize spec paths more when reporting. Atom/atom#13875 - ? apm shell script reference in Windows. Atom/atom#13887 - Ignore ref and key props in TextEditor.prototype.update. Atom/atom#13898 - Use new maxLineLength parameter to GrammarRegistry. Atom/atom#13918 - Cause an assertion failure if defaultMarkerLayer is destroyed early. Atom/atom#13919 - Throw an error when assertions fail if built from source. Atom/atom#13842 - Updating requires for linux to support 32bit build(For Testing). Atom/atom#13912 - Remove macOS emoji workaround. Atom/atom#13922 - Convert workspace to JavaScript. Atom/atom#13929 - destroying a PanelContainer containing multiple panels. Atom/atom#13945 - Always restore Reopen Project menu. At
1.17.0-beta322 Apr 2017 06:25 minor feature: More title-bar options on macOS. Restore the correct directory's project state when opening a new file from the CLI. Lots of progress in our ongoing effort to remove jQuery from bundled packages. Add the "dalek" package to let people know when they have built-in packages installed in /.atom/packages that are overshadowing core packages. Atom/atom#13806 - Overhaul element pool and dedouble-free errors. Atom/atom#13808 - code-signing on CircleCI. Atom/atom#13781 - Avoid emitting path change events while destroying the Project. Atom/atom#13817 - Throw exceptions when decorating destroyed marker layers. Atom/atom#13820 - Avoid hangs when opening minified files. Atom/atom#13810 - Restore correct directory's project state when opening a new file from the CLI. Atom/atom#13823 - Upgrade to Babel 6 and apply fewer transformations when transpiling babel files. Atom/atom#13818 - Return decorations for markers from all marker layers from decorationsForScreenRowRange. Atom/atom#13843 - Respect the --resource-path flag. Atom/atom#13754 - Normalize disk drive letter in path on Windows. Atom/atom#13616 - More title-bar options (macOS). Atom/atom#13525 - Add dalek package to let people know when they have built-in packages installed in /.atom/packages. Atom/atom#13825 - Relativize spec paths more when reporting. Atom/atom#13875 - ? apm shell script reference in Windows. Atom/atom#13887 - Ignore ref and key props in TextEditor.prototype.update. Atom/atom#13898 - Use new maxLineLength parameter to GrammarRegistry. Atom/atom#13918 - Cause an assertion failure if defaultMarkerLayer is destroyed early. Atom/atom#13919 - Throw an error when assertions fail if built from source. Atom/atom#13842 - Updating requires for linux to support 32bit build(For Testing). Atom/atom#13912 - Remove macOS emoji workaround. Atom/atom#13922 - Convert workspace to JavaScript. Atom/atom#13929 - destroying a PanelContainer containing multiple panels. Atom/atom#13945 - Always restore Reopen Project menu. At
1.17.0-beta218 Apr 2017 00:25 minor feature: More title-bar options on macOS. Restore the correct directory's project state when opening a new file from the CLI. Lots of progress in our ongoing effort to remove jQuery from bundled packages. Add the "dalek" package to let people know when they have built-in packages installed in /.atom/packages that are overshadowing core packages. Atom/atom#13806 - Overhaul element pool and dedouble-free errors. Atom/atom#13808 - code-signing on CircleCI. Atom/atom#13781 - Avoid emitting path change events while destroying the Project. Atom/atom#13817 - Throw exceptions when decorating destroyed marker layers. Atom/atom#13820 - Avoid hangs when opening minified files. Atom/atom#13810 - Restore correct directory's project state when opening a new file from the CLI. Atom/atom#13823 - Upgrade to Babel 6 and apply fewer transformations when transpiling babel files. Atom/atom#13818 - Return decorations for markers from all marker layers from decorationsForScreenRowRange. Atom/atom#13843 - Respect the --resource-path flag. Atom/atom#13754 - Normalize disk drive letter in path on Windows. Atom/atom#13616 - More title-bar options (macOS). Atom/atom#13525 - Add dalek package to let people know when they have built-in packages installed in /.atom/packages. Atom/atom#13825 - Relativize spec paths more when reporting. Atom/atom#13875 - ? apm shell script reference in Windows. Atom/atom#13887 - Ignore ref and key props in TextEditor.prototype.update. Atom/atom#13898 - Use new maxLineLength parameter to GrammarRegistry. Atom/atom#13918 - Cause an assertion failure if defaultMarkerLayer is destroyed early. Atom/atom#13919 - Throw an error when assertions fail if built from source. Atom/atom#13842 - Updating requires for linux to support 32bit build(For Testing). Atom/atom#13912 - Remove macOS emoji workaround. Atom/atom#13922 - Convert workspace to JavaScript. Atom/atom#13929 - destroying a PanelContainer containing multiple panels. Atom/atom#13945 - Always restore Reopen Project menu. At
1.17.0-beta013 Apr 2017 06:45 minor feature: More title-bar options on macOS. Restore the correct directory's project state when opening a new file from the CLI. Lots of progress in our ongoing effort to remove jQuery from bundled packages. Add the "dalek" package to let people know when they have built-in packages installed in /.atom/packages that are overshadowing core packages. Atom/atom#13806 - Overhaul element pool and dedouble-free errors. Atom/atom#13808 - code-signing on CircleCI. Atom/atom#13781 - Avoid emitting path change events while destroying the Project. Atom/atom#13817 - Throw exceptions when decorating destroyed marker layers. Atom/atom#13820 - Avoid hangs when opening minified files. Atom/atom#13810 - Restore correct directory's project state when opening a new file from the CLI. Atom/atom#13823 - Upgrade to Babel 6 and apply fewer transformations when transpiling babel files. Atom/atom#13818 - Return decorations for markers from all marker layers from decorationsForScreenRowRange. Atom/atom#13843 - Respect the --resource-path flag. Atom/atom#13754 - Normalize disk drive letter in path on Windows. Atom/atom#13616 - More title-bar options (macOS). Atom/atom#13525 - Add dalek package to let people know when they have built-in packages installed in /.atom/packages. Atom/atom#13825 - Relativize spec paths more when reporting. Atom/atom#13875 - ? apm shell script reference in Windows. Atom/atom#13887 - Ignore ref and key props in TextEditor.prototype.update. Atom/atom#13898 - Use new maxLineLength parameter to GrammarRegistry. Atom/atom#13918 - Cause an assertion failure if defaultMarkerLayer is destroyed early. Atom/atom#13919 - Throw an error when assertions fail if built from source. Atom/atom#13842 - Updating requires for linux to support 32bit build(For Testing). Atom/atom#13912 - Remove macOS emoji workaround. Atom/atom#13922 - Convert workspace to JavaScript. Atom/atom#13929 - destroying a PanelContainer containing multiple panels. Atom/atom#13945 - Always restore Reopen Project menu. At
1.16.0-beta010 Mar 2017 03:16 minor feature: Duplicate selections with multiple lines now behaves in a more intuitive way. Added a core option for closing deleted file tabs, while the default remains keeping these tabs open to prevent potentially losing data. Show cursor by default on MacOS. Disable periodic serialization for large buffers to improve performance when editing large files. Improvements to line tokenization to improve editor performance when opening files with large, uninterrupted lines, like minified JavaScript. Opt out of this behavior from certain grammars like language-gfm. Remove projects correctly from the Windows jump list. Node 6 is now required to build Atom. Always reserve horizontal space for two digits on the line number gutter to prevent UI jitter when transitioning from 9 lines to 10 lines. Add a setting to apply the Chromium proxy configuration to apm via env vars. Show the default value in a tooltip when one is present in the settings view. Atom/atom#12944 - Exclude beginner from help wanted. Atom/atom#13007 - Update keybinding. Atom/atom#12987 - Add commands for non DNS (rhel/CentOS) hosts. Atom/atom#13584 - Remove x64 delta workaround code in create-windows-installer. Atom/atom#13585 - Always reserve two digits on the line number gutter. Atom/atom#13583 - Disable periodic serialization for buffers 2MB. Atom/atom#13592 - autocomplete-css specs. Atom/atom#13596 - Bump one-dark/light-syntax@v1.7.1. Atom/atom#13598 - Remove unused Cursor::getPixelRect function. Atom/atom#13599 - Add # to chars that cause quote escaping for commands. Atom/atom#13602 - Handle multiple selections intersecting a line in duplicateLines. Atom/atom#13604 - Ensure a dialog is not opened when webContents crash in headless mode. Atom/atom#13605 - Correct the portable path location on Windows. Atom/atom#13600 - Setting for settings-view to apply Chromium proxies to apm via env vars. Atom/atom#13606 - Re-throw package activation exceptions in test mode. Atom/atom#13652 - Update build status. Atom/atom#13654
1.14.401 Mar 2017 22:25 minor feature: Highlight abstract and sealed class modifiers in C# language grammar. atom/language-csharp@4984ad1 . a regression that prevented from running on Windows. #13875 . Improved support for using TextEditor as an etch component. #13887.
1.15.0-beta319 Feb 2017 09:05 minor feature: Multiple for rare edge cases in the new DisplayLayer code that could lead to corrupted text display states. Atom/text-buffer#211. Atom/text-buffer#212 Atom/text-buffer#213 . Atom/text-buffer#211. Atom/text-buffer#212. Atom/text-buffer#213. an uncaught exception in find and replace atom/find-and-replace#860.
1.15.0-beta218 Feb 2017 10:05 minor feature: Atom core changes: Throw an exception when attempting to decorate a destroyed marker layer. #13817. an exception related to keyboard layouts on certain Linux distros. #13785. an exception that would occur when closing an Atom window. #13781. . Throw an exception when attempting to decorate a destroyed marker layer. #13817 . an exception related to keyboard layouts on certain Linux distros. #13785 . an exception that would occur when closing an Atom window. #13781 . TextBuffer changes: Ensure that markers are marked as destroyed when their marker layers are cleared via the new MarkerLayer.clear API. atom/text-buffer#203. a rare stack overflow when editing large files. atom/text-buffer#204. an exception when calling DisplayMarkerLayer.findMarkers from a DisplayMarker.onDidDestroy callback. atom/text-buffer#205. Regressions in multi-line searches introduced as part of a search optimization. Atom/text-buffer#206. Atom/text-buffer#207 Introduce some assertions to help us desome very rare exceptions. atom/text-buffer#208. . Ensure that markers are marked as destroyed when their marker layers are cleared via the new MarkerLayer.clear API. atom/text-buffer#203 . a rare stack overflow when editing large files. atom/text-buffer#204 . an exception when calling DisplayMarkerLayer.findMarkers from a DisplayMarker.onDidDestroy callback. atom/text-buffer#205 . Regressions in multi-line searches introduced as part of a search optimization. Atom/text-buffer#206. Atom/text-buffer#207 . Atom/text-buffer#206. Atom/text-buffer#207. Introduce some assertions to help us desome very rare exceptions. atom/text-buffer#208.
1.15.0-beta113 Feb 2017 13:05 minor feature: an searching for multi-line regular expressions containing unescaped newlines: Atom/find-and-replace#854. . Atom/find-and-replace#854. Uncaught exceptions related to destroying markers: #6899. Atom/find-and-replace#855 . #6899. Atom/find-and-replace#855.
1.15.0-beta009 Feb 2017 06:45 minor feature: A fundamental data structure in the editor has been implemented in native code to reduce memory and yield better performance for large files. More improvements to come. Atom 1.14 makes available a 64-bit installation for Windows. Improvements to the MRU tabs UX: An MRU-ordered list of the tabs to visit now appears during MRU traversal. There is an option in the tabs package settings to make ctrl-tab and ctrl-shift-tab do MRU or simple left/right traversal. a in keyup handling such that the MRU order doesn't appear to randomly change. . An MRU-ordered list of the tabs to visit now appears during MRU traversal. There is an option in the tabs package settings to make ctrl-tab and ctrl-shift-tab do MRU or simple left/right traversal. a in keyup handling such that the MRU order doesn't appear to randomly change. Overhaul of the bundled C# grammar. Upgrade find-and-replace to use new marker layer API for fast clearing of markers. Option for avoiding overlay movements. Reduce the impact of leaking Editor, Selection, Cursor objects. Atom/atom#13384 - Replace "osx" to "macOS". Atom/atom#13372 - Activate packages immediately if hook had already been triggered. Atom/atom#13266 - Flush DOM before displaying context menu. Atom/atom#13397 - Revert "Flush DOM before displaying context menu". Atom/atom#13152 - Add and improve core.*OnStart setting descriptions. Atom/atom#13353 - Upgrade to Electron 1.3.13. Atom/atom#13386 - Replace libXScrnSaver with in RPM package spec. Atom/atom#13042 - macOS: Let find itself when run from Atom/atom#13411 - Suppress TextEditorScrollView scrolled when it shouldn't have warning. Atom/atom#13412 - where editor fails to regain focus. Atom/atom#13415 - Add desktop.ini to ignored names. Atom/atom#13416 - link in macOS build instructions. Atom/atom#13421 - Multiple for RPM and in docs RPM distros. Atom/atom#13421 - Multiple for RPM and in docs RPM distros. Atom/atom#11852 - Option for avoiding overlay movements. Atom/atom
1.14.0-beta403 Feb 2017 13:05 minor feature: a regression that disabled syntax highlighting when converting Markdown to HTML. a regression that caused editors to throw exceptions when performing certain kinds of selection. Solved an that caused Atom to throw an exception when setting an invalid font family. Solved a that caused the editor's font size to not be increased/decreased when holding Ctrl and moving the mouse wheel.
1.14.0-beta326 Jan 2017 08:05 minor feature: a regression that disabled syntax highlighting when converting Markdown to HTML. a regression that caused editors to throw exceptions when performing certain kinds of selection. Solved an that caused Atom to throw an exception when setting an invalid font family. Solved a that caused the editor's font size to not be increased/decreased when holding Ctrl and moving the mouse wheel.
1.14.0-beta221 Jan 2017 23:25 minor feature: Atom/atom#12911 - Add ability to use custom elements inside tooltips. Atom/atom#12937 - Extract signed exe's from nuget-full for portable. Atom/atom#12977 - Don't share overlayDimensions across instances. Atom/atom#12933 - Don't construct placeholder tokenized lines. Atom/atom#12984 - Introducing Atom benchmarks. Atom/atom#12898 - Avoid forcing computation of all screen lines when opening a file. Atom/atom#12991 - Change locally required Python version to 2.7.12. Atom/atom#12994 - Convert ConfigSchema to JS. Atom/atom#12903 - Remove shadow DOM from atom-text-editor. Atom/atom#13021 - Use flex display in text editor instead of block. Atom/atom#12985 - keystroke resolution problems on Linux. Atom/atom#13071 - Capitalize save in button label so keybindings work. Atom/atom#13046 - Project history api, reopen project menu and command. Atom/atom#12922 - for #10474. Atom/atom#13078 - Sign Windows builds with sha256 and timestamp. Atom/atom#13065 - Convert BufferedProcess and BufferedNodeProcess to JS. Atom/atom#13080 - Remove --harmony JavaScript flag. Atom/atom#13001 - Build appropriate 32/64-bit version on Linux. Atom/atom#13098 - toggleLineCommentsInSelection for empty lines. Atom/atom#11541 - ? ci skip add notes on 'apm' path in Windows. Atom/atom#13101 - Per-package transpilation. Atom/atom#13125 - Pass package info to transpilers. Atom/atom#13124 - Preserve specificity when transforming atom-text-editor::shadow. Atom/atom#13095 - Introduce follow through behavior for tooltips. Atom/atom#13140 - wrong binding on Atom/atom#13138 - Update Octicons. Atom/atom#13160 - Add logo clarification and standard license info to README. Atom/atom#13161 - Additional license clarification and update license year. Atom/atom#13200 - Make updateProcessEnv async and add core:loaded-shell-environment activation hook. Atom/atom#13201 - Add a getModel method to editors' hidden input component. Atom/atom#13202 - flicker in soft-wrapped files when resizing editors.
1.14.0-beta117 Jan 2017 14:25 minor feature: Atom/atom#12911 - Add ability to use custom elements inside tooltips. Atom/atom#12937 - Extract signed exe's from nuget-full for portable. Atom/atom#12977 - Don't share overlayDimensions across instances. Atom/atom#12933 - Don't construct placeholder tokenized lines. Atom/atom#12984 - Introducing Atom benchmarks. Atom/atom#12898 - Avoid forcing computation of all screen lines when opening a file. Atom/atom#12991 - Change locally required Python version to 2.7.12. Atom/atom#12994 - Convert ConfigSchema to JS. Atom/atom#12903 - Remove shadow DOM from atom-text-editor. Atom/atom#13021 - Use flex display in text editor instead of block. Atom/atom#12985 - keystroke resolution problems on Linux. Atom/atom#13071 - Capitalize save in button label so keybindings work. Atom/atom#13046 - Project history api, reopen project menu and command. Atom/atom#12922 - for #10474. Atom/atom#13078 - Sign Windows builds with sha256 and timestamp. Atom/atom#13065 - Convert BufferedProcess and BufferedNodeProcess to JS. Atom/atom#13080 - Remove --harmony JavaScript flag. Atom/atom#13001 - Build appropriate 32/64-bit version on Linux. Atom/atom#13098 - toggleLineCommentsInSelection for empty lines. Atom/atom#11541 - ? ci skip add notes on 'apm' path in Windows. Atom/atom#13101 - Per-package transpilation. Atom/atom#13125 - Pass package info to transpilers. Atom/atom#13124 - Preserve specificity when transforming atom-text-editor::shadow. Atom/atom#13095 - Introduce follow through behavior for tooltips. Atom/atom#13140 - wrong binding on Atom/atom#13138 - Update Octicons. Atom/atom#13160 - Add logo clarification and standard license info to README. Atom/atom#13161 - Additional license clarification and update license year. Atom/atom#13200 - Make updateProcessEnv async and add core:loaded-shell-environment activation hook. Atom/atom#13201 - Add a getModel method to editors' hidden input component. Atom/atom#13202 - flicker in soft-wrapped files when resizing editors.
1.14.0-beta013 Jan 2017 17:05 minor feature: Atom/atom#12911 - Add ability to use custom elements inside tooltips. Atom/atom#12937 - Extract signed exe's from nuget-full for portable. Atom/atom#12977 - Don't share overlayDimensions across instances. Atom/atom#12933 - Don't construct placeholder tokenized lines. Atom/atom#12984 - Introducing Atom benchmarks. Atom/atom#12898 - Avoid forcing computation of all screen lines when opening a file. Atom/atom#12991 - Change locally required Python version to 2.7.12. Atom/atom#12994 - Convert ConfigSchema to JS. Atom/atom#12903 - Remove shadow DOM from atom-text-editor. Atom/atom#13021 - Use flex display in text editor instead of block. Atom/atom#12985 - keystroke resolution problems on Linux. Atom/atom#13071 - Capitalize save in button label so keybindings work. Atom/atom#13046 - Project history api, reopen project menu and command. Atom/atom#12922 - for #10474. Atom/atom#13078 - Sign Windows builds with sha256 and timestamp. Atom/atom#13065 - Convert BufferedProcess and BufferedNodeProcess to JS. Atom/atom#13080 - Remove --harmony JavaScript flag. Atom/atom#13001 - Build appropriate 32/64-bit version on Linux. Atom/atom#13098 - toggleLineCommentsInSelection for empty lines. Atom/atom#11541 - ? ci skip add notes on 'apm' path in Windows. Atom/atom#13101 - Per-package transpilation. Atom/atom#13125 - Pass package info to transpilers. Atom/atom#13124 - Preserve specificity when transforming atom-text-editor::shadow. Atom/atom#13095 - Introduce follow through behavior for tooltips. Atom/atom#13140 - wrong binding on Atom/atom#13138 - Update Octicons. Atom/atom#13160 - Add logo clarification and standard license info to README. Atom/atom#13161 - Additional license clarification and update license year. Atom/atom#13200 - Make updateProcessEnv async and add core:loaded-shell-environment activation hook. Atom/atom#13201 - Add a getModel method to editors' hidden input component. Atom/atom#13202 - flicker in soft-wrapped files when resizing editors.
1.13.0-beta810 Dec 2016 14:25 minor feature: Upgrade to Electron 1.3.13 which includes several including a keybinding for Linux users. Replace libXScrnSaver with in RPM package spec, resolving #13354. Activate packages immediately if hook had already been triggered.
1.13.0-beta629 Nov 2016 15:05 minor feature: Added support for using SVG elements in block decorations. #13321 . a regression that was preventing Atom from being executed via the command line with the --profile-startup argument. #13288 . On Windows, an that was causing Atom to not use the system keyboard language when changing it while Atom was open. atom/keyboard-layout#22 . On Windows, solved a problem that was preventing certain keyboard languages (e.g. Saudi Arabian) from being recognized. atom/keyboard-layout#23 . On Linux, a regression that made Atom use 100 of a CPU core when launching it from a desktop shortcut or via the GNOME launcher. #13320 . On Linux, added a missing dependency to the RPM package that was preventing Atom from being opened when such dependency was not already installed on the system. #13289.
1.13.0-beta524 Nov 2016 17:25 minor feature: For non-Latin keyboards such as Russian and Hebrew, keystrokes containing modifiers are now resolved with U.S. layout characters for all keys, not just keys with non-Latin keycaps. For example, ctrl-. and ctrl-/ are now typed based on the position of those symbols on a U.S. layout. atom/atom-keymap#179 . On Windows, dead keys now resolve to dead for binding purposes instead of their corresponding character. This is because looking up the unicode character for a dead key via Windows APIs interferes with the keyboard buffer, causing dead keys not to register for any keystroke in which such a lookup is performed. #13263 . Reverted a keymap behavior change in which keystrokes targeting a different DOM element were retargeted to the current focused element because it was causing an infinite recursion in certain edge cases. #13181 . an that was preventing syntax highlighting on HTML files from working correctly when an attribute contained ampersands. atom/language-html#141.
1.13.0-beta420 Nov 2016 13:05 minor feature: Multiple key bindings caused by changes to improve international keyboard support: Allow ctrl-alt- bindings to shadow the ability to type non-ASCII AltGraph characters on Windows international keyboards. If you need access to non-ASCII symbols that are shadowed by default key bindings you will need to unset! those bindings. We'll be removing several default ctrl-alt- bindings in 1.13 so the potential for collision will be lower in the future. Atom/atom-keymap#175. Atom/atom-keymap#174 Keystroke resolution on Windows when caps-lock is enabled. Atom/atom-keymap#182. Key bindings interfering with IME text input. Atom/atom-keymap#172. Atom/atom-keymap#177 . Allow ctrl-alt- bindings to shadow the ability to type non-ASCII AltGraph characters on Windows international keyboards. If you need access to non-ASCII symbols that are shadowed by default key bindings you will need to unset! those bindings. We'll be removing several default ctrl-alt- bindings in 1.13 so the potential for collision will be lower in the future. Atom/atom-keymap#175. Atom/atom-keymap#174 . Atom/atom-keymap#175. Atom/atom-keymap#174. Keystroke resolution on Windows when caps-lock is enabled. Atom/atom-keymap#182. . Atom/atom-keymap#182. Key bindings interfering with IME text input Atom/atom-keymap#172. Atom/atom-keymap#177 . Atom/atom-keymap#172. Atom/atom-keymap#177. Path resolution with network-mapped paths by upgrading Electron to a in Node #13104. . #13104.
1.13.0-beta111 Nov 2016 16:25 minor feature: Uncaught exception occurring when using input modes or input methods on macOS. #13154 . Non-printable characters being inserted into the buffer when replaying certain keystroke sequences. #13172 . Removed two relatively obscure default key bindings that shadowed the ability to type ASCII characters on certain keyboard layouts.
1.12.0-beta704 Nov 2016 08:25 minor feature: an error that would occur when opening a text editor using certain packages. an error that would sometimes occur when installing packages in the settings-view. Windows portable ZIP file now contains signed executables.
1.12.0-beta531 Oct 2016 04:25 minor feature: an error that would occur when opening a text editor using certain packages. an error that would sometimes occur when installing packages in the settings-view. Windows portable ZIP file now contains signed executables.
1.12.0-beta426 Oct 2016 05:25 minor feature: an error that would occur when opening a text editor using certain packages. an error that would sometimes occur when installing packages in the settings-view. Windows portable ZIP file now contains signed executables.
1.12.0-beta321 Oct 2016 02:05 minor feature: an error that would occur when opening a text editor using certain packages. an error that would sometimes occur when installing packages in the settings-view. Windows portable ZIP file now contains signed executables.
1.11.0-beta306 Sep 2016 00:05 minor feature: Package dependencies are now flattened by npm 3, reducing problems with paths exceeding the path length restriction on Windows. Package that depend on native modules now install more reliably. Installing packages from behind proxy servers should work more easily now. Atom/atom#11932 - DownloadingState typo. Atom/atom#11413 - Added.apm to.gitignore. Atom/atom#11930 - overflowing of the tabs. Atom/atom#11958 - Update language-sass to 0.54.0. Atom/atom#11961 - Remove workaround for old Windows. Atom/atom#11981 - Add a design-decisions section to the CONTRIBUTING guide. Atom/atom#11985 - Update old docs links to point to Flight Manual. Atom/atom#11991 - Use preferred line length as a maximum for soft wrapping if softWrapAtPreferredLineLength is enabled. Atom/atom#11994 - Make interactive package tests work with a top-level 'test' directory. Atom/atom#11998 - Don't test CSON.readFileSync behavior twice (here and in atom/season). Atom/atom#11960 - Calmer Spec Suite. Atom/atom#12003 - Replace "Mac OS" and "OS X" with "macOS". Atom/atom#12002 - Update font stack. Atom/atom#12008 - Recreate Repository if the same project is added after being removed. Atom/atom#11929 - Allow different versions of Atom to run simultaneously on Win32. Atom/atom#11875 - Merge Bootstrap + Core styles. Atom/atom#12043 - Update languages. Atom/atom#12059 - overflowing of the tabs II. Atom/atom#12056 - CrashReporter should not run on UI thread on Win/Linux. Atom/atom#12031 - ? Mention how models must implement getTitle() ci skip . Atom/atom#12068 - -webkit cleanup. Atom/atom#12028 - Don't erase NODE_ENV from environment. Atom/atom#12037 - Use in-path 7z on AppVeyor, tidy-up publish. Atom/atom#12095 - update nodejs installation instructions link for Fedora/CentOS/RHEL. Atom/atom#12119 - Tear down ipc response handler when atom environment is destroyed. Atom/atom#11942 - Complete documentation for Notification creation. Atom/atom#12158 - Improve incompatible native module error message. Atom/atom#121
1.11.0-beta001 Sep 2016 16:05 minor feature: Package dependencies are now flattened by npm 3, reducing problems with paths exceeding the path length restriction on Windows. Package that depend on native modules now install more reliably. Installing packages from behind proxy servers should work more easily now. Atom/atom#11932 - DownloadingState typo. Atom/atom#11413 - Added.apm to.gitignore. Atom/atom#11930 - overflowing of the tabs. Atom/atom#11958 - Update language-sass to 0.54.0. Atom/atom#11961 - Remove workaround for old Windows. Atom/atom#11981 - Add a design-decisions section to the CONTRIBUTING guide. Atom/atom#11985 - Update old docs links to point to Flight Manual. Atom/atom#11991 - Use preferred line length as a maximum for soft wrapping if softWrapAtPreferredLineLength is enabled. Atom/atom#11994 - Make interactive package tests work with a top-level 'test' directory. Atom/atom#11998 - Don't test CSON.readFileSync behavior twice (here and in atom/season). Atom/atom#11960 - Calmer Spec Suite. Atom/atom#12003 - Replace "Mac OS" and "OS X" with "macOS". Atom/atom#12002 - Update font stack. Atom/atom#12008 - Recreate Repository if the same project is added after being removed. Atom/atom#11929 - Allow different versions of Atom to run simultaneously on Win32. Atom/atom#11875 - Merge Bootstrap + Core styles. Atom/atom#12043 - Update languages. Atom/atom#12059 - overflowing of the tabs II. Atom/atom#12056 - CrashReporter should not run on UI thread on Win/Linux. Atom/atom#12031 - ? Mention how models must implement getTitle() ci skip . Atom/atom#12068 - -webkit cleanup. Atom/atom#12028 - Don't erase NODE_ENV from environment. Atom/atom#12037 - Use in-path 7z on AppVeyor, tidy-up publish. Atom/atom#12095 - update nodejs installation instructions link for Fedora/CentOS/RHEL. Atom/atom#12119 - Tear down ipc response handler when atom environment is destroyed. Atom/atom#11942 - Complete documentation for Notification creation. Atom/atom#12158 - Improve incompatible native module error message. Atom/atom#121
1.10.0-beta724 Aug 2016 08:45 minor feature: a rare exception thrown when saving backup files without sufficient permissions. Add the autoWidth property to TextEditor. If you pass this property on construction, the editor's width will be based on its content. #12448.
1.9.919 Aug 2016 15:25 minor feature: a rare exception thrown when saving backup files without sufficient permissions. Add the autoWidth property to TextEditor. If you pass this property on construction, the editor's width will be based on its content. #12448.
1.10.0-beta511 Aug 2016 20:25 minor feature: an where grammar-used activation hooks were not triggered properly on startup. an error that would occur when reloading a window with no project folders. a couple uncaught exceptions introduced via the new pane-split-via-tab-dragging UX: atom/tabs#332 and atom/tabs#354. a rare uncaught exception that could occur in display layers: #12085 . an uncaught exception from the settings view when package update fails: atom/settings-view#766.
1.10.0-beta411 Aug 2016 05:05 minor feature: Send additional metadata to nag to investigate a rare uncaught exception in the display layer. Don't delete metadata of bundled packages even though it is cached.
1.10.0-beta306 Aug 2016 20:56 minor feature: Fixes: Atom would lose track of Git statuses after changing window focus with multiple project paths; overlay items were incorrectly positioned after resizing the window; fix an uncaught exception that resulted from an edge case involving the whitespace, auto-save, and status-bar packages.
1.9.0-beta230 Jul 2016 06:25 minor feature: Better environment handling. Shortcut for moving text left/right. Core.restorePreviousWindowsOnStart setting. Atom/atom#11188 - Bump status-bar. Atom/atom#11194 - typo: destory - destroy. Atom/atom#11201 - Remove an unnecessary call to then(). Atom/atom#11240 - More accurate block decoration measurements. Atom/atom#10862 - for Default Directory Provider incorrectly identifying file paths as URLs on Windows. Atom/atom#11265 - link in _TEMPLATE. Atom/atom#11271 - typo in error message. Atom/atom#11280 - Remove GitRepository git status. Atom/atom#11251 - Fallback to /.atom/storage when no state is found in IndexedDb. Atom/atom#11277 - Less disk IO. Atom/atom#11296 - Improve build on Windows. Atom/atom#11286 - Correctly (un)subscribe to model events on PaneAxisElement attach/detach. Atom/atom#11295 - Take the submodule into account in more instances. Atom/atom#11306 - Warn rather than failing if we detect leaked pathwatcher subscriptions. Atom/atom#11312 - https link to and Atom/atom#11311 - https link to Atom/atom#11315 - Serialize async git. Atom/atom#11320 - Update nodegit. Atom/atom#6631 - Add commands to move selections left and right by one column. Atom/atom#11324 - Add restorePreviousWindowsOnStart setting. Atom/atom#11329 - potential null reference callback invokation in script/clean. Atom/atom#11325 - emoji rendering on OSX. Atom/atom#11316 - Add request for OS and version to Template. Atom/atom#11314 - Handle auto-updater errors. Atom/atom#11341 - Use application-level events to control updates in the browser process. Atom/atom#11339 - HTTPS a couple of links. Atom/atom#11345 - Disable zoom every time a display gets added or removed. Atom/atom#11351 - ?? language-perl@0.33.0. Atom/atom#11246 - Improve the Windows build process. Atom/atom#11369 - ? Avoid setting hidden input value on textInput. Atom/atom#9554 - Add a linux archive to distribute atom. Atom/atom#11398 - build lint. Atom/atom#11397 - Defer the callback
1.9.0-beta122 Jul 2016 06:25 minor feature: Better environment handling. Shortcut for moving text left/right. Core.restorePreviousWindowsOnStart setting. Atom/atom#11188 - Bump status-bar. Atom/atom#11194 - typo: destory - destroy. Atom/atom#11201 - Remove an unnecessary call to then(). Atom/atom#11240 - More accurate block decoration measurements. Atom/atom#10862 - for Default Directory Provider incorrectly identifying file paths as URLs on Windows. Atom/atom#11265 - link in _TEMPLATE. Atom/atom#11271 - typo in error message. Atom/atom#11280 - Remove GitRepository git status. Atom/atom#11251 - Fallback to /.atom/storage when no state is found in IndexedDb. Atom/atom#11277 - Less disk IO. Atom/atom#11296 - Improve build on Windows. Atom/atom#11286 - Correctly (un)subscribe to model events on PaneAxisElement attach/detach. Atom/atom#11295 - Take the submodule into account in more instances. Atom/atom#11306 - Warn rather than failing if we detect leaked pathwatcher subscriptions. Atom/atom#11312 - https link to and Atom/atom#11311 - https link to Atom/atom#11315 - Serialize async git. Atom/atom#11320 - Update nodegit. Atom/atom#6631 - Add commands to move selections left and right by one column. Atom/atom#11324 - Add restorePreviousWindowsOnStart setting. Atom/atom#11329 - potential null reference callback invokation in script/clean. Atom/atom#11325 - emoji rendering on OSX. Atom/atom#11316 - Add request for OS and version to Template. Atom/atom#11314 - Handle auto-updater errors. Atom/atom#11341 - Use application-level events to control updates in the browser process. Atom/atom#11339 - HTTPS a couple of links. Atom/atom#11345 - Disable zoom every time a display gets added or removed. Atom/atom#11351 - ?? language-perl@0.33.0. Atom/atom#11246 - Improve the Windows build process. Atom/atom#11369 - ? Avoid setting hidden input value on textInput. Atom/atom#9554 - Add a linux archive to distribute atom. Atom/atom#11398 - build lint. Atom/atom#11397 - Defer the callback
1.8.007 Jun 2016 07:05 minor feature: Better environment handling. Shortcut for moving text left/right. Core.restorePreviousWindowsOnStart setting. Atom/atom#11188 - Bump status-bar. Atom/atom#11194 - typo: destory - destroy. Atom/atom#11201 - Remove an unnecessary call to then(). Atom/atom#11240 - More accurate block decoration measurements. Atom/atom#10862 - for Default Directory Provider incorrectly identifying file paths as URLs on Windows. Atom/atom#11265 - link in _TEMPLATE. Atom/atom#11271 - typo in error message. Atom/atom#11280 - Remove GitRepository git status. Atom/atom#11251 - Fallback to /.atom/storage when no state is found in IndexedDb. Atom/atom#11277 - Less disk IO. Atom/atom#11296 - Improve build on Windows. Atom/atom#11286 - Correctly (un)subscribe to model events on PaneAxisElement attach/detach. Atom/atom#11295 - Take the submodule into account in more instances. Atom/atom#11306 - Warn rather than failing if we detect leaked pathwatcher subscriptions. Atom/atom#11312 - https link to and Atom/atom#11311 - https link to Atom/atom#11315 - Serialize async git. Atom/atom#11320 - Update nodegit. Atom/atom#6631 - Add commands to move selections left and right by one column. Atom/atom#11324 - Add restorePreviousWindowsOnStart setting. Atom/atom#11329 - potential null reference callback invokation in script/clean. Atom/atom#11325 - emoji rendering on OSX. Atom/atom#11316 - Add request for OS and version to Template. Atom/atom#11314 - Handle auto-updater errors. Atom/atom#11341 - Use application-level events to control updates in the browser process. Atom/atom#11339 - HTTPS a couple of links. Atom/atom#11345 - Disable zoom every time a display gets added or removed. Atom/atom#11351 - ?? language-perl@0.33.0. Atom/atom#11246 - Improve the Windows build process. Atom/atom#11369 - ? Avoid setting hidden input value on textInput. Atom/atom#9554 - Add a linux archive to distribute atom. Atom/atom#11398 - build lint. Atom/atom#11397 - Defer the callback
1.8.0-beta424 May 2016 08:05 minor feature: Atom/atom#11552 - Content Security Policy. Atom/tabs#276 - Only add at end for new tabs. Atom/tabs#302 - Correctly adjust pane index when adding with addNewTabsAtEnd config. Atom/tabs#298 - Add 'Tabs to Left' right-click menu item. Atom/tabs#304 - Consume file icon service. Atom/tabs#312 - Get entire icon CSS class from file icon service. Atom/tabs#318 - uncaught exception when command is called from the palette. Atom/tabs#231 - Listen to path changed event in addition to title changed. Atom/tabs#319 - Improve logic for consuming file-icons. Atom/tabs#325 - Make all tabs work without a tab focused.
1.8.0-beta329 Apr 2016 19:25 minor feature: a problem with undoing multiple changes at the same time. Quote spaces in paths on Win cmd line. Ensure atom.cmd with --wait returns exit code of 0 for git commit usage. Ensure Windows Bash script works on all versions.
1.7.222 Apr 2016 13:25 minor feature: Atom/atom#11498 - Copy active item when splitting from TextEditor context menu. Atom/atom#11494 - Correctly autoindent single newline in Selection#insertText. Atom/atom#11463 -. Atom/fuzzy-finder#194 - slow opening.
1.7.0-beta512 Apr 2016 15:45 minor feature: Atom/atom#11203 ? Hitting an unbound key sequence sharing a prewith a bound sequence freezes atom via atom/atom-keymap#124.
1.6.204 Apr 2016 15:45 minor feature: Atom/atom#11203 ? Hitting an unbound key sequence sharing a prewith a bound sequence freezes atom via atom/atom-keymap#124.
1.7.0-beta130 Mar 2016 06:05 minor feature: Ensure atom.cmd --wait correctly waits in Windows cmd powershell. Reduce disk I/O interacting with Git to improve experience on network drives: Atom/atom#11277 - Less disk IO. Atom/atom#11295 - Take the submodule into account in more instances. . Atom/atom#11277 - Less disk IO. Atom/atom#11295 - Take the submodule into account in more instances.
1.7.0-beta018 Mar 2016 06:25 minor feature: Add functionality and API for pending pane items. Improvements to multi-pane usage. Block Decorations. Async Git. Top and bottom bar API. Atom/atom#10327 - Async submodule support. Atom/atom#10415 - Don't cascade maximized windows. Atom/atom#10256 - Remove "Open Your" from menu items. Atom/atom#9930 - Block Decorations. Atom/atom#10352 - Support symlinked repo roots when relativizing. Atom/atom#10409 - Further improvements to pending item functionality. Atom/atom#9213 - Async Git Repository class. Atom/atom#10452 - Update license year to 2016. Atom/atom#10068 - Linkify all docs mentions of Promises. Atom/atom#10468 - bit Windows builds. Atom/atom#10445 - Update nodegit. Atom/atom#10507 - Handle broken submodules. Atom/atom#10441 - Remove Duplicate Require Statements and Unify Syntax on '. Atom/atom#10523 - Babelify the app source too. Atom/atom#10549 - nodegit@0.9.0. Atom/atom#10486 - Honor created() function for an item in a submenu. Atom/atom#10581 - Require package's main module in legacy activateConfig method. Atom/atom#10226 - Update deprecated-packages.json. Atom/atom#9260 - Updated README: Fedora 22 dnf install requires pathname of package. Atom/atom#10595 - Document installation prerequisites in Readme. Atom/atom#7916 - Support descriptions for enum values in config. Atom/atom#10640 - Pin escope to 3.3.0 to prevent 3.4.0 use. Atom/atom#10362 - Only build pushes to master on Appveyor. Atom/atom#9274 - Add top/bottom bars. Atom/atom#10645 - Only use electron version in fingerprint. Atom/atom#10646 - Reuse Less cache across builds. Atom/atom#10658 - Default build directory to out/. Atom/atom#10219 - update documentation for rowRangeForParagraphAtBufferRow. Atom/atom#10552 - improve docs about grouped settings. Atom/atom#9894 - Add examples for Windows script/build parameters ci skip . Atom/atom#9798 - Make --wait work on Windows. Atom/atom#10691 - Javascript-related specs. Atom/atom#10666 - Upload AppVeyor builds as artifacts. Atom/atom#10679 - Add --buil
1.5.0-beta202 Feb 2016 10:05 minor feature: Certificate signing on Windows. Some package settings being inaccessible. Atom/atom#10062 - Emit state update when model's scroll position is changed. Atom/atom#10581 - Require package's main module in legacy activateConfig method.
1.5.0-beta126 Jan 2016 08:45 minor feature: an error that prevented Atom from starting correctly. an exception that would occur when undoing or redoing with a file open in multiple panes. Atom/atom#10293 - Ignore errors when loading an invalid blob store. Atom/text-buffer#121 - Optimize marker range queries. Atom/text-buffer#123 - exception when snapshot references non-existent marker layers.
1.5.0-beta015 Jan 2016 21:05 minor feature: Untitled documents in a project are now serialized and restored. Use unique text editor title in window and tab titles. Atom/atom#9527 - Lierdakil: Defer Activation Hooks. Atom/atom#9513 - Prioritize file type matching over first line matching in grammar scoring system. Atom/atom#9575 - Set initialLoadComplete to true only in test mode. Atom/atom#9585 - Add apm.cmd. Atom/atom#9539 - Add more file extensions. Atom/atom#9655 - Update language-javascript to v0.101.0. Atom/atom#9268 - Use ELECTRON_ENABLE_LOGGING instead of console.log shims. Atom/atom#9684 - Remove public docs for DirectorySearch and DefaultDirectorySearcher. Atom/atom#9654 - Only remove node_modules on ci if changed. Atom/atom#9711 - Export ::isTextEditor function. Atom/atom#9709 - Compute content width when the longest row is the first one. Atom/atom#9636 - Use unique text editor title in window and tab titles. Atom/atom#9633 - Add section on feature suggestions to CONTRIBUTING guide. Atom/atom#9480 - Adjust icon size for small buttons. Atom/atom#9788 - Interact with DevTools asynchronously. Atom/atom#9796 - Use CommandRegistry to listen for native-key-bindings. Atom/atom#9773 - Allow Error.prepareStackTrace to be temporarily reassigned. Atom/atom#9797 - Upgrade to Electron 0.34.4. Atom/atom#9668 - Suggest ci skip in documentation-only commits. Atom/atom#9878 - Avoid infinite recursion in Error.prepareStackTrace. Atom/atom#9729 - Upload releases to s3. Atom/atom#9687 - Provide package.json fields so we can defer requiring packages' main modules. Atom/atom#9802 - Correct doc references to scope. Atom/atom#9606 - Add OS X dock menu with 'New Window' option. Atom/atom#9937 - movement commands in the presence of CRLF line endings. Atom/atom#9730 - bump Contributor Covenant version to 1.3. Atom/atom#9921 - Update specs for language-javascript changes. Atom/atom#9670 - Don't create a desktop shortcut when building. Atom/atom#9620 - Use em-dash in window title and exclude app name on OS X. At
1.3.309 Jan 2016 03:16 minor feature: an exception that would occur when undoing after closing a split pane. a crash that would occur when closing a full-screen window on OSX. an infinite loop that would occur when opening multiple files with the same names in different directories.
1.3.113 Dec 2015 15:45 minor feature: Copying and pasting in native input fields. an error when installing or updating packages with apm.
1.2.114 Nov 2015 07:05 minor feature: Soft-wrapping now works correctly with a larger variety of non-Latin characters, including CJK. Atom no longer attempts to save unmodified files when the "Save All" command is dispatched. Atom is now based on Electron 0.34.0. Test runners can now be customized on a per-package basis. See the documentation for more information.
1.2.0-beta210 Nov 2015 06:45 minor feature: Markdown Preview now adapts to the active syntax theme. If a white background is preferred, enable Use style in the package settings. Added a command for cutting the text to the end of the cursor's buffer line. Base16 Tomorrow themes have now a seamless gutter and other minor. Increased thickness and contrast of Spell Check underlines.
1.2.0-beta105 Nov 2015 17:25 minor feature: Markdown Preview now adapts to the active syntax theme. If a white background is preferred, enable Use style in the package settings. Added a command for cutting the text to the end of the cursor's buffer line. Base16 Tomorrow themes have now a seamless gutter and other minor. Increased thickness and contrast of Spell Check underlines.
1.2.0-beta030 Oct 2015 11:05 minor feature: Markdown Preview now adapts to the active syntax theme. If a white background is preferred, enable Use style in the package settings. Added a command for cutting the text to the end of the cursor's buffer line. Base16 Tomorrow themes have now a seamless gutter and other minor. Increased thickness and contrast of Spell Check underlines.
1.1.0-beta.027 Sep 2015 15:45 minor feature: Another error that prevented the modified indicators on tabs from displaying.
1.0.1522 Sep 2015 15:45 minor feature: an where rebuilding native modules from the incompatible-packages view did not work unless Atom was started from the command-line.
1.0.1318 Sep 2015 12:25 minor feature: Improved the performance of detecting incompatible native modules upon upgrading to a new Electron version.
1.0.1002 Sep 2015 13:45 minor feature: an on Linux and Mac where Atom would fail to launch when run using sudo. an on Windows where Atom would fail to launch from Git Bash. an that prevented scrolling while clicking and dragging with a maximized window.
1.0.929 Aug 2015 14:25 minor feature: Fix bug on Windows/Mac where Atom would fail to launch when executing the wmic command failed. Improved scrolling behavior when dragging selections with the mouse. Made the custom gutter API public.
1.0.829 Aug 2015 05:25 minor feature: There are now default keybindings to resize panes. Use Cmd-Alt-=/Cmd-Alt-- on Mac and Ctrl-Alt-=/Ctrl-Alt-- on Linux/Windows to increase/decrease the size of the focused pane by 10 . Added a setting, core.customFileTypes, for configuring the association between file names and grammars. Added a status-bar item for switching between unix and windows line endings. an where cursors were not restored correctly after undoing multi-cursor edits. Added a setting core.openEmptyEditorOnStart that can be used to suppress the default empty editor that is opened on startup. Added the ability to add a project folder that is within an existing project folder. usability when dragging selections in the gutter.
1.0.714 Aug 2015 22:45 minor bugfix: Find and replace: The find box highlights regular expressions when the regex option is on (atom/find-and-replace#454). cmd-d (select-next) adheres to the current state of the 'whole word' option (atom/find-and-replace#482). Project find results are properly sorted (atom/find-and-replace#485) It ignores 0 length matches (atom/find-and-replace#454) It ignores the 'in current selection' option when there is no selection Other small bug fixes . The find box highlights regular expressions when the regex option is on (atom/find-and-replace#454). cmd-d (select-next) adheres to the current state of the 'whole word' option (atom/find-and-replace#482). Project find results are properly sorted (atom/find-and-replace#485). It ignores 0 length matches (atom/find-and-replace#454). It ignores the 'in current selection' option when there is no selection. Other small bug fixes. Files and folders can now be dragged and dropped into different folders in the tree view.
1.0.510 Aug 2015 07:45 minor feature: Find and replace handles explicitly searching in directories that contain dots #8225 . Fixed an issue on Windows where atom.exe and the auto-updater were not code-signed causing them to be flagged as malware by certain antivirus applications.
1.0.405 Aug 2015 14:45 minor feature: Added an editor.backUpBeforeSaving config option to make a backup copy before saving files to prevent loss of data when there are I/O errors during writes. The editor no longer autoscrolls in inappropriate ways when performing line- or word-wise selections with the mouse. Fixed an issue where using project-wide find and replace would leak processes. Selection merging is now deferred until the mouse button is released when dragging causes a new selection to intersect an existing selection. Find and replace changes Add a liveSearchMinimumCharacters setting atom/find-and-replace#469. Change the replace all flow to add more checks before replacing atom/find-and-replace#471. Escapes search pattern on use-selection-as-find-pattern when Regex enabled atom/find-and-replace#456. Keybindings for pane-item movement now work in the find and replace panel. . Add a liveSearchMinimumCharacters setting atom/find-and-replace#469 . Change the replace all flow to add more checks before replacing atom/find-and-replace#471 . Escapes search pattern on use-selection-as-find-pattern when Regex enabled atom/find-and-replace#456 . Keybindings for pane-item movement now work in the find and replace panel.
1.0.329 Jul 2015 13:25 minor feature: Eliminated a polling loop which caused reduced battery life on laptops when Atom was open in an idle state. Key binding matches are no longer delayed when longer partially-matching multi-stroke bindings are mapped to unset!. When multi-keystroke bindings containing printable characters fail to match, those characters are now inserted into the editor. This will enable bindings like j j for exiting insert mode to work correctly in the vim-mode package.
1.0.209 Jul 2015 13:45 minor feature: Fixed an issue on Windows where the Tree view's Show In Explorer menu did not work properly. Improved Atom's indentation suggestions when inserting line breaks.
1.0.026 Jun 2015 06:45 major feature: Atom 1.0 has been released and will be semantically versioned going forward. Atom has become more modular through stabilizing the API, built-in ES6 support using babel, services for inter-package communication, decorations for extending the core editor, and new themes that automatically adapt the UI to the syntax colors.
0.211.023 Jun 2015 15:45 minor feature: Fixed an issue where clicking the fold button in the gutter would sometimes create a fold in the wrong place. The default editor font, font size, and line height have been adjusted to improve readability. Adjustments can still be made in the Settings view.
0.210.018 Jun 2015 22:45 minor feature: Atom now reopens the correct windows when restarted after updating to a new version. Fixed an issue on Linux and Windows where Atom would not reopen the correct windows. Fixed an issue where the wrong search result was highlighted after the 'Replace' command. The Symbols view now has built-in support for the Nim programming language. The Tabs package now has an Enable VCS Coloring setting that will change the tab colors based on the Git status of the file.
0.209.013 Jun 2015 21:05 minor feature: Fixed an issue where editor focus was lost when clicking a tab. Fixed an issue where Atom would steal focus multiple times during startup. Fixed an issue on Windows where atom and apm failed when run from an MSYS2 shell.
0.207.009 Jun 2015 16:45 minor feature: Atom now automatically re-enables the Tabs and Tree View packages when the deprecated Sublimes Tabs is installed. Fixed an issue where opening the Settings View would show an error notification.
0.206.005 Jun 2015 17:05 minor feature: Atom now ships with the 1.0 API enabled and no longer loads packages that use deprecated APIs. You can run Atom with --include-deprecated-apis to still load them but the APIs will be completely removed in the upcoming 1.0 release. Atom now has built-in support for preview tabs. Check the Use Preview Tabs option from the Tabs package settings to enable. Tabs will be reused across opened files unless they are edited or double clicked. You can also run tabs:keep-preview-tab from the Command Palette to retain the tab. Switched to a tiled rendering strategy to improve text editor rendering performance, especially scrolling.
0.201.023 May 2015 08:45 minor feature: Atom now ships with Bootstrap 3.3.4. Fixed an issue where tabbing through snippet tab stops failed. Fixed an issue where auto-flowing text would fail in certain cases. The editor.softWrapHangingIndent setting is now configurable on a per-language basis from the Settings view.
0.194.024 Apr 2015 14:05 minor feature: Fixed an issue on Linux and Windows where running certain apm commands failed with a Could not determine current Atom version installed message.
0.192.020 Apr 2015 03:25 minor feature: Fixed an issue where the fuzzy finder would fail to show files if the project contained a broken symlink. Fixed an issue where find and replace would fail to complete if the project contained a broken symlink. Added a custom notification when stylesheet errors prevent themes and packages from loading.
0.191.015 Apr 2015 13:05 minor feature: Sped up parsing CSS selectors and calculating CSS selector specificity which should improve startup time. Sped up loading of bundled keymaps and system menus which should improve startup time. Fixed an issue where certain .less files would be synchronously compiled on the very first launch of Atom making it load significantly slower. The core.followSymlinks config setting now defaults to true . Fixed issues with bundled packages not working correctly in 1.0 API preview mode (atom --one).
0.190.008 Apr 2015 06:45 minor feature: There is now an application:add-project-folder command to add a project folder to the current window. It is bound to Cmd-Shift-O on Mac and Ctrl-Alt-O on Linux and Windows. You can also access it from the File menu. You can now launch Atom in 1.0 API preview mode. Run atom with the -1 or --one command line flag to start Atom with all the deprecated APIs removed. This is a great way to test if your packages are 1.0 compatible before 1.0 is released. You can also launch a window in API preview mode using the application:open-api-preview command available from the command palette. Fixed a regression where the cursor position was not being restored after undo in some cases. Fixed a regression on Linux where using the clipboard would crash Atom. One UI themes got variable font size, color improvements, framed editor and a themed markdown-preview. Fixed an issue where the initial /.atom/config.cson file could be corrupted on the very first launch of Atom.
0.189.003 Apr 2015 00:45 minor feature: Atom now ships with Chrome 41 which means emojis now render in the editor. Atom now supports packages written in TypeScript and will automatically process all required .ts files. Variables in Less and Sass files are now included in the Symbols view (Cmd-R). Fixed a regression where undoing/redoing when the cursor was off screen wasn't autoscrolling it back into view. Fixed an issue where apm help would not display documentation for named commands.
0.188.026 Mar 2015 21:25 minor bugfix: The new One Dark UI and syntax themes are now the default. Added some missing deprecation warnings when calling .on. Added a new hanging soft wrap indent setting, allowing soft-wrapped lines to be indented further than the start of the line. Fixed issues adding selections above and below in the presence of hard tabs or soft-wrapped lines. Fixed issues soft-wrapping lines that contained tabs in their leading whitespace. Saving HTML from markdown now correctly includes current text editor styling for code blocks. The atom command now opens multiple root folders in a single window when given multiple paths. apm view now supports a --compatible option.