Boron 2.0.6

Boron is an interpreted, prototype-based, scripting language similar to Rebol. The interpreter and datatype system is a C library useful for building domain specific languages embedded in C/C++ applications.

Tags interpreter c library rebol developers opengl
License GNU LGPLv3
State stable

Recent Releases

2.0.618 Feb 2021 02:22 minor feature: * Add continue, ge?, and le? functions. * Bitset! pick changed to return logic!. Poking 0 or 0.0 will clear bits. * Charset interprets dash as a range indicator. * Fix hash-map! to accept file! keys. * Fix info? timestamps on Windows. * Automatically join threads when a thread port! is closed. * Some bugfixes.
2.0.211 Jul 2020 05:04 major feature: * Update Boron-GL to use OpenGL 3.3 ES 3.1 and support Android. * On Android environs/os is set to 'Android. * Add bind /secure option. * Atan accepts coord!/vec3! to return result in the range -PI to PI. * Math operators accept (coord! int!) arguments. * Parse with binary! value handles to thru rules. * Fix save to append newline. * Fix recycle bugs. * User defined C function specification can type check user defined types.