CometVisu 0.12.4

CometVisu is a realtime visualization software using modern web technologies for building automation. It shows different statuses of a building and allows the interaction with it (like temperature set point). It runs from small systems like the Raspberry Pi up to big systems and requires only a web browser (desktop ones like Firefox or Chrome as well as mobile ones like those from the Android system or iOS) for interaction. Backends for the KNX bus as well as OpenHAB are available.

Tags home-automation javascript php mobile jquery cross-plattform end-users html5 touchscreen smarthome ipad android knx buildingvisualization
License GNU GPLv3
State initial

Recent Releases

0.12.408 Jul 2023 19:17 minor bugfix:
0.12.017 Jan 2022 10:45 major bugfix: ### v0.12.0-RC1 (2022/01/16 11:21 +00:00). Pages need no clear- allow multiple custom classes. Bump follow-redirects from 1.13.2 to 1.14.7 in /.github/actions/github. Documentation enhancement: describe address. Errors using the MQTT backend. Update colorchooser to professional ColorChooser. Show CV log messages when a screenshot build fails. Make doc tool more unicode compatible to prevent it from failing. Upgrade monaco editor to 0.30.1. Enable new file manager in demo mode (readonly). Pushbutton address variant option. Allow image to be cropped on the top and / or the bottom. Influx data retrieval for month and year is broken. Skip comments in labels. Enable code linter. Update dependencies to latest versions. Code scanning alerts. Workaround missing native paste support when running. New set of tutorials: Raspberry Pi. Clipboard handling in xml editors. Allow editing of 'custom' childs (where no schema support is given, e` . Add about cometvisu dialog to the help menu. Add the changed design hints to the other examples. Bump grunt from 1.1.0 to 1.3.0. Pr cleanup. New tree editor for schema based XML-files. Metal design revised. Remove nightly badge and update download links. Obey mobile state when restoring cache. Cleanup whats not working anyways. Change regex for incapable safari. Use indexedDB instead of localStorage. Slider range. Check if an element has been found to apply the styling and add a vall . Bump y18n from 3.2.1 to 3.2.2. Implement KNX DPT for coloured light. Update / sync icons. Backend: client for MQTT. Code that caused an infinite loop of `__makeNavbarValid` calls. Add address child to image to allow image URLs to be send via group ad . Only mark the actual code in a line as error, not the indentation at t . Request data must be a string. Update libraries and everything that was broken. For openHAB REST API client. Native openHAB REST API client. Enable diagram influx to switch of time grouping. B
0.11.114 Apr 2019 03:15 minor bugfix: ### v0.11.1 (2019/04/13 20:06 +00:00). Docu add tutorial: first steps. - parse address in reload element. Use "long" values when "short"-ones are not set. Hint for the rail mounted ARM based smaller TimberWolf servers. Implement DPT17, DPT18 and DPT26. Make clock plugin more robust. Broken editor data provider with mapping. Lost formulas when using cache. Remove duplicate fakeserver initialization and add some metadata to t . Also send the last value. Influxfetch could not handle series generated by smarthomeNG containi . Template rendering (needs to be tested in safari/ios).
0.11.004 Feb 2019 03:15 major bugfix: ### 0.11.0-RC1 (2019/02/03 20:10 +00:00). Some screenshot errors: Clock plugin. Nearly all of the remaining doc errors. by handling unset attributes better. Add connected property to provide the same api as the real client. Powerspectrum plugin. - add link docs (de) and link both languages. Pagejump tests when bindClickToWidget is true. Add web app docu and a bit of the rest. Pagejumps without name. Allow state-notification children in any order. Schema. - load config icons directly after parsing, as they might be used in . Build source version of demo mode. Make slider send values during dragging again. Demo mode. Doc. Docker push. Enhance tr064. First try to build mulitarch Docker containers. Enhance docu again. Typo. Notification docu. Add icon path hint for manager uploads. Really tests. Find message to delete via id not index. Check must be called outside foreach to prevent multiple calls of don . Use a debounced function to load diagram data after pan event. There is no this.error in static context. Enhance docu timberwolf influx. More doc problems and be more verbose during generating. Demo mode. And enhance docu. More documentation problems: Documentation problems: Docu update v0.11. Navbar selector. Plugins. For calendarlist plugin to make it load. Plugin init errors. do not increase blocker counter for unique messages: This unblocks th . Make sure that the custom css files are loaded after the design css f . Enable testMode when value == "1" (as documented in manual). Loading problem of default config in text editor. Add templating feature for config files. Allow external files to be loaded: Invalidate cache. Invalidate backdrop once the page gets visible. Read plugin list from part definition and add custom plugins from res . Update startpage parameter description to describe the new behaviour. Add documentation for Docker integration (step #12 (?) TOC).
0.10.103 Apr 2017 13:45 minor bugfix: ### 0.10.1 (2017/04/01 22:55 +00:00). Startpage feature to allow Page names again. Client. Update copyright year in header. Use current year in copyright hint. Add description how to sync local repo on command line. Add missing method. Github synchronisation documented. Bump version to 0.10.0-dev. Release 0.10.0. Docu updated.
0.10.006 Feb 2017 18:05 major feature: ### 0.10.0-dev (2017/02/04 20:39 +00:00). : handle datasourceIndex in diagram plugin. Make pitchblack design appear nicer. Remove console.log calls. Cached timer plugin. - timeout plugin in cache mode (tested). Send click event on elements on touch devices. Pure scroll. Read config as argument from stdin when called via php-cli. - correct handling of forceReload + enableCache. Skip cache when forceReload is true. Gracefully handle a requested design that doesn't exist. Update icons. Make examples loadable with current lib. Remove unneded scroll bar and add optical seperator. Counter image. Prepare next release cycle. Build system. : resizing doesnt trigger colspan switch. : Group address will not be written by editor when addre . : Make startpage parameter more robust. Enhance manager for media. For console error and not displaying external RSS feeds. Look for rsslog.db in /etc/cometvisu. Refinement, typos. Refined descriptions. Add caching support for rendered DOM including all data needed. Add spaces. Add sitemap.xml generation for documentation. Add Makefile to allow `make html`. Generate CVElements.yml from docs. Check if text is string before calling substring. Speech-plugin enhancements: Speech plugin: schema and documentation. Introducing automatic english doc generation. Add simple text to speech plugin. Rename docs folder. Change doc structure to //(manual api). New docs: InfoAction + PageJump. Add new custom directives descriptions. - add scaffolding for plugins. New docs. Add all trigger docs. Add ImageTrigger. Change mandatory translation to "Pflichtangabe". Expand mandatory tooltip to whole word. Add some information from the source docs to the widget pages (author . Add info widget. URL to make it valid. Change restructured map file suf- new Widget docs + documentation helper refactoring. Changing redirect structure. Use abbreviations instead of citations to avoid the linking problem. Move redirect
0.9.121 Mar 2016 03:15 minor bugfix: ### upcoming (2016/03/13 21:29 +00:00). flavours not gettings applied in groups. ### v0.9.1-RC1 (2016/03/01 17:42 +00:00). sprintf format position. enable scrollable navbarLeft on mobile devices. auto-indentation. write version to file during release. Clean config demo dir. Get rrd callback parameter. some minor - implement grunt-based build system. Add display of future events to rsslog. tabs. widgets with callback in groups. Page change callbacks. Add link in editor to the manager. Iconfor coloring only for android 4.4 required. Make GA update more robust. New colspan system. refresh. Structure where a design can set a default value. Icon sync. Sprintf undef - mousehandler events. multitrigger and improvement. to replace default config in manager. Rsslog improvements. sprintf calling. Add link to Manager in demo configs. throwing sprintf. Better popups. Better config file error handling. Navbar pure. demo with metal. Allow custom class definition for text item. Comma cleanup. flow animation for svg backdrop (trick-o-matic). Allow icons added through the config file to be dynamic. Enable storing of config files which are server from external user folder. for bad mapping. Support for bar / point style graphs. Multi GA support for info widget. added readonly mode for slider.
0.9.010 Nov 2015 03:15 major bugfix: Features / Improvements: 81e6ba2 Mon, 1 Jun 2015 11:26:57 +0200 redesign of refresh-widget in top/bottom-navbars. Looks like Pagejumps now. 3fcdf23 Sun, 24 May 2015 21:16:24 +0200 Added optional parameter send_on_finish to slide Fd25012 Tue, 28 Apr 2015 14:00:35 +0200 adding possibility to define a path for a pagejump and a scope where the pagejump is marked as active A4f9d9b Sun, 26 Apr 2015 19:38:38 +0200 Make all widgets use strict 5743280 Sun, 26 Apr 2015 17:55:51 +0200 New feature: popup eventsThis will call a "" event when a popup is being clicked.This event can be also called externally to a popup.Or you can listen externally to a event for your own actions at that time. E.g. a diagram could listen to it to stop data fetching. Af91486 Thu, 9 Apr 2015 08:55:43 +0200 renamed infowidget to widgetinfo and actionwidget to widgetaction 0e80cd0 Sun, 29 Mar 2015 17:51:48 +0200 Make check_config a bit more robust against badly formed files. 32eaca3 Wed, 25 Mar 2015 16:59:06 +0100 - plugin infoaction added (combine a info and an action widget) - pagejumps augmented to hold an info-widget C580956 Sun, 22 Mar 2015 13:04:20 +0100 - new client for openHAB2: using Server Side Events (SSE) E1d753c Mon, 16 Mar 2015 08:45:21 +0100 add support for openHAB DateTime items 663f909 Sun, 1 Mar 2015 18:14:27 +0100 Update to latest icon set 1047ae7 Sun, 1 Mar 2015 17:54:57 +0100 Two changes: - Remove firstdata event as nobody seems to use it. - Improve profiling by counting read-retries and supporting the browser profiling (add to URL:. profile=browser) 7c0f8b9 Thu, 19 Feb 2015 22:46:25 +0100 Change make-iconhandler to respect the split of the icon config into iconconfig.js. Add latest kuf icons Af826e6 Fri, 13 Feb 2015 22:28:59 +0100 Remove obsolete yepnope 8715aee Mon, 9 Feb 2015 21:56:46 +0100 Added manoficons F9cc09a Sun, 1 Feb 2015 15:18:36 +0100 Textify CV to improve performance 546809d Sun, 18 Jan 2015 18:07:53 +0000 New "feature": profiling instrumentation : Af9ec61 Sun,
0.8.504 Apr 2015 16:15 minor feature: Additional management interface to handle multiple configuration files just by using the web interface. ChangeLog: - new feature: management interface to handle different configuration files - new feature: posibility to remember last page for next startup - better support for Android to add visu to the start screen. This includes better icons to follow the latest Android style - diagram plugin: add attribute "resolution" to rrd definitions to allow custom resolution values - diagram plugin: allow custom start, end and resolution parameters - diagram plugin: allow offset for single RRDs - diagram plugin: bugfixes - editor: bugfix: xsd:integer did not allow negative values in editor - Update to latest KNX user forum iconset