3D Data Driven Charting Library with D3 and X3D 2.0.9

Combining the power of the D3.js data-driven documents visualisation library and the Extensible 3D X3D 3D graphics standard, d3-x3d makes it simple to produce beautiful 3D data visualisations with minimal code.

Tags javascript d3 chart graph x3d 3d dataviz
License GNU GPL
State stable

Recent Releases

2.0.923 Jul 2021 03:16 minor feature: Further of x-axis and z-axis - order keys correctly. Added another Bar Chart example. Added DataTransform unit tests.
2.0.730 Oct 2020 08:25 minor feature: Removed duplicate code creating base scenes. Tidy up scatter, bubble and particle charts and components. Remove size option from particles. Added couple more examples.
2.0.502 Nov 2019 03:15 minor feature: Adds Size and Colour scales to scatter plot. Slight change to Vector Field color scale. All code re-linted and swapped ' for ". Various NPM updates and Synk updates.
2.0.103 Sep 2019 19:42 minor feature: