Cassandra Twig Driver 3.0.1-2

Provides JDBC support for Cassandra 2.x/3.x; this is intended primarily as a development tool to allow easy query and inspection of column groups in your database.

Tags cassandra jdbc cql
License Apache
State stable

Recent Releases

3.0.1-205 Jan 2019 07:45 minor feature: Uopdate release notes for v3.0.0 . Uopdate release notes for v3.0.0. . Correct LocalDate for Cassandra 3.x; improve getObject() support. . Update documentation. . Support for materialized views; meta-data enhancements. . Merge branch 'develop' into feature/LocalDate. . Merge branch 'feature/LocalDate' into develop. . With timezones during tests; removing string comparison.
3.0.102 Jan 2019 02:03 minor feature: Adding support for Cassandra 3.0, this has changed how the system schema should be queried by the driver.
3.0.021 Nov 2016 03:13 minor feature: Adding support for Cassandra 3.0, this has changed how the system schema should be queried by the driver.
2.1.118 Jan 2016 07:25 minor feature: Merge branch 'release/2.1.0' into develop. Create 2.1.1-SNAPSHOT for develop. Build process moved to Gradle; tests now run with integrated Cassandr?. Removing gradle shell build. Removing gradlew shell script from source code. Adding build for Travis CI. Adding build for Travis CI. Easier to see. Easier to see. Update build targets. Update build targets. Update build targets. Update build targets. Not running tests. Trying to figure out why check isn't running. Just do test every time. Incorporate build / deploy using tag. Move to building bundled JAR in all cases. Convert from ad-hoc URL params to Driver Parameters (these appear in ?. Cleanup configuration / documentation; handle SSL connectivity errors?. Merge branch 'feature/InteliiJQuerySupport' into develop. Remove SLF4J - this project is better suiteed to the native Java logger. Merge branch 'release/2.1.0' into develop. Tagging 2.1.1.
2.1.028 Dec 2015 00:27 major feature: Support for native CQL V3 driver; re-write that no longer requires Thrift to operate. Functional in common clients like DbVisualizer. Suitable for query logic only; very limited testing for update/delete operations.