LLVM 18.1.1 💾

LLVM is a modular and reusable compiler toolchain. It's suitable for static and dynamic compilations of various programming languages, and based on its own target-abstracted intermediate code representation. Clang is its native C, C++ and Objective-C compiler, which provides additional static code analyzers. Dragonegg is a GNU CC parser binding. LLDB is an extensive debugger utilizing LLVMs JIT compiler, syntax tree or expression parser. lld a newly developed dynamic linker. And vmkit an impleme

minor feature:

BSDL c c++ llvm compiler programming-language vmkit debugger

Julia 1.10.1

Julia is a high-level, dynamic, and JIT-compiled programming language for technical computing. It integrates distributed multiple-dispatch parallel execution, a mathemetical function library, numerical accuraccy, libraries for linear algebra, signal processing, Unicode-aware string processing, Lisp-like macros, Python code bondings, C function wrapping, user-defined and dynamic typing.

Idris 0.12

Idris is a functional programming language with dependent types, where values are constrained and pattern-matched by an expressive type system to avoid logic misbehaviours. It's a general purpose language, but also supports interactive theorem-proving, is sufficient performant trough eager and LLVM compilation. It has monads, type classes, comprehensions, lambda bindings, where and with clauses, expressions in case statements, an indendation-based and extendable syntax, lists, tuples and pairs,

Bitrig 1.0

Bitrig is a OpenBSD-derived Unix distribution. It retains compatibility but modernizes a few build infrastructure dependencies and core libraries. It currently runs on amd64/x86-64 architectures, utilizes LLVM/clang 3.4 instead of GCC, libc++ instead of GNU libstdc++. Bitrig switches to FFS2 as default filesystem, supports GPT partitioning, tmpfs and tmpfsrd, thread-local storage, fair kernel mutexes as C11 atoms, UUIDs and xlocales, provides a USB boot image, a more POSIX-compliant ps(1). It co