Konfyt 1.6.2

Konfyt is a digital keyboard workstation for Linux which allows the user to easily and quickly set up patches, each with multiple layers, and instantly switch between these patches for seamless live keyboard playing. Patches may consist of multiple layers of Soundfonts (.sf2), SFZ instruments, audio input ports and MIDI output ports. Konfyt features a searchable library that scans your filesystem for soundfonts and SFZs. Soundfont programs are included in searches and can be viewed with a single click, giving immediate access to all programs within a soundfont. Konfyt originally started as a quick and dirty attempt to create a soundfont library application due to the author's frustration with exploring soundfonts using existing tools. This soon grew to a soundfont player and eventually everything else was hacked on. It is now pretty functional but remains a work in progress. While I use Konfyt successfully on a daily basis, use it at your own risk. I am not responsible for any trauma due to failures during live performances. Konfyt is open source, created with Qt and uses JACK as MIDI and audio backend, liblscp for loading SFZ files in Linuxsampler, with the option of using Carla as the backend for loading SFZ files (using its built-in SFZero support) and Fluidsynth for soundfonts.

Tags audio sampler linux
License GNU GPLv3
State stable

Recent Releases

1.6.204 Jun 2024 04:25 minor bugfix: Changes Script editor process time now correctly shows the process time per event and. Shows 3 decimal digits. Occasional crashes when reordering pathces with drag and drop. Additional potential scripting thread race conditions. Potential crash with project script scanning.
1.6.116 Apr 2024 06:45 minor feature: Added Script editor sidebar tab listing scripts of other projects in the default projects directory. Changes. MIDI port connection check boxes are now in their own "MIDI" column and the audio "L" and "R" columns have been renamed to "Left" and "Right". Clear triggers when loading new project to prevent left-over triggers from the previously loaded project. Limit prints and MIDI sends from scripts in a cycle so infinite loops containing these don't stall the application.
1.5.017 Dec 2023 07:25 major feature: Added MIDI scripting for patch layers. Other JACK connections can now also break a connection, keeping the ports disconnected. Create project backups when saving a project. Backups are created in a backup subdirectory in the project directory. Two backups are created - one before saving, and one after saving. This ensures data is backed up in the case the project is opened by a previous version of Konfyt that does not do backups and throws away data related to newer features. Live mode shortcut keys to change layer gains. Time for each console print message. Option in settings to open last project at startup. Save window maximized state when quitting and restore at startup. Command-line option to start minimized. Ask before saving project in a non-empty directory. Menu entry in filesystem context menu to copy path. Menu entries in external app editor to browse for file and directory. Changes. Disable GUI buttons when they are not applicable: external apps, Other JACK Connections page, Triggers page. Improve layout of Ports and Buses, Triggers and Other JACK Connections pages. Widgets are more elegantly aligned now. Console popout dialog changed to window, allowing it to be maximized and treated like other normal windows. Increase external app editor width to maximum available space. Appearance: Colours of most GUI container elements and dialogs darker and consolidated. Dialog group box styles more modern and subdued. Layouts of widgets revised in several places. crash when exiting while an external app is still running. Handle pitchbend correctly for triggers, mapping it to 0-127. Removed. Statusbar.
1.4.006 Dec 2023 15:10 major feature: Added Patch MIDI filter (filters MIDI for entire patch before it is routed to layers). Changes. Add "..." to some GUI menu items. When a new port/bus is added, activate editing its name. When an external app is added or edited, focus the app name text box. patch list menu button left border radius. Eliminate potential threading race conditions related to MIDI filters.