QLC+ is a tool to control DMX and analog lighting systems. It can orchestrate moving heads, dimmers, scanners etc. It's a fork of QLC with new features comparable to commercial control systems.
sshdo - controls which commands may be executed via incoming ssh. sshdo provides an easily configurable way of controlling which commands may be executed via incoming ssh connections by specific users and specific keys. Training mode allows a key to be used for any command, while logging them. Then sshdo can learn from the logs to know what commands to allow. It can also unlearn commands that are no longer in use. This mitigates against private ssh key compromise with very little effort.
libgphoto2 is a set of libraries for previewing, retrieving, and capturing images from a range of supported digital cameras to your local hard drive. It does not support digital cameras based on the USB storage protocol, those can be mounted by Linux directly. The list of current cameras can be found on: http://gphoto.org/proj/libgphoto2/support.php or by running gphoto2 --list-cameras
gPhoto (GNU Photo) is a command line tool for previewing, retrieving, and capturing imaggPhoto (GNU Photo) is a command line tool for previewing, retrieving, and capturing images from a range of supported digital cameras to your local hard drive. It does not support digital cameras based on the USB storage protocol, because those can be mounted by Linux directly. Find the list of supported cameras at the following URL: http://gphoto.org/proj/libgphoto2/support.php or by running gphoto2 --list
The general aim of the 4DIAC initiative is to provide an open, free, IEC 61499 standard compliant automation and control environment. The following open source projects are in the focus of the 4DIAC initiative: * FORTE (4DIAC-RTE): Modular IEC 61499 compliant Runtime Environment for small embedded devices (16/32 Bit), implemented in C++ * 4DIAC-IDE: Modular IEC 61499 compliant Integrated Engineering Environment based on the Eclipse open tool framework * 4DIAC-LIB: Library of function block
MassCTRL is a remote control center for your linux clients and servers. With MassCTRL it's possible to manage updates and other tasks on groups of linux clients or servers. The response of the processes can be logged and reviewed in one single location. MassCTRL can also be used as en execution server and centralize all automatic timebased jobs from one crontab instead of setting cronjobs locally on servers. MassCTRL uses so called group files and recipe files. A recipe can contain one or many
Inverted pendulum simulation with adjustable PID paramters.
Control units and control loops implemented in Excel and Python (Python with AI example). In Python, PID parameters can be set automatically. Excel file with numeric basics included.
SCCS is an implementation of the POSIX standard Source Code Control System. It is based on the original UNIX SCCS code provided by Sun as part of OpenSolaris and was made portable to other platforms. This version is a major enhancement on the original code.