TCHunt-ng attempts to reveal encrypted files stored on a filesystem. The program is successful in finding TrueCrypt, VeraCrypt, CipherShed containers; LUKS, EncFS, PGP/GPG encrypted files; OpenSSH and PEM private keys; password databases; files made up of random data. The code is based on ideas laid out in the project of Stephen Judge named TCHunt, hence the name.
TCHunt-ng attempts to reveal encrypted files stored on a filesystem. The program is successful in finding TrueCrypt/VeraCrypt containers, EncFS encrypted files, PGP/GPG messages (and keys), and other files made up of random data. The code is based on ideas laid out in the project of Stephen Judge named TCHunt, hence the name.
kenotaph-daemon is a tool for detecting a presence of network devices through means of a packet capture. Both Wired and Wireless networks are supported, assuming appropriate hardware is available. Targeted device is identified by a user defined Berkeley Packet Filter, either by its IP address or Hardware address, however the use of BPF allows for higher complexity. A packet capture is done in promiscuous mode, and/or in monitor mode. kenotaph-daemon is designed to be a 'daemon' program that run