Snapcraft 8.3.1

Snaps are containerised software packages that are simple to create and install. They auto-update and are safe to run. And because they bundle their dependencies, they work on all major Linux systems without modification.

OpenWRT 23.05.3

OpenWRT is a Linux distribution for wireless routers and low-resource embedded devices. It provides a coherent base system for different plattforms, various hardware and firmware drivers, and a Debian-style packaging system for application and add-on packages. The JSON-RPC based admin web interface LuCI makes configuration very user-friendly, but keeps the similar SSH and command line UCI interface and /etc files accessible. With its own PROCD system event daemon it can immediately respond to up

Neptune 8.1

Neptune is a KDE Plasma and Debian-based GNU/Linux distribution for desktop and multimedia usage. It includes a more recent kernel and drivers, custom packages while relying on Debian for remaining updates, Chrome as default web browser, for media Amarok, Gwenview, VLC and KDEnlive, for security Truecrypt and Wireshark.

FreeBSD 14.0

FreeBSD is an operating system and a major BSD distribution, which focuses on stability, performance, cutting-edge features and security. It's both UNIX® and Linux-compatible, ports a wide range of applications (24000), is suitable for server, embedded and desktop use. Has robust networking capabilities, cross-platform support, hardware and KMS/drm2 video drivers, hardware and network virtualization support, jails, dtrace, capsicum, understands ZFS and other filesystems, and simple installation

magicErmine 4.9.0

magicErmine is a tool for creating portable applications for Linux. It allows the same Linux executable to be run on a wide range of different distributions. Like statifier, It makes one executable file with no run-time dependencies from a dynamically linked executable and all of its libraries. Unlike statifier, it is able to add arbitrary files to the packed executable, such as configuration files or pixmaps.

WinPython 4.3.20210620

Winpython is a portable Python Distribution for the Windows-platform, allowing you to run your code using Numpy, Scipy, Matplotlib, Pandas, Numba, Cython and many other great software of the scientific stack of Python.

cdrtools 3.02a09

cdrtools (formerly cdrecord) creates home-burned CDs/DVDs with a CDR/CDRW/DVD/BluRay recorder. It works as a burn engine for several applications. It supports CD/DVD/BD recorders from many different vendors; all SCSI-3/mmc- and ATAPI/mmc-compliant drives should also work. Supported features include IDE/ATAPI, parallel port, and SCSI drives; audio CDs, data CDs, and mixed CDs; full multi-session support; CD-RWs, DVD-R/-RW, DVD+R/+RW, BD-R/BD-RE; and TAO, DAO, RAW, and human-readable error message

ELF statifier 1.7.4

ELF statifier makes one executable file with no runtime dependencies from a dynamically-linked executable and all its libraries. This file can be copied and run on another machine with no need for all of the libraries.

AutoPkg 0.5.0

AutoPkg is a Mac OS X software packaging and distribution system for mass deployments to managed clients. Simple task lists or recipes are used for assembling packages, that can include download, extraction, injecting configuration or overrides, versioning and meta data, augment post-install scripts, and distribute them via Munki, Casper, Absolute Manage, etc.

Bitrig 1.0

Bitrig is a OpenBSD-derived Unix distribution. It retains compatibility but modernizes a few build infrastructure dependencies and core libraries. It currently runs on amd64/x86-64 architectures, utilizes LLVM/clang 3.4 instead of GCC, libc++ instead of GNU libstdc++. Bitrig switches to FFS2 as default filesystem, supports GPT partitioning, tmpfs and tmpfsrd, thread-local storage, fair kernel mutexes as C11 atoms, UUIDs and xlocales, provides a USB boot image, a more POSIX-compliant ps(1). It co

Rivet CGI

Rivet CGI allows Rivet applications to run as a CGI, either automatically (i.e., no modifications to the applications themselves from "mod_rivet") from Apache, as a standalone CGI under any Web server, or as a standalone HTTP server itself. It can be used to build Web applications that can be distributed and executed as a single file in either CGI or Standalone HTTP mode.