ELM ME+ 2.5 PLalpha64

Elm Millennium Edition 2.5 (or Elm ME+ 2.5) is based on Elm 2.4 and incorporates some code from Elm 2.5. It contains enhanced MIME and character set support. A subset of UTF-8 (Unicode) is handled. It can read mail from a local mbox and POP or IMAP folders and can pass mail to the PGP or GPG programs. It can also view digests as a mailbox and reassemble fragmented (message/partial) messages. It includes modules for TLS/SSL, iconv, resolv, and SMTP.

Mozilla Thunderbird 115.10.0

Thunderbird is a desktop mail client. It's a companion product to Mozilla Firefox. Besides standard email, it supports newsgroups, feed reading, and chat protocols (XMPP, IRC and Twitter), all with multiple identities or accounts. Through Mozilla Lighning or other plugins it's extensible into a full personal information manager. Out of the box it supports SMTP, POP3, IMAP, SSL/TLS, S/MIME, LDAP, RSS/Atom, and searching, filtering or grouping, labels, virtual folders, and comes with a spam filter

libESMTP 1.0.6+

libESMTP is an SMTP client library intended for software developers. It manages submission of electronic mail via a preconfigured Mail Transport Agent (MTA) such as Exim or Postfix. libESMTP offloads the developer of the need to handle the complexity of negotiating the SMTP protocol by providing a simple API. Additionally libESMTP transparently handles many SMTP extensions including authentication. This is the original libESMTP software previously hosted on stafford.uklinux.net and managed by

SOGo 3.1.0

SOGo is a fully supported and trusted groupware server with a focus on scalability and open standards. SOGo is released under the GNU GPL/LGPL v2 and above. SOGo provides a rich AJAX-based Web interface and supports multiple native clients through the use of standard protocols such as CalDAV, CardDAV and GroupDAV, as well as Microsoft ActiveSync. SOGo is the missing component of your infrastructure; it sits in the middle of your servers to offer your users a uniform and complete interface to a

Elm 2.4ME+ PL127 25

Elm 2.4ME+ is based on Elm 2.4. It contains enhanced MIME and character set support. It can read mail from a local mbox and POP or IMAP folders and can pass mail to the PGP or GPG programs. It can also view digests as a mailbox and reassemble fragmented (message/partial) messages. It includes modules for TLS/SSL, iconv, and SMTP.

Jaro Mail 4.2

Jaro Mail is an integrated suite of interoperable tools for GNU/Linux and Apple/OSX to manage e-mail communication in a private and efficient way, without relying too much on on-line services, in fact encouraging users to store e-mail locally. Rather than reinventing the wheel, Jaro Mail reuses some existing free and open source tools working since more than 10 years, generating their configurations and setting up integrations automatically.

Encrypted Communication Suite 2.9

GoldBug is a secure communication suite offering an E-Mail-Client, an Instant Chat Messenger, Filetransfer and a P2P Websearch within decentralized URL-Databases. Every of your transfers is multi-encrypted by default. ● English User Manual: https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Goldbug ● Deutsches Benutzer-Handbuch: https://de.wikibooks.org/wiki/Goldbug http://marjorie-wiki.de/wiki/GoldBug_(Instant_Messenger%29 COMPILE from source: https://github.com/textbrowser/spot-on