OpenLayers makes it easy to put a dynamic map in any web page. It can display map tiles, vector data and markers loaded from any source. OpenLayers has been developed to further the use of geographic information of all kinds. It is completely free, Open Source JavaScript, released under the 2-clause BSD License (also known as the FreeBSD). Tiled Layers: Pull tiles from OSM, Bing, MapBox, Stadia Maps, and any other XYZ source you can find. OGC mapping services and untiled layers also supported.
libUseful is a general 'C' library providing useful functions related to: resizable strings, lists and maps, unix and tcp sockets, SSL/TLS, cryptographic hashes, parsing of json, yaml and other markup languages, terminal output including ANSI/vt100 escape sequences, OAuth 2.0, etc, etc.
OpenOrienteering Mapper is an orienteering mapmaking program and provides a free alternative to the existing proprietary solution. Its main advantages compared to it are: Open Source: The program is completely free, every programmer can improve it. Cross-platform: The program works on Android, Windows, macOS and Linux. It has been used to produce maps for classical orienteering, MTBO and radio orienteering races. All required functions for drawing maps are implemented and the program works ver
map-tools.js is a feature-rich Google Maps Javascript wrapper that simplifies things like: Marker filtering, asynchronous loading, working with TopoJSON or GeoJSON, animation and more. It adds a more convenient and easy-to-use API.
Google maps provides services using which one can know what are the nearby places and some other information like distance and time to travel to those nearby places from a particular location and these API's are used in many websites .But to create an entire view and functionality one needs to write code for the same .Since this functionality is increasingly used writing code for this functionality would be like spending time on something which was already developed but not availabe . Angular D