Prado PHP Framework 4.3.0 💾

PRADO is a component-based and event-driven programming framework for developing Web applications in PHP 5. PRADO stands for PHP Rapid Application Development Object-oriented. PRADO is an open source project. You can use it for free in either open source or proprietary applications.

minor feature: ENH: Issues #824, #838, #851, #891, #910, #917 - General Behaviors Update: Cloning and Serializing supports behaviors. IBaseBehavior has init( config) method. TClassBehavior tracks their owners. Behaviors attach their registered event handlers at the behavior priority. Registered Behavior event can optionally attached and detached automatically when the behavior is enabled or disabled (default). Behavior events() support Closures. IBehavior are attachable class-wide by cloning. Behaviors for behaviors has better support. Behaviors are case insensitive. Supports Anonymous (unnamed/numeric) behaviors. Wakeup updates the component behaviors with new named class behaviors. (belisoful) BUG: Issue #843 - Permissions Manager behaviors rename the method 'getManager' to 'getPermissionsManager' for specificity. (belisoful) ENH: Issue #845 - PHP Clone and Unserialize of TComponent objects supports behaviors. (belisoful) ENH: Issue #848 - TComponent events support Closure (anonymous functions) as handlers. (belisoful) ENH: Issue #861 - TWebColors lists all the Web Colors in a TEnumerable and implements TPropertyValue::ensureHexColor (belisoful) ENH: Issue #886 - Lists the 1st level traits of the class and its parents in TComponent::getClassHierarchy. Class-wide behaviors support attaching to Traits as well as interfaces, classes, and their parents. (belisoful) ENH: Issue #904 - TRational and TURational for reading, writing, and computing EXIF-Tiff (GPS) Rational and URational unit types; in Prado Util Math. (belisoful) BUG: Issue #911 - Protect the message cache file to be thread safe. (majuca) ENH: Issue #939 - TEventHandler for embedding data with a specific event handler callable. (belisoful) ENH: Issue #944 - TExitException for gracefully exiting the application anywhere. Exception chaining with the last parameter being the previous Exception. (belisoful) ENH: Issue #979 - TComponent::raiseEvent optionally execute handlers in reverse; asa() and getBehaviors() searches for b

BSDL php mvc event-driven rad application-framework web

Yii Framework 2.0.0

Yii is a performance-oriented PHP framework for building complex web applications. It incorporates structural designs from Prado, Ruby on Rails, Symfony and Joomla, integrates jQuery, Bootstrap, jQuery UI, Composer, Bower, NPM. It provides the common WebMVC scheme, AR / ORM / DAO database abstractions, templating and form input handling, AJAX-enabled widgets, authorization modules, webservice APIs, internationalization, caching, error logging, XSS and CSRF prevention, code generation, plugin and