
Check out our open-source, language-agnostic mutation testing tool using LLM agents here: Mutation testing is a way to verify the effectiveness of your test cases. It involves creating small changes, or “mutants,” in the code and checking if the test cases can catch these changes. Unlike line coverage, which only tells you how much of the code has been executed, mutation testing tells you how well it’s been tested. We all know line coverage is BS.

Glaxnimate 0.5.3

Glaxnimate is a vector graphics animation program which focuses on being quick and easy to use. It's designed to work well with short animations to show on the web, supporting several common web formats like GIF, WebP, Lottie, SVG, and others.

pytablewriter 0.64.0

A python library to write a table in various formats: CSV, HTML, JavaScript, JSON, LTSV, Markdown, MediaWiki, Excel, Pandas, Python, reStructuredText, SQLite, TOML, TSV. Also supports: - Automatic tabular data formatting - Alignment - Padding - Decimal places of numbers - Multibyte character support - Write table to a stream such as a file/standard-output/string-buffer

gtabview 0.9

Graphical counterpart to tabview, a simple tabular data viewer that can be used both stand-alone and as a Python module for various files and Python/Pandas/NumPy data structures.

Python deb-pkg-tools 8.3

deb-pkg-tools is a Python module for managing Debian packages. It provides for inspecting, building, checking and signing packages, or managing repositories. deb-pkg-tools thereby bases its API on manual meta data parsing or wrapping calls to native tools, such as dpkg, dpkg-deb, lintian, apt-get, apt-ftparchiv, gzip, fakeroot, gpg, dpkg-scanpackages.

tabview 1.4.4

View a CSV file and Python data structures in a curses, spreadsheet-like display.

peewee 3.5.1

Peewee is a minimalistic but expressive ORM library for Python. It comes in a single module and file, but supports SQLite, Mysql and Postgres, and comes with extensive documentation. It simplifies model declarations, result set iteration, and provides a rather pythonic way of query building through operator overloading.

ReflectRPC 0.7.6

ReflectRPC is a Python library implementing an RPC client and server using the JSON-RPC 1.0 protocol. What sets it apart from most other such implementations is that it allows the client to get a comprehensive description of the functions exposed by the server. This includes type information of parameters and return values as well as human readable JavaDoc-like descriptions of all fields. To retrieve this information the client only has to call the special RPC function __describe_functions and i

imreg_dft 2.0.0

imreg_dft is your first-choice Python image registration utility. In plain language, it implements means of guessing translation, rotation and scale variation between two images. The name comes from the fact that it doesn’t work with those images directly, but it works with their spectrum (DFT using FFT), and its log-polar transformation, hence the _dft after imreg. You can use the functionality in a form of a command-line tool or as a Python module.

pbs/torque python library for Torque 4.6.1

The pbs_python package is a wrapper class for the Torque C library. With this package you now can write utilities/extensions in Python instead of C. We developed this package because we want to replace xpbsmon by an ascii version named pbsmon. PBSQuery is also included in this package. This is a python module build on top of the pbs python module to simplify querying the batch server, eg: how many jobs, how many nodes, ..

Bond: transparent remote/recursive evaluation between Python and other languages 1.4

The Python module bond supports transparent remote/recursive evaluation between Python and another interpreter through automatic call serialization. In poorer words, a bond lets you call functions in other languages as they were normal Python functions. It also allows other languages to call Python functions as if they were native. Remote output is also transparently redirected locally, and since the evaluation is performed through a persistent co-process, you can actually spawn interpreters o

Releases 0.7.0

Releases is an extension for Sphinx to automatically merge a commit Changelog in ReStructuredText format, that retains mergeability for version control systems. Its output does not follow the established Changes::Spec, but can be turned into human-readable HTML.


Gooey is a Python library which simplifies providing a graphical frontend for command-line tools. It can wrap any script which utilizes ArgParse already through a simple decorator. It's most suitable for one-off task utilities, that don't need to pipe input or output or require interaction. Gooey presents suitable GUI widgets for text arguments, boolean settings, or selectable options.