Krita 5.2.6

Krita is a free and open source painting tool designed for concept artists, illustrators, matte and texture artists, and the VFX industry.

Ansel 55d8a7a

Ansel is an open-source photo-editing software for digital artists, designed to help you achieve your own interpretation of raw digital photographs. Ansel is a better future for Darktable, designed from real-life use cases and solving actual problems.

Dibuja 0.24.0

Simple to use paint program like Paintbrush for Mac or classic MS Paint, but for Linux.

PhotoFlare 1.6.9

Photoflare is a cross-platform image editor with an aim to balance between powerful features and a very friendly graphical user interface. It suits a wide variety of different tasks and users who value a more nimble workflow. Features include basic image editing capabilities, paint brushes, image filters, colour adjustments and more advanced features such as Batch image processing.

MyPaint 2.0.2-alpha

MyPaint is a nimble, distraction-free, and easy tool for digital painters. It supports graphics tablets made by Wacom, and many similar devices. Its brush engine is versatile and configurable, and it provides useful, productive tools. The standard brushes can emulate traditional media like charcoal, pencils, ink, or paint. But you don’t have to limit yourself to just the standard ones. It’s easy to make expressive, artful new brushes that don’t respond like anything conventional. Fullscreen mo

AzPainter 2.1.5

Full color painting software for Linux for illustration drawing. This is not suitable for dot editing. Since the color is handled with 16 bit color (15 bit fixed point number) internally, the accuracy of color rises, but the memory is consumed correspondingly.

Photoflow 0.2.8

The aim of the project is to provide a fully non-destructive photo retouching program with a complete workflow including RAW image development. Here is the general feature (wish)list: Fully non-destructive, layer-based photo editing workflow with realtime preview of the final image Support for 8-bits and 16-bits integer as well as 32-bits and 64-bits floating point precision, selectable at runtime and on a per-image basis Allows to load and edit images of arbitrary size, thanks to the underlyi