object-oriented C++ RTOS for microcontrollers * fully preemptive * round-robin and FIFO scheduling * all basic primitives aim for maximum compatibility with POSIX, thread support library from C++11 and other established standards * support for various mutex types (normal, error-checking, recursive) and mutex protocols (normal, priority inheritance, priority protection) * software timers * POSIX-style signals * static design where it is possible and makes sense * object-oriented design * written
Oddjob is a flexible scheduler and manager for jobs/tasks across a distributed server network. Any machine can put off jobs to other servers, may set dependencies or trigger alerts. It's suitable to automate batch or shell scripts, trigger email processing, SQL queries, or file processing jobs.
fcron is a periodical command scheduler which aims at replacing Vixie Cron, so it implements most of its functionalities. But fcron makes no assumptions on whether your system is running all the time or regularly : you can, for instance, tell fcron to execute tasks every x hours y minutes of system up time or to do a job only once in a specified interval of time. Fcron has also much more functionalities : you can also set a nice value to a job, run it depending on the system load average and m
Lancypy is a process/job scheduler implemented in Python. It provides sequentially cron-style timed tasks, job chains, and handles syslogging, email notifications, allows to pause, resume or force instant job execution. It includes a status monitoring system and a Web GUI.