Nim 0.11.0

Nim (formerly Nimrod) is an imperative and statically-typed programming language with an expressive infix and indendation syntax and macros. Its compiler generates native code, still provides lean heaps through non-tracing garbage collection, and is still suitable for system programming. Nim also provides overhead-free iterators, cross-module inlining, dynamic method binding, high-level types like strings, sets and squences, local type inference, tuples, generics, operator overloading, and bindi

Go 1.4.0

GoLang is an expressive and statically-typed language with a C-style syntax optimized for conciseness. Garbage collection and code concurrency are core features. It provides strong type safety, but retains a few dynamic capabilities, declaration inference, and built-ins for variable-length arrays and dictionaries. By omitting complex inheritance schemes, operator overleading and generic programming it allows for fast compilation, and defaults to statically linked binaries (utilizing its custom p