metaf2xml can download, parse and decode aviation routine weather reports (METAR, SPECI, SAO), aerodrome forecasts (TAF), synoptic observations (SYNOP), observations from buoys (BUOY) and meteorological reports from aircrafts (AMDAR). Data can also be taken from decoded BUFR messages. The extracted data can be written as XML or passed to a user-defined function (all done in Perl). It also provides XSLT style sheets to convert the XML to plain language (text, HTML), or XML with different schemas
dpkq is a command-line tool which picks a random record stored in a XML file and put it in another XML file with an XSL file association so it can be displayed in a web browser in a HTML layout. It is developed in C++, and uses only system and C/C++ standard libraries, so it doesn't need third party components. It can run on GNU/Linux (and probably most POSIX-compliant operating systems), OS X and Windows, natively on IA-32, AMD64 and ARM architectures.