Highlight 4.11 💾

Highlight converts sourcecode to HTML, RTF, LaTeX, TeX, SVG, Pango, BBCode and terminal escape sequences with coloured syntax highlighting. Language definitions and colour themes are customizable Lua scripts. It provides a plug-in interface to tweak syntax parsing and coloring. LSP servers can be used to add semantic highlighting.

minor bugfix: 14.03.2024 Updated astyle lib to version 3.4.13. Updated java definition ((https://gitlab.com/saalen/highlight/-//244). Updated solidity definition ((https://gitlab.com/saalen/highlight/-//217). Backslash symbol in man page. Src/makefile: added -std=c++17 to enable modern C++ features.

GNU GPLv3 documentation text-processing conversion utilities html latex lua cpp

GNUnet 0.21.1 💾

GNUnet is a framework for secure and anonymous peer-to-peer networking that does not use any centralized or otherwise trusted services. Currently, the framework offers censorship-resistant file-sharing, messaging, VPN, GNS (a decentralized version of DNS), and much more. GNUnet is currently developed by a worldwide group of independent free software developers. GNUnet is a GNU package (http://www.gnu.org/).

major feature: - Communicator and connectivity bugfixes

Affero GPLv3 anonymity f2f file-sharing gns gnunet internet networking p2p vpn

Messenger GTK 0.9.0 💾

Messenger GTK is a convergent GTK messaging application using the GNUnet Messenger service. The goal is to provide private and secure communication between any group of devices.

major bugfix: * Fixes compatibility with libgnunetchat 0.3.0 * Contacts can be blocked and unblocked * Fix message sorting and notification handling for recent only * Fix deletion and updating of previous messages * Use pipewire and libportal for GStreamer pipelines * Remove unreadable whispered messages * Invitations can be rejected via tagging * Sent private messages can be read from sender * Fix multiple memory and synchronization issues * Camera sensor can be selected for capturing QR codes

Affero GPLv3 messaging internet p2p anonymity f2f gnunet gns networking chat conferencing

pingo 1.19.2 💾

Lossless and lossy image optimizer for PNG/JPEG/WebP/APNG (uses wine)

minor feature:

image jpg jpeg optimization optimize png webp apng wine

Discourse 3.2 💾

Discourse is a discussion plattform. It provides a more fluent and accessible web interface than common bulletin boards or forum software. Discussions are visualized cohesively through scroll auto-loading, are automatically hypertext-interconnected where related, provide dynamic notifications, and are generally unintrusive and simple to partake. Discourse moreover prefers federated/social logins, encourages creative commons sharing, allows easy media embedding per drag and drop, uses a visual MarkDown editor rather than BBcode, is mobile compatible per default, and builds upon an extensive API and a modern search function.

major feature:

GNU GPL ruby ruby-on-rails discussion-forum bulletin-board online-messaging postgresql ember-js redis

Snort 💾

Snort is the foremost Open Source Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) in the world. Snort IPS uses a series of rules that help define malicious network activity and uses those rules to find packets that match against them and generates alerts for users. Snort can be deployed inline to stop these packets, as well. Snort has three primary uses: As a packet sniffer like tcpdump, as a packet logger — which is useful for network traffic debugging, or it can be used as a full-blown network intrusion prevention system. Snort can be downloaded and configured for personal and business use alike.

major feature: Appid: broadcast commands with ctrlcon. Appid: change eve pattern matching logic. Appid: replaced warning log with logging api for CBD. File_api: do not clear the file capture and user file data pointers when updating the verdict from the cache. Filters: updated dyn array with vector. Flow: updated flow_data linklist with STL container. Framework: validate parameter of number type in a string form. Kaizen: rename to Snort ML. Main: clear lua stack when registering commands in a shell. Main: reset main-thread stats from the main thread. Main: update limits help. Packet_capture: add packet capturing per tenant. Sfip: remove references to unused mode feature. Sfip: zero out var/node pointers after operations to remedy heap-use-after-free on reload. Smb: for improper session cache destruction in tterm during config reload. Snort2lua: change deprecated use of ptr_fn to lambda. Stats: timing stats. Stats: perf improvement changes. Stream: remove splitter from session before inspectors. Stream_tcp: add reasons for drops due to trims. Stream_tcp: implement support for proxy mode normalization behavior. Stream_tcp: update documentation for stream TCP alerts to include the new 129:21 and 129:22 alerts. Trace: add tenants logging.

ids logger traffic cpp

LimeSurvey 6.4.12 build 240311 💾

LimeSurvey is a web application that interacts with MySQL, MSSQL, or Postgres to develop surveys, publish surveys, and collect responses to surveys. Once a survey has been created, data can be inserted into the survey either by a "pretty" public screen which presents each question one at a time, or by a quick and nasty data entry screen. It includes the capacity to generate individualized "tokens", so that invitations can be issued to participants. It also has the capacity to set conditions on whether questions will display (branching), numerous question types, and a basic statistics function.

minor feature: Survey not viewable if invalid str_repeat call is used in expressions (Carsten Schmitz). Cannot create URL panel parameters without assigning it to a question (Carsten Schmitz). CT-698: a link (lajosarpad). CT-681: Answer options order (answer_order) is missing as an attribute definition and causes the value to not persist through tsv exports and imports (Patrick Teichmann). Generated analytics script does not properly escape question group name (Matthew). Plugin with PHP error can not be resetted (Denis Chenu). Extra action button for Question are really badly placed (Denis Chenu). Survey listing - multiple calls of template (Denis Chenu). Updated translation: Turkish by kayazeren. Updated translation: Portuguese (Brazil) by c_schmitz, femariso, holch, marcelovincenzi, mauriciofurtado, paulohpmoraes, samarta, thiagosmartins. Updated translation: Korean by modernity4r. Updated translation: Japanese by d_inoue. Updated translation: Finnish by Jmantysalo.

GNU GPL survey php mysql mssql postgres

KeePassXC 2.7.6 💾

KeePassXC is a modern, secure, and open-source password manager that stores and manages your most sensitive information. You can run KeePassXC on Windows, macOS, and Linux systems. KeePassXC is for people with extremely high demands of secure personal data management. It saves many different types of information, such as usernames, passwords, URLs, attachments, and notes in an offline, encrypted file that can be stored in any location, including private and public cloud solutions. For easy identification and management, user-defined titles and icons can be specified for entries. In addition, entries are sorted into customizable groups. An integrated search function allows you to use advanced patterns to easily find any entry in your database. A customizable, fast, and easy-to-use password generator utility allows you to create passwords with any combination of characters or easy to remember passphrases.

minor bugfix: Changes: Significant improvement to visual when drag/drop entries. Automatically prompt for Quick Unlock when showing unlock dialog. Improve colorful lock icon and file MIME icon on KDE. Ability to search by entry UUID. Add challenge-response support for NitroKey 3. Auto-Type: Disable entry level Auto-Type when disabled at group/entry. Browser: Show warning when adding duplicate URL's to entry. Browser: Improve error message when proxy cannot be found. : crash on exit on macOS. crash on search if entry doesn't have a group. several with Quick Unlock. Enable save button when not auto-saving non-data changes. Several UI/UX. Move toolbar back to top of window when disabling movement. Browser: closing password generator dialog with X button. Browser: handling of expired credentials. Windows: Prevent white flicker when launching application. Linux: warning message about allow screencapture. FdoSecrets: access confirmation dialog showing even when disabled.

password password-manager security privacy cpp


ZCAD is simple CAD program for technical drawings and electrical wirings and devices. It supports the DXF2000, DWG, PDF/PS/SVG/EPS and ZCP file formats and SHX or TTF fonts, is cross-platform, uses fast OpenGL rendering, allows polar tracking, accessible 2D and 3D object rotation and perspectivic view, and taking object snapshots.

minor bugfix:

Mixed lazarus fpc 3d-modeling cad autocad dxf win32 gnome kde russian pascal

CadQuery 2.4.0 💾

CadQuery is an intuitive, easy-to-use python based language for building parametric 3D CAD models. CadQuery is for 3D CAD what jQuery is for javascript. Imagine selecting Faces of a 3d object the same way you select DOM objects with JQuery!

minor bugfix: ### Highlights * Updated to OCP and OpenCASCADE 7.7.2 #1440 (https://github.com/CadQuery/cadquery/pull/1440) * Python 3.12 support #1468 (https://github.com/CadQuery/cadquery/pull/1468) * VTK-based `show` function for showing models from the command line #1366 (https://github.com/CadQuery/cadquery/pull/1366) #1394 (https://github.com/CadQuery/cadquery/pull/1394) ### Other changes * Documentation fixes and improvements #1360 (https://github.com/CadQuery/cadquery/pull/1360) #1362 (https://github.com/CadQuery/cadquery/pull/1362) #1367 (https://github.com/CadQuery/cadquery/pull/1367) #1368 (https://github.com/CadQuery/cadquery/pull/1368) #1380 (https://github.com/CadQuery/cadquery/pull/1380) #1400 (https://github.com/CadQuery/cadquery/pull/1400) #1423 (https://github.com/CadQuery/cadquery/pull/1423) #1424 (https://github.com/CadQuery/cadquery/pull/1424) #1458 (https://github.com/CadQuery/cadquery/pull/1458) #1474 (https://github.com/CadQuery/cadquery/pull/1474) * Added an `enlarge` method to BoundBox object #1356 (https://github.com/CadQuery/cadquery/pull/1356) * Added parallel operation support to `_bool_op()` #1357 (https://github.com/CadQuery/cadquery/pull/1357) * Added typing for `importStep()` and `importShape()` #1372 (https://github.com/CadQuery/cadquery/pull/1372) * Added tuple parameter support to CQGI #1373 (https://github.com/CadQuery/cadquery/pull/1373) * Improved the shape iterator #1376 (https://github.com/CadQuery/cadquery/pull/1376) * Added all other formats to ReadTheDocs downloads #1377 (https://github.com/CadQuery/cadquery/pull/1377) * Improved segment naming in constraint solver test #1379 (https://github.com/CadQuery/cadquery/pull/1379) * Fixed ellipse arc normal with DXF import and export #1384 (https://github.com/CadQuery/cadquery/pull/1384) * Fixed bug in tapered extrude height #1388 (https://github.com/CadQuery/cadquery/pull/1388) * Implementation of cq.Shape selectors #1406 (https://github.com/CadQuery/cadquery/pull/140

Apache python cad 3d modeling codecad parametric

KiCad 8.0.1 💾

KiCad is an EDA software suite for the creation of professional schematics and printed circuit boards up to 32 copper layers with additional technical layers. KiCad runs on Windows, Linux and Apple OS X and is released under the open-source GNU GPL v2 free of charge.

minor bugfix:

GNU GPL electronic design automation gpl schematic eda pcb cad cpp c

SerialTest 0.3.4 💾

A versatile test tool running on Windows/Linux/macOS/Android. Works as data transceiver/realtime plotter/shortcut/file transceiver. Supports serial port, Bluetooth SPP client/server, Bluetooth LE client, TCP client/server, UDP.

major bugfix: Android: Use adaptive launcher icon (commit da9f2caaf1).

GNU GPLv3 test-tool diagnose transceiver tcp udp bluetooth serial-port cross-platform cpp

Calibre 7.7 💾

Calibre is an e-book library management application, viewer and editor. It's also commonly used for e-book file format conversion and syncing to reader devices. Calibre also simplifies downloading news from the web and converting them into e-book form, and can act as content server for online access to your book collection.

minor feature: New features Trim image: Allow specifying the size of the trim rectangle using numbers Closes tickets: 2056116 Full text search: Allow pressing Ctrl+S to select the current book in the calibre book list Closes tickets: 2056664 Speed up scrolling through the book list book-by-book by only redrawing the book details panel when scrolling pauses Add a tweak under Preferences- Tweaks to set the first day of the week in popup calendars used to input dates Bug fixes CHM Input: Handle CHM files with no HHC Table of Contents Closes tickets: 2056470 E-book viewer: Fix a few settings such as pages per screen and header/footers not being saved in profiles Full text search: Ignore text inside tags when indexing books Closes tickets: 2056614 DOCX Output: Preserve spaces around soft hyphens Book details popup: Copy the original cover image to the clipboard even when the image is rescaled to fit into view Fix changing disabled colors in the UI color palette overriding non-disabled colors Content server: Fix deletion of viewer profiles not working Improved news sources LiveMint Bloomberg Natural Geographic MIT Technology Review NY Review of Books Scientific American

GNU GPLv3 python c++ ebook-reader e-book conversion

Gitea 1.21.8 💾

Gitea is a painless self-hosted Git service. It is similar to GitHub, Bitbucket, and GitLab. Gitea is a fork of Gogs. See the Gitea Announcement blog post to read about the justification for a fork. Purpose The goal of this project is to provide the easiest, fastest, and most painless way of setting up a self-hosted Git service. With Go, this can be done with an independent binary distribution across all platforms and architectures that Go supports. This support includes Linux, macOS, and Windows, on architectures like amd64, i386, ARM, PowerPC, and others.

minor feature: SECURITY. Only use supported sort orders for "/explore/users" page. ENHANCEMENTS. Wrong line number in code search result. . Use Get but not Post to get actions artifacts. Inconsistent rendering of block mathematical expressions. Rendering internal file links in org. Don't show AbortErrors on logout. User-defined markup links targets. Incorrect rendering csv file when file size is larger than UI.CSV.MaxFileSize. Hidden test's failure. Add empty repo check-in DetectAndHandleSchedules. When deleting an account with an incorrect password or unsupported login type. Use strict protocol check when redirect. Avoid info panic. Avoid unexpected panic in graceful manager. Make "/user/login" page redirect if the current user has signed in. Workflow trigger event ChangeXXX. Incorrect cookie path for AppSubURL. Queue worker incorrectly stopped when there are still more items in the queue. Incorrect redirection when creating a PR fails. Incorrect subpath in links. Link does not support quotes. amp; comment history. Set pre-step status to `skipped` if the job is skipped. /Improve `processWindowErrorEvent`. Counter display number incorrectly displayed on the page. Workflow trigger event. URL calculation in the clone input box. The job should always run when `if` is `always()`. Template. Not trigger all jobs anymore when re-running the first job. Ignore empty repo for CreateRepository in action notifier. Incorrect tree path value for patch editor. Add missing database transaction for new. When pushing release to an empty repo. Incorrect relative/absolute URL usages. Wrong test usage of `AppSubURL`. Missed return. Ing the when status checks per rule matches multiple actions. Improve contrast on blame timestamp, double border.

MITL git go