BRL-CAD 7.38.2

BRL-CAD is a powerful cross-platform open source combinatorial solid modeling system that includes an interactive 3D solid geometry editor, a network-distributed symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) high-performance ray-tracer with support for rendering and geometric analysis, image and signal-processing tools, a system performance analysis benchmark suite, a flexible geometry scripting interface, and a high-performance geometric representation and analysis library.

Tags cad cpp c
License Other
State stable

Recent Releases

7.38.221 Mar 2024 04:45 minor feature: Added "rtsurf" exterior surface area tool prototype - Sean Morrison. Updated sqlite3 to version 3.45.1 - Cliff Yapp. Updated libpng to version 1.6.43 - Cliff Yapp. Updated zlib to version 1.3.1 - Cliff Yapp. Updated and corrected dbconcat man page - Cliff Yapp. Improved ambient occlusion rt during -k cut planes - Sean Morrison. Changed rt ambient occlusion randomization default - Sean Morrison. Added ambient occlusion example to rt manual pages - Sean Morrison. Rtweight output display inside MGED - Chris McGregor. Added shipping container example geometry model - Josh Baker. Added traffic light example geometry model - Chris McGregor. Improved rtwizard command-line option reporting - Sean Morrison. Added self-intersecting torus ray tracing support - Sean Morrison. rt crash rendering to -F/dev/null - Sean Morrison. Added mater man page density table example - Chris McGregor. Adjusted default ghosting intensity in rtwizard - Josh Baker. MGED command line handling of objects named 'y' - Cliff Yapp. Double printing of last 'search -exec' result - Chris McGregor. Improve 'search -v' to support multiple levels - Chris McGregor. Update 'search -v' to report # of objects found - Chris McGregor. Added a "bots only" mode to script - Cliff Yapp. Asc2g/g2asc support for brep primitives - Cliff Yapp. Added brep and bot versions of pinewood.g model - Josh Baker. Added new.g example file "Annual Gift Man" - Josh Baker. Dsp terrain file data loading for relative paths - Cliff Yapp. Updated Manifold lib for improved facetize robustness - Cliff Yapp.