ClairMeta 1.0.0b10

Clairmeta is a python package for Digital Cinema Package (DCP, DSM, DCDM, ...) probing and checking. At Eclair, Ymagis and CinemaNext, we use it across our digital laboratories workflows, and so contribute it back to the community.

Tags python dcp cinema
License BSDL
State beta

Recent Releases

1.0.0b1028 Jun 2018 03:45 minor feature: crash when checking empty subtitles files, add a new dedicated check . Adjust foreign file check criticity. . . . . . Check that CPL/PKL are signed for encrypted DCP. . Support EclairColor content type modifier. . . . Bump version.
1.0.0b906 Apr 2018 03:15 minor feature: Update Contributors . Command line interface now returns proper error codes. . Remove Mime type based checks. . VOLINDEX schema check not relevant for Interop. . Allow DCSubtitle ReelNumber element to contains arbitrary string. . PEP 8. . Missing docstring parameter. . Digital signature failing on xml without pre. . . . . . . Bump version.
1.0.0b820 Mar 2018 03:15 minor feature: Allow nodes without namespaces. . Ignore hidden XML files for discovery. . Prevent crash when CPL has not been relinked with any PKL. . Prevent crash for empty Assets list. . README.rst - some phrasing. . Update contributors. . . . . . Strip XML node before canonicalization with ElementTree. . Adaptation for different versions of MediaInfo. . dictionary key in-place transformation. . Prefer using magic Mime option. . Additional font Mime type. . . . . . . . Bump Version.
1.0.0b707 Mar 2018 03:15 minor feature: Improve error message . Interop Subtitle TimeCode interpretation. . PEP 8. . Improve error messages for file sequence check. . Additionnal dependencies for dev environment. . PEP 8. . Disable logging for probe cli. . Context managed temporary file. . DCPChecker is now a private variable of DCP class. . Additionnal key for CPL metadata. . Import test suite. . Upgrade dependencies lock. . Remove test resource from source code. . Remove old code. . Clean float metadata comparaison. . typo. . DolbyVision Metadata flag and additionnal checks. . Use a single threshold to identify HFR content. . Improve maximum bitrate threshold deduction. . Clean code. . Improve framerate checks. . Formating. . Handle exception for generic XML parsing. . Ignore hidden files for DCP CPL / PKL discovery. . Obsolete comment, we now use shutilwhich. . Missing docstring. . MXF Labels check update. . Argument type check. . Additionnal xml namespace. . Handle missing fields in CPL parsing. . Test resource folder is added to.gitignore. . Do not filter namespace for attributes. . Handle bad argument in format_ratio. . Additionnal test material usage. . Sound format coherence check now become a warning. . Temporary exclusion of tests that require external materials. . . . Bump version.
1.0.0b626 Jan 2018 03:15 minor feature: Update CONTRIBUTORS . Get a copy of the default profile to allow easy temporary modification. . Explicit foreign files tracking and use relative paths. . Temporary dev version pre. Move ISDCF module to utils. . CPL parser now parse and output ContentTitle naming convention fields. . hidden files check for relative paths. . Subtitles deep inspection no longuer crash when assets are missing. . Asset probe is now optional. . Temprorary deactivate MIME Type check. . isdcf check following format and default values update. . Quick description for each checks. . List all checks functionality. . Check profile default value. . Deactivate some checks. . Adjust check criticity. . Check process moved outside of class constructor. . Save check profile functionnality. . Relink VF / OV checks all assets and no longuer stop on first error. . CPL VF asset check (default to warning). . PEP 8. . Comment. . List OV/VF relink check. . error for subtitle XML without font reference. . Code style. . Add subtitle image png basic check. . typo. . Interop subtitle spacing schema format. . Float tolerance for metadata comparaison (eg. aspect ratio). . These checks come from ISDCF naming convention so warning only. . Leaf certificate superfluous roles dedicated check (default to warning). . Interop DCP can be signed with SMPTE/Interop compliant certificates. . All certificates in the chain must have the same signature algorithm. . shaone_b64 function now accepts a callback for progress report. . redondant hash computation for multi PKL DCPs. . Use console hash progress report as default. . XML C14N pre-processing more robust. . Parse Caption asset track. . Dolby Vision regex tag extraction. . . . Bump version.
1.0.0b504 Dec 2017 03:15 minor feature: repository path . Switch to own sources.list.d/clairmeta.list file. . Add Ubuntu artful (17.10) packages. . Xmltodict 0.11.0 emit additionnal unwanted namespace keys. . Use last xmltodict version 0.11.0. . Check that file description contains at least the pattern. . . . . . . . Variables are already available in env. . artful installation sample. . Update Readme. . . . Bump version.
1.0.0b430 Nov 2017 03:15 minor feature: Debian packaging with travis . . . Update documentation. . Bump version. . packaging key. . Bintray license field. . License has to be in a predefined set. . VCS Url is also required. . Json encoding.
1.0.0b325 Nov 2017 03:15 minor feature: Subtitle are unwraped to a file matching the mxf asset name . Backport Interop Subtitle schema from SMPTE DCDMSubtitle. . Extract file basename with splitext. . License is BSD not MIT. . . . . . . . Bump version.
1.0.0b221 Nov 2017 15:30 minor feature: Documentation proper formating for PyPI (rst). Source distribution now contains all required files to build wheels from it