Daytime 4.0

Daytime is a utility for linux and freebsd (possibly other unix) that can set the system clock from SNTP, daytime, time and HTTP servers. It can also act as an SNTP server or SNTP broadcaster.

Tags sntp ntp time daytime clock
License GNU GPLv3
State stable

Recent Releases

4.029 Feb 2024 09:14 major feature: Added support for getting date over ssh using 'date' command. Added https support.
3.108 Jul 2023 19:25 minor feature:
2.027 Aug 2016 18:36 major bugfix: Lots of SNTP fail fixed, for instance daytime no longer responds to it's own broadcasts! SNTP can not synchronize the clock with subsecond accuracy.
1.024 Aug 2016 09:27 major feature: Added SNTP server-mode support. Added man page. Now compiles under freebsd.