DrumGizmo is an open source, multichannel, multilayered, cross-platform drum plugin and stand-alone application. It enables you to compose drums in midi and mix them with a multichannel approach. It is comparable to that of mixing a real drumkit that has been recorded with a multimic setup.
Features include:
Stand-alone, Lv2 and VSTi versions available
Open drumkit file format, allowing the community to create their own drumkits
Drum velocity, allowing for several different hit velocities for each drum
Multichannel output, making it possible to mix it just the way you would a real drumkit
Optional built-in humanizer, analyzing the midi notes, adjusting velocities on-the-fly
Stand-alone midi renderer, generating .wav files, 1 for each channel
Stand-alone midi input, making it possible to use DrumGizmo as a software sampler for an electronic drumkit
Recent Releases
0.9.2009 Sep 2022 03:15
minor bugfix:
Release date: September 8th 2022
Contributors: chaot4, corrados, trebmuh, deva
This release was originally intended as a release, but quite a few.
features also managed to find their way in.
Noteworthy that has been :
- Software regression error in cymbal choke code has been. So now
choking of cymbals using both directed chokes and after-touch midi
events work again as expected.
- A compilation error due to an update in LV2 API (we used an
obsolete LV2 type) has been, so now compilation should work for
everybody again.
- Code can now properly be compiled with NSL support disabled at
configure time.
- Compilation with the modern gcc-11 compiler has been.
On top of this a lot of crash-has been.
Thanks to corrados, this version adds support for midi input through.
the alsa seq driver for the command line version of drumgizmo. So now
drumgizmo can be run from the commandline entirely without the need
for jack.
Compilation :
- compilation with gcc-11.
- compilation when compiling without nls enabled.
- Remove sndfile.h from audiofile header.
- missing backslash in libdg includepaths.
- compiler warning.
- Add missing include.
- Make configure fail if nls is enabled but gettext tools not found.
Crash :
- crash when loading a kit with more channels than the engine
was compiled for.
- crash when loading Crocell kit in ardour (stack allocation.
) - see Ardour report.
- Get rid of big stack allocation during resampler (re-)configuration.
- Prevent processing jack clients that are being deleted.
- crash when pressing play while loading a drumkit.
- Skip events whose audio-files has not yet been loaded.
- crash when doing async-load in cli.
Other :
- directed-chokes regression error.
- after-touch chokes regression error.
- wrong sample selection with instruments having only two samples.
- Make aftertouch choke if velocities gt; 0 instead of == 0 as this
seem to be the vdrum vendor concensus.
- Clear all active events (ie. stop playing samples) when
0.9.1923 Nov 2020 03:15
minor bugfix:
Release date: November 22nd 2020
Contributors: chaot4, TheMarlboroMan, trebmuh, deva
This release is a feature release with some rather interesting new.
features in it:
- Default midimaps now read from drumkit file so no explicit loading of
midimap are needed for kits that provide these.
- Add OSX retina display UI scaling.
- Sample selection default values improved.
- UI rendering speed improvements.
- New powermap feature, to make it easier to get a good natural feeling
when playing a midi-drumkit.
- Improved dgvalidater tool to include a lot more validation checks.
- Add gettext support to plugin UI with French translation.
- Per instrument voice limit feature to enable playing very fast with low
latency without the engine dropping out.
- Resampling quality (and thereby cpu usage) can now be controlled.
- Choke handling.
- flickering of lv2 inline displays while loading.
- LV2UI_Descriptor type error when using "new" LV2 sources.
- clickmaps not aligning correctly with drumkit images in the drumkit
tab, when image is bigger than window.
- Notes with velocity 0 is now ignored.
- Default drumkitpath is now correctly stored on windows.
- crash in jack engine (command-line) when system is under load.
For a more in depth description of the changes and, see the.
changelog for 0.9.19:
https://drumgizmo.org/wiki/doku.php?id=changelog:drumgizmo-0.9.19. Oct 2019 22:05
minor bugfix:
Release date: October 23rd 2019
Contributors: deva
in the file browser which could not be navigated if the
default kit path were not set or pointing to an invalid path.
Special thanks to 2Late and Jason N. for reporting and helping deging.
the problem.
0.9.1815 Oct 2019 06:45
minor feature:
Release date: October 15th 2019
Contributors: chaot4, meka, deva
This release is primarily a release but a few new features also.
managed to sneak in.
- Sample selection algorithm now behaves a lot better when using a small
sample set.
- Error reporting has been drastically improved when loading drum-kits.
- Sample normalization option has been added.
Also some, mainly for the UI.
For a more in depth description of the changes and, see the.
changelog for 0.9.18:
0.9.1707 Sep 2019 04:59
minor feature:
Feature release
Released July 15th 2019.
Cocoa UI support for OSX:
Make rendering of pixelbuffer work. (deva)
Make mouse move and click events work. (deva)
Make window resizing work. (deva)
Implement setFixedSize. (deva)
Support keyboard input events. (deva)
Detect double click. (deva)
Support window embedding. (deva)
Fix rendering of pixelbuffer on Mojave OSX. (deva)
Fix rendering of emdedded window on Mojave OSX. (deva)
Add directed choke feature. Design: directed choke (deva)
Add new improved sample selection algorithm - irc (chaot4)
Add tooltip descriptions for the humanizer knobs. (chaot4)
Add controls to cli. (chaot4/deva)
Write documentation on the new XML format. (deva)
Review XML structure XML format wiki page (deva/muldjord)
Create new drumkit parser. (suhr/deva)
Create new instrument parser. (suhr/deva)
Get rid of eXpat dependency. Use PugiXML instead. (suhr/deva)
Make unit tests for the drumkit/instrument parsers. (suhr/deva)
Make clicky-kit functionality. (chaot4)
Add midnam LV2 support to plugin based on the names from the instrument files. (rgareus/deva)
Fix out of bounds drawing of frame (chaot4)
Add 'set as default' path button in file browser. (deva)
Add midi aftertouch choke events. (deva)
Add tool-tips to frames. (deva)
Add support midi aftertouch chokes for all midi input engines (midifile, jackmidi and ossmidi). (deva)
Add dgvalidator commandline tool for validating drumkits. (deva)
Add version to config xml. (deva)
Add md5 hashes to drumkit downloads. (deva)
Generate lv2 manifest/ttl from the code contents of the plugingizmo implmentation. (deva)
Make channel-count controllable through configure. (deva)
Fix potential division by zero in rampdown. (deva)
Fix broken disk stream size limit in plugin config. (deva)
Fix config file parsing with empty values. (deva)
Fix creation of config dir if it doesn't exist when config file is about to be written (deva)