Dune 3D 1.2.0

Dune 3D is a parametric 3D CAD application. With Dune 3D you can: ketch and constrain in 2D and Add chamfers and fillets Import STEP models for referencing them Export high-quality STEP and STL files

Tags parametric cad geometry opencascade
License GNU GPLv3
State stable

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1.2.022 Nov 2024 15:15 major feature: New Features: Add copy/paste. Add body colors. Add text entities. Add cluster entities. Add DXF import. Add bezier curves. Add loft groups. Add revolve groups. Workspace views for saving visible groups. Support linking documents as entities. Support multiple documents. Add keyboard pan/zoom/rotate. Add menu for selecting obscured items. Add measurement constraints. Enhancements: Improve rotation with new trackball scheme. Add step model wireframe display mode. Show popup if a group couldn't be created. Add opened documents to recent list on windows. Show document path in header bar and workspace browser tooltip. Add tooltip for hover selection. Make loading documents more tolerant to errors. Add option for showing construction entities from previous groups. Show filename in window title. Add STEP model reload button. Use sensible default paths in file dialogs. Draw contour tool: support tangent constraint on start point. Add option for hiding STEP solid model. Let selected items glow, off by default. Automatically create tangent constraints when closing a contour. Use different icons for sketch points depending on type. Separate tool for point/line and point/plane distance constraints. Put line/points perpendicular constraint in separate tool. Put tangent constraints in separate tools. Replace Constrain coincident tool with tools for every constraint. Only show constrain equal radius/distance tool if just the right things are selected. Only create constraints if at least one entity is in current group. : Don't open the same document twice in two windows. Properly handle unknown item types. Refresh array offset when updating group. Only accepts shortcuts when canvas has focus. Properly reload changed STEP files without restarting the app. Allow solid model array in new body. Draw contour tool: properly add constraints when placing arc center. Don't require pressing enter in group editor spin buttons. Don't require pressing enter in selection editor. Properly save pre