Gaucho 1.0.1

Execute tasks with one click Boost your productivity by running commands, as well as launching applications with just one click, the simple status icon, timer and log provides monitoring of all your tasks at a simple glance.

Tags desktop launcher productivity node electron
License GNU GPLv3
State prerelease

Recent Releases

1.0.108 Oct 2021 04:05 minor feature: New update available message!. visual in rename modal. minor error in which task timer would be stopped twice. Build configuration updated and filenames changed. Links to webpage updated.
1.0.009 Aug 2021 06:25 minor feature: Electron.remote deprecated in favor of @electron/remote. with scheduling. Bulma-switch removed in favor of custom styles. Change default tasks to better examples. Minor style changes. dangling output not being shown. Dependencies updated. Yerbamate core runner updated to v3.0.
0.10.016 Jan 2021 20:11 minor feature: * Gaucho now runs as a single-instance app * Overhaul of menu and context menu options * Adds cut-copy-paste items to context menu * Suite-related actions moved to context menu * "Import suite" is now part of settings * Global Env variables can be set in settings * These will be exported/imported along with the suites in "Export Tasks" * Env variable form validation * Settings shortcuts menu is now collapsed by default * Minor fix in "Desktopify" * Dependencies updated