Genode OS Framework 14.08

The Genode operating-system framework provides a unified application interface over different microkernel and hypervisor systems. It's a slim references implementations that runs atop Linux, L4ka::Pistachio, L4/Fiasco, OKL4, NOVA, Fiasco.OC, Codezero, and a custom kernel for ARM SoCs. Genode is designed for dynamic workload distribution while separating operation priviliges for rubustness.

Tags operating-system kernel system-abstraction virtualization distributed-computing
License GNU GPL
State stable

Recent Releases

14.0828 Aug 2014 23:36 minor feature: * New GUI architecture * Vastly improved nitpicker GUI server * New window manager and accompanied components * C runtime * Pluggable VFS file systems * Real-time-clock support * Jitter-based random-number generator * OpenVPN * Improved integration of Qt5 * DDE Linux updated to version 3.14.5 * NOVA microhypervisor * Kernel updated, improved timer handling * Seoul VMM: Multi-processor support * VirtualBox: Networking support * Execution on bare hardware (base-hw) * Branch prediction * New source-tree structure