gsequencer 6.16.3

Advanced Gtk+ Sequencer Welcome to project website of Advanced Gtk+ Sequencer. Advanced Gtk+ Sequencer is a tree based audio processing engine released under the terms of the GNU GPLv3+. It uses extensively threads, supporting LADSPA, DSSI and Lv2 plugin format. Advanced Gtk+ Sequencer is capable of doing multi-channel editing, it contains an automation editor and you might want live export to audio files. There are sequencer machines as well a fully featured notation editor. Supporting copy & paste, resizing audio channels or align in-/output pads GSequencer does audio output on GNU/Linux by ALSA. Avoid additional layers on ALSA like arts, esd or pulseaudio. The output to the soundcard is usually done by AgsPanel sink. Sounds are created by sequencers like AgsDrum, AgsMatrix and alike. Such sources can be bundled by AgsMixer and finally write to hardware by AgsPlayChannelRun recall.

Tags sound-synthesis mixers sequencer audio
License GNU GPLv3
State initial

Recent Releases

6.16.316 Jun 2024 16:05 minor bugfix: Joël Krähemann (Maintainer of Advanced Gtk+ Sequencer) . Potential buffer overflow with ags_pitch_*_alias_ utility functions.
6.15.404 Jun 2024 20:45 minor bugfix: Joël Krähemann (Maintainer of Advanced Gtk+ Sequencer) . Improved plugin load failure handling in AgsDssiBridge. Improved plugin load failure handling in AgsLv2Bridge. Improved plugin load failure handling in AgsVst3Bridge. Improved plugin load failure handling in AgsLiveDssiBridge. Improved plugin load failure handling in AgsLiveLv2Bridge. Improved plugin load failure handling in AgsLiveVst3Bridge. Notation edit missing note 256th support.
6.14.023 May 2024 01:05 major bugfix: Joël Krähemann (Maintainer of Advanced Gtk+ Sequencer) . Notation clipboard wrong timestamp. Improved swipe.
6.12.718 May 2024 11:25 minor bugfix: Joël Krähemann (Maintainer of Advanced Gtk+ Sequencer) . Improved build generating symbols with script
6.11.614 May 2024 22:45 minor feature: Joël Krähemann (Maintainer of Advanced Gtk+ Sequencer) . Implemented switching dark mode on macOS. Added initial missing app window in window menu. Added missing preferences in window menu.
6.10.406 May 2024 17:05 minor bugfix: Joël Krähemann (Maintainer of Advanced Gtk+ Sequencer) . Implemented ags_soundcard_helper_config_get_use_cache(). Implemented ags_soundcard_helper_config_get_cache_buffer_size(). Use-cache and cache-buffer-size config value of pulse and CoreAudio.
6.9.501 May 2024 23:25 minor bugfix: Joël Krähemann (Maintainer of Advanced Gtk+ Sequencer) . Check core-audio buffer size and channels against configured soundcard.
7.0.001 May 2024 03:45 major bugfix: Joël Krähemann (Maintainer of Advanced Gtk+ Sequencer) . implemented ags_recall_midi1_control_change(). TODO:JK: implemented AgsMidiCCEditor. TODO:JK: implemented pitch selection of ags-synth. TODO:JK: implemented pitch selection of ags-fm-synth. TODO:JK: implemented pitch selection of ags-sf2-synth. TODO:JK: implemented pitch selection of ags-sfz-synth. TODO:JK: rename AgsOpenSf2Sample to AgsOpenSF2Sample. TODO:JK: rename AgsOpenSf2Instrument to AgsOpenSF2Instrument. TODO:JK: improve ags_midi_smf_util.c return value.
6.9.026 Apr 2024 22:05 major feature: Joël Krähemann (Maintainer of Advanced Gtk+ Sequencer) . Implemented ags_notation_find_note_256th_range(). Implemented ags_soundcard_util_calc_next_note_256th_offset(). Implemented ags_soundcard_util_calc_next_note_256th_attack(). Refactored ags-fx-notation counters. TODO:JK: refactored all AgsSoundcard to use new note 256th offset and attack utility functions. TODO:JK: refactored ags-fx-notation to use new note 256th offset and attack utility functions. TODO:JK: improved all ags_soundcard_set_note_offset() to reset tic counter.
6.8.622 Apr 2024 17:45 minor bugfix: Joël Krähemann (Maintainer of Advanced Gtk+ Sequencer) . Dead-lock in ags_pulse_devout_tic().
6.8.322 Apr 2024 06:25 minor bugfix: Joël Krähemann (Maintainer of Advanced Gtk+ Sequencer) . Ags_file_widget_real_refresh() test directory permissions. Ags_file_widget_value_factory_bind() test file permissions. AgsFileWidget root directory.
6.7.007 Apr 2024 04:05 major bugfix: Joël Krähemann (Maintainer of Advanced Gtk+ Sequencer) . Editor missing scrollbar reset after window resize. Potential SIGSEGV with automation editor. Double free with ags_audio_remove_automation_port().
6.6.027 Mar 2024 16:25 major feature: Joël Krähemann (Maintainer of Advanced Gtk+ Sequencer) . Implemented AgsFileDialog and AgsFileWidget. Implemented AgsIconLink. Renamed ags/app/ags_pcm_file_chooser_dialog. ch to ags_pcm_file_dialog. ch . Moved ags/app/ags_input_dialog. ch to ags/widget/. Refactored ags_app_action_util.c to use AgsFileDialog. Refactored AgsPCMFileDialog to use AgsFileWidget. Refactored AgsPresetEditor to use AgsFileDialog. Refactored AgsWaveExportDialog to use AgsFileDialog. Refactored AgsExportSoundcard to use AgsPCMFileDialog. Refactored AgsMidiExportWizard to use AgsFileWidget. Refactored AgsMidiImportWizard to use AgsFileWidget. Refactored AgsLinkEditor to use AgsPCMFileDialog. Refactored AgsDrum to use AgsPCMFileDialog. Refactored AgsDrumInputPad to use AgsPCMFileDialog. Refactored AgsFFPlayer to use AgsFileDialog. Refactored AgsPitchSampler to use AgsFileDialog. Refactored AgsSF2Synth to use AgsFileDialog. Refactored AgsSFZSynth to use AgsFileDialog. Added --enable-macos-sandbox configure switch. Added ags_endian_test.c. Added ags_regex_util_test.c. Added ags_string_util_test.c. Added ags_main_loop_test.c. Added ags_mutable_test.c. Added ags_seekable_test.c. Added ags_countable_test.c. Added ags_tactable_test.c. Added ags_sequencer_test.c.
6.5.317 Feb 2024 03:45 minor bugfix: Joël Krähemann (Maintainer of Advanced Gtk+ Sequencer) . TODO:JK: implemented --enable-macos-sandbox configure switch.
6.4.412 Feb 2024 12:45 minor documentation: Joël Krähemann (Maintainer of Advanced Gtk+ Sequencer) . Updated user manual images. Improved AgsEnvelopeEditor and AgsPatternEnvelope to allow negative y-values for attack, sustain, decay, release and ratio. Minor improvements.
6.4.105 Feb 2024 00:05 minor bugfix: Joël Krähemann (Maintainer of Advanced Gtk+ Sequencer) . VST3 build with new CPPFLAGS warnings as errors.
6.3.115 Jan 2024 17:06 minor bugfix: * refactored ags-fx-notation regarding note 256th attack and make use of 16th pulse
6.3.015 Jan 2024 09:45 major bugfix: Joël Krähemann (Maintainer of Advanced Gtk+ Sequencer) . Implemented ags_soundcard_get_note_256th_attack_of_16th_pulse() and ags_soundcard_get_note_256th_attack_of_16th_pulse_position(). Implemented ags_file_util. ch file read/write functions for C types. Implemented AgsRecallResetStaging. Refactored AgsAlsaDevout and AgsAlsaDevin. Refactored AgsOssDevout and AgsOssDevin. Refactored AgsPulseDevout and AgsPulseDevin. Refactored AgsJackDevout and AgsJackDevin. Refactored AgsCoreAudioDevout and AgsCoreAudioDevin. Refactored AgsWasapiDevout and AgsWasapiDevin. Refactored AgsGstreamerDevout and AgsGstreamerDevin. Refactored partially AgsSimpleFile make use of AgsFileUtil. Potential SIGSEGV with destroyed machine in AgsCompositeEditor. Potential SIGSEGV with AgsSF2Synth and AgsSFZSynth wah-wah callbacks.
3.1.328 Feb 2020 00:05 minor feature:
2.4.801 Jan 2020 16:12 minor feature: