Recent Releases
7.0.010 Oct 2024 06:45
major feature:
HHH-18314 - dialect for Db2 claims to be NationalizationSupport.EXPLICIT but never generates DDL with NCHAR/NVARCHAR.
HHH-18453 - Java code block highlighting in User Guide.
HHH-18448 - Add cast and notEqualTo methods to JpaExpression and SqmExpression.
HHH-18441 - Create extension to PersistenceConfiguration.
HHH-18440 - Rewrite the Bootstrapping chapter in the User Guide.
HHH-18412 - Upgrade JBoss Logging Tools (processor) to 3.0.1.Final.
HHH-18393 - Upgrade JBoss Logging Tools (processor) to 3.0.0.Final.
HHH-18316 - use utf8mb4 instead of utf8 a.k.a utf8mb3 on MySQL.
HHH-18097 - Replace `` with `java.lang.Autoable`.
HHH-18009 - Consolidate JdbcObserver and ConnectionObserver into JdbcEventHandler.
HHH-17720 - Add common JAXB contracts for named queries.
New Feature.
HHH-18304 - Transform hbm.xml key-many-to-one references.
HHH-18281 - Transform and .
HHH-18266 - HbmXmlTransformer hbm inverse.
HHH-18265 - HbmXmlTransformer transform hbm .
HHH-18264 - HbmXmlTransformer collection classification.
HHH-18060 - HbmXmlTransformer work.
HHH-17979 - Add @PropertyRef.
Remove Feature.
HHH-18452 - Remove deprecated org.hibernate.Interceptor methods.
HHH-18449 - Remove deprecated Integrator#integrate form.
HHH-18444 - Remove deprecate Session#refresh methods.
HHH-18443 - Drop SessionFactoryBuilder#enableJpaListCompliance.
HHH-18442 - Drop DynamicInsert#value and DynamicUpdate#value.
HHH-18437 - Remove deprecations from JdbcSessionContext.
HHH-18428 - Remove Session#delete.
HHH-18199 - Remove @Where and @WhereJoinTable.
HHH-18196 - Remove Session#save / Session#update / Session#saveOrUpdate.
HHH-18195 - Remove @SelectBeforeUpdate.
HHH-18194 - Remove @Proxy.
HHH-18193 - Remove @Polymorphism.
HHH-18191 - Remove @LazyToOne.
HHH-18190 - Remove @LazyCollection.
HHH-18189 - Remove @IndexColumn.
HHH-18188 - Remove GenerationTime
6.6.026 Apr 2024 07:05
major feature:
HHH-17969 - NPE copying SQM tree for criteria delete statement with null predicate.
HHH-17999 - Avoid runtime reflection for org.hibernate.jdbc.Expectation.
HHH-17993 - Metamodel processing on bootstrap: avoid retrying same metamodel class name multiple times.
HHH-17991 - Reduce overhead from @DialectOverride discovery.
HHH-17988 - MetadataContext should consistently use ClassLoaderService.
HHH-17987 - Improve allocation rate of ReflectHelper#setterMethodOrNull.
HHH-17980 - Excessive contention during getter identification in the ByteBuddy enhancer.
HHH-17954 - StatelessSession should no longer ignore changes to collections.
HHH-17824 - Extend usage spectrum of @Jpa to the test method level.
New Feature.
HHH-17955 - Bean validation and StatelessSession.
HHH-17818 - Add new ConcreteProxy annotation.
6.4.116 Dec 2023 03:15
minor feature:
HHH-17570 - Wrong name provided when checking Oracle autonomous JSON database.
HHH-17561 - NullPointerException at OracleServerConfiguration class.
HHH-17555 - equals hashcode combined with naturalId.
HHH-17553 - java.util.ConcurrentModificationException: null when loading an entity.
HHH-17551 - Gradle Enterprise improvements.
HHH-17528 - Explicit selection of an @Embeddable property containing associated collections doesn't work.
HHH-17525 - StackOverflowError when using @ManyToMany with composite id.
HHH-17520 - Schema creation fails with interval second data type on PostgreSQL.
HHH-17519 - Initializing a lazy association with a non aggregate id causes a NPE.
HHH-17515 - DynamicInstantiationResult wrong java type constructor selected.
HHH-17499 - SemanticException when querying embedded id entity with positional parameter.
HHH-17494 - Metamodel generator produces an uncompilable class when an EntityGraph name contains a comma.
HHH-17491 - UnknownEntityTypeException thrown when multiple subclasses define an attribute with the same name and one is a MappedSuperclass.
HHH-17489 - ConcurrentModificationException after upgrading to 6.4.0.
HHH-17466 - Exception on query: Could not convert 'java.util.Locale' to 'java.util.Locale' using '' to wrap.
HHH-17464 - 6.4.0 regression: NullPointerException in DefaultEvictEventListener#onEvict.
HHH-17456 - java.util.UnknownFormatConversionException thrown why logging set to TRACE.
HHH-17445 - Subquery correlated path expressions do not work with nullness predicates.
HHH-17418 - Bytecode enchanced read accessor for a final field uses "missing" writer method.
HHH-17416 - Using tuples in WHERE clause throws SemanticException.
HHH-17413 - Invalid SQL with TYPE() function and CASE expression in SELECT cl
6.4.026 Oct 2023 03:15
major feature:
HHH-17351 - Missing basic type registration after changing preferred jdbc type.
HHH-17332 - NullPointerException in TupleMappingModelExpressible constructor.
HHH-17329 - Query Cache contains null values when entity was loaded as proxy.
HHH-17306 - NPE in AbstractEntityPersister#logStaticSQL() when delogging is enabled.
HHH-17302 - Use nocache for MariaDB sequences.
HHH-17290 - Embeddable with a primitive field cannot be set to null.
HHH-17288 - IdClass broken column mapping in `@OneToOne` when `mappedBy` is used by the owning side.
HHH-17285 - @MapdKey fails with name attribute that represetns a path with dots separator.
HHH-17283 - Subquery using Entity with composite Id causes SemanticException.
HHH-17276 - Columns that are widened to LOB type aren't considered as LOBs.
HHH-17264 - OracleAggregateSupport should use json_object to create empty json.
HHH-17262 - JdbcTypeRecommendationException when using of persistence.xml file.
HHH-17260 - ClassCastException when using SUM() on subquery root.
HHH-17225 - Right join does not return records from the right table if there's no matching record in the from clause.
HHH-17224 - Hibernate 6.x - native queries for multiple entities do not respect FetchMode.EAGER annotation directives.
HHH-17223 - ClassCastException when using SUM() on COALESCE in criteria api.
HHH-17211 - Hibernate entity with @Any attribute throws a null pointer exception on HQL select query.
HHH-17208 - @Any mapping not working on HQL inserts.
HHH-17193 - Error when merging entity with composite PK and nested to-many collection.
HHH-17143 - More not-found ups.
HHH-17108 - Error In Native Query when adding two Entity's and using composite key. Error: Unable to find column position by name.
HHH-16935 - Hibernate cdi extension Regression introduced by HHH-16096.
6.3.120 Sep 2023 03:15
minor bugfix:
HHH-17221 - AssertionError initializing a collection with FetchMode.SUBSELECT and IdClass having only one field.
HHH-17203 - ElementCollection doesn't consider @Where annotation on delete of elements.
HHH-17202 - ArrayStoreException for single field id class entity collection batch loading.
HHH-17201 - Unexpected value type exception for unordered multi id Load with ordered return disable.
HHH-17189 - Audited annotations are ignored on embeddable super types.
HHH-17177 - JDBC type code is ignored in XML mapping for an id attribute.
HHH-17173 - Getting one-to-one association through a referenece to a bytecode enhanced entity fails.
HHH-17168 - Investigate failures on db10_5 and Cockrachdb of FunctionTests.testCastBinaryWithLength.
HHH-17167 - Unable to locate parameter for RESTRICT - DELETE error when removing entity with RowId.
HHH-17166 - query methods returning primitive types incorrectly inferred to be mutation query methods.
HHH-17165 - short method names in metamodel generator cause SIOBE.
HHH-17163 - persist() should throw JPA's EntityExistsException if passed detached instance.
HHH-17159 - java.lang.StackOverflowError during Update on Entity with Embeddable and JSON.
HHH-17156 - NPE when an Embeddable column is reused in another class related by inheritance.
HHH-17154 - NullPointerException is thrown when constructing EntityManagerFactoryBuilderImpl.
HHH-17135 - CriteriaQuery error passing nullLiteral with entity type class.
HHH-17131 - Regression in entity streams with associated collections resulting in result duplication.
HHH-17105 - SQL clause from @WhereJoinTable is no longer used for DELETE queries (6.2 regression).
HHH-17104 - with max() request inside projection.
HHH-17100 - CustomType wrongly calls UserType#disassemble.
HHH-17080 - Envers AuditReader.getRevisionNum
6.3.021 Jul 2023 07:05
major bugfix:
HHH-16943 - Column ordering leads to wrong column order in unique constraints.
HHH-16942 - OneToOne Mapping with PartitionKey fails.
HHH-16923 - Deleting all entities of a given type fails when using a composite primary key and order_updates.
HHH-16912 - Hibernate 6.2 breaks backward compatibility.
HHH-16908 - Fail to compute column mapping on entity with idClass having one field as pk of a OneToOne association.
HHH-16900 - Iteration of MutationOperation(s) triggers type pollution.
HHH-16892 - LocalXmlResourceResolver does not resolve dtd URLs that use https scheme.
HHH-16890 - StackOverflowError when loading entities with @Proxy(lazy = false).
HHH-16872 - JDBC fetch size seems to be ignored post migration to hibernate6.
HHH-16860 - OneToMany with inherited classes on both sides.
HHH-16857 - JdbcLiteralFormatterCharacterData's lowercase 'n' causes invalid SQL syntax.
HHH-16853 - Setting Named Query Parameters Is VERY Slow.
HHH-16849 - When we use partition key in join columns generated query is incorrect and its failing.
HHH-16843 - HQL 'value = null'.
HHH-16839 - Failing to update a one-to-one lazy association with `OptimisticLockType.DIRTY` and enabled bytecode enhancement.
HHH-16833 - Assertion Error when inserting two entities linked with a OneToOne relation.
HHH-16832 - Bytecode enhancement leads to broken constructor for a generic embedded field in a MappedSuperclass.
HHH-16821 - Fail to delete entity that contains an embedded with a many to many association as field.
HHH-16820 - When batching enabled the LockModeType is ignored.
HHH-16818 - JPQL parser treats 'N' as a String and fails org.hibernate.query.SemanticException: The assignment expression type java.lang.String did not match the assignment path type java.lang.Character .
HHH-16813 - Metamodel Generator adds @Generator annotations that cannot be compiled.
HHH-16812 - StackOverflowError an embedd
6.2.012 Jul 2023 06:25
major feature:
HHH-15900 - ID attributes with "select" generator are mapped to identity columns.
HHH-15847 - DDL check constraint creation broken.
HHH-15828 - setting TIMEZONE_DEFAULT_STORAGE to COLUMN does not work.
HHH-15820 - inconsistent DDL generated Instant and ZonedDateTime, OffsetDateTime on Oracle.
HHH-15819 - extract(offset hour minute from datetime) are broken.
HHH-15814 - Add missing current timestamp methods in CockroachDB dialect.
HHH-15801 - IdentifierGeneratorHelper should compare column names case insensitively.
HHH-15775 - Connection error can result in UnknownServiceException, hiding actual exception.
HHH-15767 - missing unique constraints from optional @OneToOne.
HHH-15750 - Hibernate.isInitialized() broken for EnhancementAsProxyLazinessInterceptor.
HHH-15748 - Use JSON DDL type on Oracle 21+ and BLOB on 12+.
HHH-15741 - Explicit declaration assigned identifier generator does not work.
HHH-15715 - broken links in 6 docs.
HHH-15709 - HQL local datetime literals on Postgres, Cockroach H2.
HHH-15704 - ManyToManyTest produces invalid foreign keys.
HHH-15689 - SessionFactoryOptionsBuilder.addEntityNameResolvers() has no effect.
HHH-15687 - IllegalArgumentException with Type parameters and multiple bounds.
HHH-15682 - static final instances of LockOptions are mutable.
HHH-15679 - Respect the offset of OffsetTime when persisting/loading data.
HHH-15670 - RequiresDialectFeature.reverse() not implemented.
HHH-15669 - Oracle 21 and 11 spatial test failure.
HHH-15668 - Cockroach test failure: BatchOptimisticLockingTest.testBatchAndOptimisticLocking.
HHH-15634 - Lazy basic property does not get updated on change.
HHH-15627 - useless error message of multi-@JoinColumn mapping does not specify referencedColumnName.
HHH-15571 - Bundle-Manifest has no 'Bundle-Version'.
HHH-15565 - @Table(fetch=SELECT) is gone from H6.
HHH-15549 - incorrect DDL mapping DECIMAL -
4.2.2724 Jun 2017 20:25
minor bugfix:
HHH-10183 : Mapping for NVARCHAR in SqlServer not working with native queries; org.hibernate.MappingException: No Dialect mapping for JDBC type: -9.
BZ-1457508 : race condition and level 2 cache configuration in standalone*.xml or domain*.xml.
4.2.2623 Mar 2017 13:45
minor bugfix:
HHH-11516 : Level two cache may not be enabled when using @Cacheable without/instead of @Cache.
4.2.2522 Oct 2016 18:05
minor bugfix:
HHH-11072 : Skip CriteriaLiteralInSelectExpressionTest#testStringLiteral2 for Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, and Sybase dialects.
HHH-11073 : Casting to boolean in HQL query fails on MySQL.
HHH-11182 - HQL subquery with constraint property in superclass does not join superclass table.
4.2.2423 Jul 2016 11:45
minor bugfix:
HHH-10679 - Subselect fetching is not used for collections if their entity owners are initialized in a batch.
HHH-10757 - "select new..." with CAST( NULL AS...) fails with QuerySyntaxException: unexpected AST node: NULL.
HHH-9021 - with literals in select expression.
4.2.2314 Apr 2016 05:05
minor bugfix:
HHH-10563 - Significant String use/duplication associated with subselect fetch.
BZ-1299734 - Derived identity tests failing with DB2.
BZ-1299842 - Skip tests for HHH-10161 on Sybase.
BZ-1326564 - AliasTest and MappingReorderedAliasTest fail on DB2.
4.2.2124 Oct 2015 16:05
minor bugfix:
HHH-5255 - Merge detached entity failed when the instrumented lazy property is initialized.
HHH-7573 - Lazy properties are not processed properly after a PreUpdate callback.
HHH-9928 - Pending put leaks when the entity is not found in DB.
HHH-10182 - Backport HHH-7898 and HHH-10005 for JTA environment only.
4.2.2025 Jul 2015 10:25
minor feature:
HHH-2851 - ParameterTranslationsImpl fails to correctly determine parameter type.
HHH-9250 - BigIntegerSequenceGeneratorTest.testBasics fails on MS SQL Server 2012.
HHH-9637 - Join is reused when 2 explicit joins are used for the same ToOne association.
HHH-9758 - Broken SQL generated for dynamic batch fetching entities with a composite ID.
4.2.1916 Apr 2015 09:25
minor bugfix:
Backport HHH-8853 to 4.2: NonBatchingBatch.addToBatch() calls statement.close() twice.
Criteria creates invalid Column aliases.
Embedded OneToMany association fetch join does not work in CriteriaQuery.
Deprecation: buildSessionFactory() should return a sessionFactory.
4.2.1802 Feb 2015 06:05
minor bugfix:
Collection deleted due to orphan removal fails with constraint violation.
Add documentation about enabling NamingStrategyDelegator implementations.
EnumeratedTypeTest - select from dual causes test failures on mssql, postgresql, db2 and sybase.
EntityManager.flush() does not behave properly with transient one-to-one association and no cascade.
Add EntityManager test case illustrating usage of query cache.
4.3.615 Dec 2014 18:25
minor feature:
org.hibernate.test.cache.CollectionCacheEvictionTest test fails on SAP/Sybase ase
org.hibernate.test.generated.DefaultGeneratedValueTest test failure on SAP/Sybase ASE
org.hibernate.test.sql.hand.query.NativeSQLQueriesTest failure on SAP/Sybase ASE
ClassCastException with parameter as CASE results
Flush causes update query on field of type Byte
ClassCastException when rendering SimpleCaseExpression
Type mapping of @ColumnResult is ignored
Lob proxy class loading problem
Unable to instantiate AttributeConverter: root cause of exception hidden
Hibernate 4.3.0.Final can no longer find JNDI DataSource that
4.2.1601 Nov 2014 17:05
minor bugfix: