Insomnia 7.1.1

Insomnia is a beautiful cross-platform application for organizing, running, and debugging HTTP requests.

Tags internet http rest developers
License GNU GPLv3
State stable

Recent Releases

7.1.119 Feb 2020 10:05 minor feature: Support importing raw string and naming the import . componentWillUnmount lifecycle method. . Bump version.
7.0.502 Dec 2019 00:25 minor feature: Only set OAuth user-agent for GitHub . perf regression from cloning state. . Bump version. . Revert Ubuntu UA login.
7.0.4-beta.312 Nov 2019 10:25 minor feature: Better entities initialization . Small tweak to build scripts. . package script env var reference. . Put ref check in correct script. . Try update windows-build-tools. . Dropdown children now work with React.Fragment. . Feature cURL Parse query parameters from url in importer. . Fetch new access tokens if refreshing token returns "invalid_grant" (# . . Feature Added request-specific followRedirects setting. . Add libfontconfig-dev install for Linux dev setup. . Added display support for X-Http-Method-Override. . build failing. . Feature OpenAPI Support OpenAPI 3 securitySchemes. . Dropdown works with empty dividers. . Merge branch 'develop' of into develop. . Try ing linux app icon. . node version check. . Try ing builds.
7.0.319 Oct 2019 20:45 minor feature: Add travis back for macOS builds . Remove Mac builds from GitHub Actions. . Try newer macOS 10.13 on Travis.
7.0.2-beta.113 Oct 2019 07:05 minor feature: Add Apple Notarization . Try CI. . deprecated version param in GH Action. . Try msvs 2017. . Try setting GYP_MSVS_VERSION=2017. . typos. . Better Github Actions builds. . Bump version'. . Code signing GH Actions attempt. . Ubuntu 14 and 16 builds. . linux?. . owner and repo in release code. . Remove TravisCI and Appveyor. . Specify Linux build targets. . Ubuntu 16 version. . CI. Bump version to beta. . Print snapcraft version. . Snapcraft install attempt 2. . Use snapcraft Docker image.
7.0.210 Oct 2019 03:15 minor feature: Add Apple Notarization . Try CI. . deprecated version param in GH Action. . Try msvs 2017. . Try setting GYP_MSVS_VERSION=2017. . typos. . Better Github Actions builds. . Bump version'. . Code signing GH Actions attempt. . Ubuntu 14 and 16 builds. . linux?.
6.5.108 May 2019 03:16 minor feature: More robust handling of prompt tag filtering . Allow render failures for request descriptions. . sync menu jumping up.
6.4.124 Apr 2019 06:05 minor feature: Request url tooltip overflow . Move request to collapsed folder by opening on hover. . grant type switching. . Merge branch 'develop' of into develop. . JSON exporting. . Improve selector performance with a lookup map. . Hide quit menu item on non-Mac. . Bump version number.
6.0.3-beta.116 Aug 2018 06:05 minor feature: Support version sufin plugin install . Ability to disable syncing of cookies and client certs (. . Bump version.
5.16.628 May 2018 12:45 minor feature: Also send nonce for ID Token OAuth2 type . Preserve editor undo when switching requests and don't allow undo ini . . Flow error. . optional prop for Editable.
5.16.424 May 2018 15:45 minor feature: Add Faker Plugin . Chore/add plugin. . Remove analytics. . Merge branch 'develop' of into develop. . Bump version. . Allow YAML extensions in file selection import dialog too. . Traversing further into scope directories. . Bump version. . UI for filter requests by folder, URI, method, query string. . max height of query editor. . Bump versioN. . Tweak request switcher styles. . Update version. . no longer minify. . deps.
5.14.608 Feb 2018 09:05 minor feature: Tweak . Testing snaps again. . Test again. . No more Xenial builds. . version. . Version bump.
5.14.330 Jan 2018 15:45 minor feature: Replace time and size with URL in history dropdown . Support AWS Multifactor Auth. . Update to latest aws4 dep. . Update . Update . Mockup AWS MFA UI. . Add enabled to most auth panes. . Merge branch 'develop' of into featur . . Some more work. . Added getBodyText and setBodyText methods. . Merge branch 'develop' of into develop. . AWS Multi-Factor Authentication. . tests. . Merge branch 'develop' of into develop. . Bump version number. . Upgrade Travis dist for snap. . travis dist. . Bump version. . Tweak.
5.12.403 Dec 2017 00:05 minor feature: Bump version . build. . Implemented base node-libcurl wrapper library. . More libcurl. Handle encodings in response plugin (). . Bump version. . Remove tests for insomnia-libcurl. . tests.
5.12.0-beta.324 Nov 2017 21:05 minor feature: Response Handling Improvements Better response bodyPath handling. Better response bodyPath and large response handling. tests and a few other things. Remove compress/decompress utils. Switch bodyCompression default and add migration. Switch update channel to beta if on beta version. Revert beta channel migration and bump version.
5.11.715 Nov 2017 04:45 minor feature: Bump version . Merge branch 'develop' of into develop. . Bump version.
5.11.511 Nov 2017 03:16 minor feature: where dragging a folder into itself would make it disappear. OAuth 2.0 requests now use same settings as current request. Environment editor now refreshes from sync change when it's open. Improvements to Curl importer. Add back default Accept header from v5.11.0 but not Accept-Encoding. New keyboard shortcut to delete active request. Prompt user to automatically change Content-Type when binary file is selected. Update documentation links to point to new support website.
5.10.102 Nov 2017 14:45 minor feature: Ability to export workspace as HAR (PR:523:Atvaark). Can now drag-n-drop files to import. Client certificates can now be made private (never synced). GraphQL now sends operationName automatically. New template tags for hashing and reading files. cookies being deleted when editing (sometimes). Closing environment editor too quickly no longer loses changes. Multipart handling works with large files again (above 2GB). Other minor. Minor tweaks to template tag editor. Keyboard shortcut to refresh all plugins. New plugin API methods to set request settings (eg. cookie send behavior).
5.9.617 Oct 2017 00:25 minor feature: Rewrote PDF response preview for better performance and retina support. Can now use boolean type in template tag arguments (plugins). PDF response preview works again. Render failures in cookie dialog no longer prevent it from opening. refresh button in template tag editor. Add React 16 error boundaries so unhandled errors will do less harm. Moved multipart/form-data generation from libcurl into Insomnia. New setting to display all template tags and variables in raw text.
5.9.012 Oct 2017 06:25 minor feature: More keyboard shortcuts (see preferences for details). Properly catch and handle plugin errors on app launch. GraphQL and cookie list scroll overflow. Added menu item to show dev tools.
5.8.418 Sep 2017 17:25 minor feature: More keyboard shortcuts (see preferences for details). Properly catch and handle plugin errors on app launch. GraphQL and cookie list scroll overflow. Added menu item to show dev tools.
5.8.210 Sep 2017 19:05 minor feature: New cookie editing flow. Support templating in cookies. HAWK authentication. Blocker for large responses works again. Prevent modal dialogs from closing when escaping autocomplete. Prevent Content-Length integer overflow for uploads over 2GB. Environment functions on plugin API. Fuzzy filtering now used in all UI filter inputs. Request method now shown in tag editor. Don't touch already-encoded characters in URL. Add HTML content-type detection.
5.7.912 Aug 2017 20:25 minor feature: Cap number of redirects to 20 (instead of unlimited). Some performance improvements. Don't allow password input text to be copied. Over-selecting input bounds no longer clears selection. Add ability to specify Authorization token prefor OAuth 2.0 Requests. GraphQL schema introspection requests now apply cookies, auth, and all other Insomnia features. GraphQL prettify no longer recursively stringifies variables object. Display schema fetch information for GraphQL. Automatically switch to POST when choosing GraphQL body.
5.7.408 Aug 2017 05:45 minor feature: Template tags now work with prettify feature. GraphQL incorrectly JSON stringifying variables body. More accurate logic for catching OAuth redirect URL #396. Added Help menu item for displaying keyboard shortcuts. Added contact link to About section. Default GraphQL introspection query Content-Type to application/json.
5.7.004 Aug 2017 02:25 minor feature: New GraphQL request body type. Add netrc authentication. downloading response bodies. Don't include literal newline characters in Curl snippets. Change HTTP method to GET on redirects. AWS authentication for GET requests. Colons in header values now handled properly. No longer search box on Enter. Plugin system improvements. Workspaces created by import or sync are now marked with an indicator. Add autodetection for XML when no Content-Type present. Behind-the-scenes sync improvements.
5.5.201 Jul 2017 03:15 minor feature: Added ability to preview PDF responses (#325 by Antoine38660). Added ability to assign colors to environments. All dropdown menus are now filterable by typing. dropdown dismissing reliability inside modal dialogs. unix hostname being confused with domain socket syntax. Window maximized state now remembered. Response bodies no longer stored in memory.
5.4.023 Jun 2017 03:15 minor feature: Support for unix domain sockets using pattern 'http://unix:SOCKET:PATH'. Dedicated Description tab for request documentation. Wildcards now supported in client certificate host. Prevent opening links multiple times in description preview. Content-Length not being sent with initial NTLM authorization request. client certificate toggling not working. Dropdowns within tabs now only open if tab is already active. Tab lists now scrolls horizontally when too long. Markdown description style improvements. Vastly improved dropdown positioning algorithm. Add back ability to change text editor keymap to Sublime Text.
5.3.617 Jun 2017 03:15 minor feature: Improve cookie handling with redirects. Workspace duplication active environment. Status tag in response history showing "ERROR" for responses with no HTTP Reason. Autocomplete constants filling with undefined. Added option to use custom date format with Timestamp tag.
5.3.013 Jun 2017 03:15 minor feature: Ability to document requests and workspaces using Markdown. Added Bearer authentication helper. Added setting to whitelist hostnames from proxy setting. Ability to duplicate workspace. Client Credentials setting in OAuth form not changing. Other minor UI. Setting to disable analytics tracking. URL preview copy button. Experimental plugin support (still undocumented).
5.2.007 Jun 2017 03:15 minor feature: Ability to document requests and workspaces using Markdown. Added Bearer authentication helper. Added setting to whitelist hostnames from proxy setting. Ability to duplicate workspace. Client Credentials setting in OAuth form not changing. Other minor UI. Setting to disable analytics tracking. URL preview copy button. Experimental plugin support (still undocumented).
5.1.130 May 2017 03:15 minor feature: New option to auto-hide menubar on Windows and Linux!. New template tag to reference values from other responses. More friendly Template Tag editor. Ability to save full HTTP response to file, including headers. cookie handling for localhost domains. Better handle of JSON when root is a String. File selector no longer clears file on Cancel. Many more. Data exports now have friendlier names. Unreferenced template tags are longer rendered.
5.1.025 May 2017 03:15 minor feature: New option to auto-hide menubar on Windows and Linux!. New template tag to reference values from other responses. More friendly Template Tag editor. Ability to save full HTTP response to file, including headers. cookie handling for localhost domains. Better handle of JSON when root is a String. File selector no longer clears file on Cancel. Many more. Data exports now have friendlier names. Unreferenced template tags are longer rendered.
5.0.2014 May 2017 22:02 minor feature: This release switches the auto-update logic to use Github Releases.