Recent Releases
3.2.330 Nov 2024 02:45
minor feature:
lt;ul gt;.
lt;li gt;New: Add OneNote Importer lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;New: Plugins: Add support for editor.scrollToText on desktop ( lt;a class="commit-link" data-hovercard-type="commit" data-hovercard-url="" href="" gt; lt;tt gt;6eac8d9 lt;/tt gt; lt;/a gt;) lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Deprecated OneDrive sync method ( lt;a class="commit-link" data-hovercard-type="commit" data-hovercard-url="" href="" gt; lt;tt gt;e36f377 lt;/tt gt; lt;/a gt;) lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Trying to with permission errors when installing a plugin ( lt;a class="commit-link" data-hovercard-type="commit" data-hovercard-url="" href="" gt; lt;tt gt;fb6a807 lt;/tt gt; lt;/a gt;) lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Mermaid version update lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Plugins: Allow specifying render options on renderMarkup command ( lt;a class="commit-link" data-hovercard-type="commit" data-hovercard-url="" href="" gt; lt;tt gt;8e3c817 lt;/tt gt; lt;/a gt;) lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Remove the need for sync locks lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;: PDF export fails with error lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;: dropping files into the editor lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;: race condition which may cause data loss, particularly before or after pasting text in the note editor lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;: vertical alignment of checkboxes
3.2.129 Nov 2024 11:25
minor feature:
lt;ul gt;.
lt;li gt;New: Accessibility: Add ARIA information to the sidebar's notebook and tag list lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;New: Accessibility: Add accessible label to the "remove from share" button lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;New: Accessibility: Add missing labels to the note attachments screen and master password dialog lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;New: Add new encryption methods based on native crypto libraries lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;New: Add setting to disable markup autocompletion lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;New: Add support for overwrite mode in the Markdown editor lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;New: Plugins: Add support for editor plugins lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;New: Plugins: Added a renderMarkup command to render MD or HTML markup to HTML (ff09937) lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Accessibility: Declare app locale with the HTML lang attribute lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Accessibility: Make keyboard focus visible for dropdowns lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Accessiblity: Make keyboard shortcuts settings screen keyboard-navigable lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Allow Markdown editor search dialog to be localised lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Allow user to generate deletion logs lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: By default disable pasting colors in RTE, and added option to enable it ( lt;a class="commit-link" data-hovercard-type="commit" data-hovercard-url="" href="" gt; lt;tt gt;e16f452 lt;/tt gt; lt;/a gt;) lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Multiple window support lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Updated packages @adobe/css-tools (v4.4.0), @playwright/test (v1.45.3), compare-versions (v6.1.1), dayjs (v1.11.12), highlight.js (v11.10.0), jsdom (v24.1.1), sass (v1.77.8) lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Upgrade CodeMirror packages lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Upgrade to Electron 32.2.0 lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;: Change Resource filetype
3.1.2429 Nov 2024 09:45
minor feature:
lt;ul gt;.
lt;li gt;Security: title rendering in GotoAnything search results lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;: Markdown editor: Auto-backticks lt;/li gt;.
lt;/ul gt;.
3.1.2027 Nov 2024 18:45
minor feature:
lt;ul gt;.
lt;li gt;: error screen shown on opening settings when an incompatible plugin is installed lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Security: Improve KaTeX error handling lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Security: Improve Markdown viewer link handling lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Security: Open more target="_blank" links in a browser lt;/li gt;.
lt;/ul gt;.
3.1.1826 Nov 2024 22:25
minor feature:
lt;ul gt;.
lt;li gt;New: Plugins: Add support for joplin.settings.values and deprecate joplin.settings.value ( lt;a class="commit-link" data-hovercard-type="commit" data-hovercard-url="" href="" gt; lt;tt gt;715abcc lt;/tt gt; lt;/a gt;) lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Downgrade CodeMirror packages to various Android regressions lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Plugins: Name webview root attribute so that it can be styled ( lt;a class="commit-link" data-hovercard-type="commit" data-hovercard-url="" href="" gt; lt;tt gt;75b8caf lt;/tt gt; lt;/a gt;) lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Remove Math Mode from the list of plugins incompatible with the new editor lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Updated packages glob (v10.4.5), katex (v0.16.11), types lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;: Accessibility: context menu button doesn't open the note list context menu (regression) lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;: incorrect list switching behavior lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;: Improve performance by allowing note list background timers to be cancelled lt;/li gt;.
lt;/ul gt;.
3.1.1725 Nov 2024 15:45
minor feature:
lt;ul gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Enable again auto-updates ( lt;a class="commit-link" data-hovercard-type="commit" data-hovercard-url="" href="" gt; lt;tt gt;058a559 lt;/tt gt; lt;/a gt;) lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;New: horizontal rule button when cursor is not on a new line lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Automatically detect and use operating system theme by default ( lt;a class="commit-link" data-hovercard-type="commit" data-hovercard-url="" href="" gt; lt;tt gt;5beb80b lt;/tt gt; lt;/a gt;) lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Updated packages glob (v10.4.2), jsdom (v24.1.0), sass (v1.77.6), turndown (v7.2.0) lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;: Delete revisions on the sync target when deleted locally lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;: ctrl/cmd-n can create new notes while the trash folder is selected lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;: Improve performance when there are many selected items lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;: Plugin API: Save changes made with lt;code gt;editor.setText lt;/code gt; lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;: WebDAV synchronisation not working because of URL encoding differences lt;/li gt;.
lt;/ul gt;.
3.1.1524 Nov 2024 14:45
minor feature:
lt;ul gt;.
lt;li gt;New: Accessibility: Add "Move to" context menu action for notebooks lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Accessibility: Improve text read by screen readers when focusing the note viewer lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Improve the performance of GoToAnything lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Seamless-Updates: generated and uploaded latest-mac-arm64.yml to GitHub Releases lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Update plugin compatibility layer to allow more legacy plugins (e.g. Markdown Prettier) to run lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Updated packages jsdom (v24), markdown-it-ins (v4), markdown-it-sup (v2), sass (v1.77.5) lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Upgrade CodeMirror packages lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;: Accessibility: multi-note selection menu not tab-focusable lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;: Encryption screen: "invalid password" border shown for some correct passwords lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;: clicking on most non-media resource links opens them inline lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;: editor/viewer loses focus when visible panels are changed with ctrl-l lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;: table column and rows not being resizable on RTE lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;: unable to change incorrect decryption password if the same as the master password lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;: MacOS: shortcut for permanent note deletion ( lt;a class="commit-link" data-hovercard-type="commit" data-hovercard-url="" href="" gt; lt;tt gt;41b03f9 lt;/tt gt; lt;/a gt;) lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;: Table options not visible on dark theme lt;/li gt;.
lt;/ul gt;.
3.1.823 Nov 2024 15:05
minor feature:
lt;ul gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Seamless-Updates - rename latest-mac.yml to latest-mac-arm64.yml lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Updated packages @playwright/test (v1.44.1), sass (v1.77.4), tesseract.js (v5.1.0) lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;: Decrypt master keys only as needed lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;: Removed unneeded electron-log dependency lt;/li gt;.
lt;/ul gt;.
3.1.622 Nov 2024 22:45
minor feature:
lt;ul gt;.
lt;li gt;New: Add left/right arrow keys as expand/collapse shortcuts for notebooks lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;New: Seamless-Updates: added latest-mac-arm64.yml lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Accessibility: Improve note list keyboard and screen reader accessibility lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Seamless-Updates - added tests for autoUpdaterService lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Updated packages @playwright/test (v1.43.1), async-mutex (v0.5.0), dayjs (v1.11.11), glob (v10.3.16), re-resizable (v6.9.17), react, sass (v1.76.0), sharp (v0.33.4) lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;: Windows portable: keychain-backed storage incorrectly enabled lt;/li gt;.
lt;/ul gt;.
3.1.411 Nov 2024 23:05
minor feature:
lt;ul gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Accessibility: Improve note title focus handling lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Added feature flag to disable sync lock support lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Make feature flags advanced settings by default ( lt;a class="commit-link" data-hovercard-type="commit" data-hovercard-url="" href="" gt; lt;tt gt;700ffa2 lt;/tt gt; lt;/a gt;) lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Seamless-Updates: implemented flow for prereleases lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Updated packages @fortawesome/react-fontawesome (v0.2.2), @rollup/plugin-commonjs (v25.0.8) lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;: "Enable auto-updates" enabled by default and visible on unsupported platforms lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;: BMP image rendering in the Markdown viewer lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;: editing notes in "Conflicts" causes them to temporarily vanish lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;: alt+up/alt+down fails to re-order multiple lines lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;: viewer and panel plugins that check for the presence of lt;code gt;exports lt;/code gt; fail to load lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;: italic support in Fountain documents ( lt;a class="commit-link" data-hovercard-type="commit" data-hovercard-url="" href="" gt; lt;tt gt;5fdd088 lt;/tt gt; lt;/a gt;) lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;: Markdown editor: toggling bulleted lists when items start with asterisks lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Security: HTML parsing lt;/li gt;.
lt;/ul gt;.
3.0.1501 Nov 2024 10:25
minor feature:
lt;ul gt;.
lt;li gt;: Improve the reliability of fetching resources lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Security: HTML parsing lt;/li gt;.
lt;/ul gt;.
3.1.318 Oct 2024 08:25
minor feature:
lt;ul gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Rich Text Editor: Add eight spaces when pressing tab lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Seamless-Updates: added flow for automatic updates for releases lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;: Improve the reliability of fetching resources lt;/li gt;.
lt;/ul gt;.
2.14.2315 Sep 2024 09:25
minor feature:
lt;ul gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Disable sync version check to allow compatibility between 2.14 and 3.0 for users who cannot upgrade ( lt;a class="commit-link" data-hovercard-type="commit" data-hovercard-url="" href="" gt; lt;tt gt;a6cc5bd lt;/tt gt; lt;/a gt;) lt;/li gt;.
lt;/ul gt;.
3.0.1308 Jul 2024 12:25
minor feature:
lt;ul gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Api: Do not return deleted notes in folders/: id/notes call ( lt;a class="commit-link" data-hovercard-type="commit" data-hovercard-url="" href="" gt; lt;tt gt;3e0fb48 lt;/tt gt; lt;/a gt;) lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;: incorrect text rendering on MacOS by changing the default font to lt;code gt;Avenir Next lt;/code gt; lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;: shift-delete asks to permanently delete the current note, rather than cut text, when the editor is selected. lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;: sidebar performance regression with many nested notebooks lt;/li gt;.
lt;/ul gt;.
3.0.1020 Jun 2024 05:25
minor feature:
lt;ul gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Don't render empty title page for Fountain lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Start synchronisation just after login is complete lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Updated packages chokidar (v3.6.0), css-loader (v6.10.0), follow-redirects (v1.15.6), jsdom (v23), sass (v1.71.0), style-to-js (v1.1.11), turndown (v7.1.3) lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;: Prevent application from crashing when the syncInfoCache is corrupted lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;: Don't re-order the note list when in search lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;: English: Use the plural form of a localization for negative and zero items lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;: paste adds newlines in the Rich Text Editor when certain plugins are enabled lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;: error when Joplin Cloud login is finished before the settings are saved lt;/li gt;.
lt;/ul gt;.
3.0.913 Jun 2024 08:25
minor feature:
lt;ul gt;.
lt;li gt;New: Add Joplin Cloud account information to configuration screen lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;New: Add button on Synchronization to Joplin Cloud login screen lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Display description for settings field in the plugin customization screen lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Hide links to login after process is successful lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Re-render note when resources are changed lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Rich Text Editor: Allow toggling bulleted and numbered lists from the command palette lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Significantly reduces size of exported HTML files in most cases ( lt;a class="commit-link" data-hovercard-type="commit" data-hovercard-url="" href="" gt; lt;tt gt;32710e4 lt;/tt gt; lt;/a gt;) lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Update Mermaid to v10.9.1 lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Updated packages css-loader (v6.9.1), js-sha512 (v0.9.0), react, sass (v1.70.0), tesseract.js (v5.0.5) lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Upgrade KaTeX to v0.16.10 lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;: Beta editor: crash when switching between notes that use CRLF line endings lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;: focusing the note list doesn't work when the selected note is off screen lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;: importing completed tasks lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;: new note and to-do buttons greyed when initial selection is "all notes" or a tag lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;: note disappears while editing during search lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;: plugin settings stored in lt;code gt;settings.json lt;/code gt; are lost on startup lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;: tables missing source map attributes lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;: wrong text selected when adding a link in the beta editor lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;: Images from behind a login cannot be pasted in RTE lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;: Rich text editor: Include "ctrl-click t
3.0.826 May 2024 23:05
minor feature:
lt;ul gt;.
lt;li gt;New: Api: Add support for note.source property ( lt;a class="commit-link" data-hovercard-type="commit" data-hovercard-url="" href="" gt; lt;tt gt;a747828 lt;/tt gt; lt;/a gt;) lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Added capability to toggle visibility of the Menu Bar from the View menu lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Api: Exclude deleted and conflicted notes when calling /notes ( lt;a class="commit-link" data-hovercard-type="commit" data-hovercard-url="" href="" gt; lt;tt gt;57c316a lt;/tt gt; lt;/a gt;) lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Improves formatting of log statements ( lt;a class="commit-link" data-hovercard-type="commit" data-hovercard-url="" href="" gt; lt;tt gt;aac8d58 lt;/tt gt; lt;/a gt;) lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Note attachments screen: Allow searching for attachments lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;Improved: Sidebar: Remove redundant focus indicator lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;: cursor jumps to the top of the note editor on sync lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;: default values for plugin settings stored in lt;code gt;settings.json lt;/code gt; not applied lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;: logger tests by adding time lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;: nonbreaking spaces and CRLF break search for adjacent words lt;/li gt;.
lt;li gt;: an that could cause certain notes not to render when they contain an empty STYLE tag ( lt;a class="commit-link" data-hovercard-type="commit" data-hovercard-url="
3.0.627 Apr 2024 22:13
minor feature:
New: Add context menu item to view OCR text of an attachment (8bdec4c)
New: Added search list for configuration font input fields (#10248 by @ab-elhaddad)
Improved: Attach log to crash dump when the application crashes (c5dfa4c)
Improved: Display a message when Joplin Cloud user don't have access to email to note feature (#10322 by @pedr)
Improved: Do not trim markdown upon saving in rich text (#10321) (#10315 by @chaNcharge)
Improved: Improved log formatting and allow saving last lines of log to memory (74bc9b3)
Improved: Refactor sidebar to better handle thousands of tags and notebooks (#10331) (#4251 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
Improved: Support URLs in plugin API imaging.createFromPath (#10334)
Improved: Ubuntu 24.04: Work around unprivileged user namespace restrictions by adding the --no-sandbox flag to the launcher (#10338) (#10332 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
Improved: Updated packages @adobe/css-tools (v4.3.3)
Fixed: After deleting the last note from the conflicts folder, the application state is invalid (#10189)
Fixed: Display correct sorting icon (#10283)
Fixed: Do not invite user to create new notes in the trash folder (#10356) (#10191 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
Fixed: Fix "new notebook" shown in context menu when right-clicking on the "Tags" header (#10378 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
Fixed: Fix note disappears while editing (#10370) (#10194 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
Fixed: Fixed error when processing certain PDF files for OCR (#10056)
Fixed: Linux: Allow passing --enable-wayland-ime flag to fix input method issues on startup (#10349) (#10345 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
Fixed: Old.reddit pages are not saved correctly as HTML by the Web Clipper (#10274)
Fixed: Search results from API change when fields param is used (#10088)
Fixed: When web clipper clipping code blocks, keep code in multiline and delete code number lines (#10126) (#5626 by @wljince007)
3.0.222 Mar 2024 06:46
major feature:
New: Add support for multiple columns note list (#9924)
New: Api: Add capability of limiting downloads (#9788 by @pedr)
New: Add trash folder (#9671) (#483)
Improved: Allow 'All Notes' to have 'Toggle own sort order' (#10021) (#9984 by @HahaBill)
Improved: Beta editor: Fix search results not highlighted (#9928) (#9927 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
Improved: Change Joplin Cloud login process to allow MFA via browser (#9445 by @pedr)
Improved: Configure RTE to handle the first table row as header (#10059 by @Marph)
Improved: Fix Vim keymap error with beta editor (#10049) (#9981 by @RadCod3)
Improved: Fix conflicts notebook doesn't work with the trash feature (#10104) (#10073 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
Improved: Fix hiding the note preview pane is very slow for large notes (#10006) (#9890 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
Improved: Fixed text wrapping in Spellcheck button (#10005) (#9998 by @RadCod3)
Improved: Improve beta editor support for the Rich Markdown plugin (#9935 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
Improved: Improve support for plugins in the Rich Text Editor (implement webviewApi.postMesage) (#10158) (#8931 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
Improved: Link "browse all plugins" to (#10113 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
Improved: Log user actions (deletions) (#9585) (#9465 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
Improved: Prevent race condition when download limit is reached (#10124 by @pedr)
Improved: Support Ctrl+Enter keyboard shortcut (Cmd+Enter on MacOS) (#10003) (#9980 by @cagnusmarlsen)
Improved: Upgrade CodeMirror 6 packages (#10032) (#10031 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
Improved: Upgrade to Electron 29 (#10110 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
Fixed: Beta editor plugins: Fix opening and closing settings can break some plugins with legacy code (#10024) (#10023 by @personalizedrefrigerator)
Fixed: Beta markdown editor: Support overriding built-in keyboard shortcuts (#10022)
2.14.2021 Mar 2024 12:50
minor feature:
Fixed: Fix OCR not working for certain languages (#10097)
Fixed: ENEX does not import correctly when title of note matches the name of the attachment (#10125)