Joy of text 1.7

Joy of text is text editor, which includes a powerful ECCE-like scripting language for system tool integration and reusing any machine-readable input. It recovers easily from crashes, can interface with helper and utility applications, provides many default library commands, macro-scriptability, debugging, includes spell checking, binary conversion routines (for office documents or pdf files), enables tabular text editing, and can deal well with larger file sizes.

Tags c x11 text-processing text-editor scripting-language macro-recording large-files
License Public Domain
State alpha

Recent Releases

1.702 Sep 2014 04:00 major feature: Bugfix, G command was failing on unicode. Bugfix OID, OIO, OIX and OIF now fail if no valid text found. Now forces a refresh() after P and M commands. Redefined Esc h ( - now accepts proforma from current or Arg line while inheriting level numbers from previous section head. Added backtrace query. Rationalized stack housekeeping behaviour for ' references - all numeric types are now deleted, all buffer types are left on the stack. Redefined Y command - now updates s_LastCurrentCharacter each Y except when at the end of a line. Abolished -tab, added s=tab and q=system now reports actual tab character. Slight change to H-command behaviour, now leaves currentRec/Chr unchanged. Redefined all block-graphic and line-drawing functions. Added colour tags. Debugger now supports normal function-key and hotkey editing. In all command files, changed all OR commands to OX, all T// commands to F//- , and all D commands to T, Y command now respects unicode. Reassigned commands - T, now starts debugger, D now deletes characters, added new OY command.