ngspice 44

ngspice is the open source spice simulator for electric and electronic circuits. Such a circuit may comprise of JFETs, bipolar and MOS transistors, passive elements like R, L, or C, diodes, transmission lines and other devices, all interconnected in a netlist. Digital circuits are simulated as well, event driven and fast, from single gates to complex circuits. And you may enter the combination of both analog and digital as a mixed-signal circuit. ngspice offers a wealth of device models for active, passive, analog, and digital elements. Model parameters are provided by our collections, by the semiconductor device manufacturers, or from semiconductor foundries. The user adds her circuits as a netlist, and the output is one or more graphs of currents, voltages and other electrical quantities or is saved in a data file. ngspice is SPICE compatible. You may apply PSPICE or LTSPICE device model parameters and netlists for simulating discrete circuits. ngspice will also read HSPICE device libraries from semiconductor foundry PDKs for simulating integrated circuits.

Tags electronics circuit simulator c
License Mixed
State stable

Recent Releases

4416 Jan 2025 11:13 major feature: - New features: + Add function ngSpice_Reset(void) to completely reset shared ngspice. + Bail out when state file is not found. + Define 1e-12 as a minimum resistor value. + Update VBIC model. + d_cosim supports Icarus Verilog. + Extend bsim4 operating point info list. + Make several error messages more verbose by adding source file name (and line number). + Command 'let' will handle V(/nname). + Enable using fftw3 as a build option of shared ngspice on Windows. + Set lower case for variables or vectors names in command 'echo'. + Add optional series resistance or junction capacitance for diode model, if none is defined in the .model statement. + Allow plotting a single point in an ascii plot. + Bail out when the number of s parameter ports is less than 2. + Add function ngSpice_nospiceinit(void) if you don't want to read .spiceinit (shared ngspice only). + Reorder and renovate timer functions. + Enhance sensitivity analysis with an option to choose the parameters to be varied. Shell-style wildcards ("*?") are supported. + Enable strings as parameters across subckt boundaries. + Replace all BOOLEAN, BOOL, _Bool by bool.