An open source computer vision and machine learning software library. OpenCV was built to provide a common infrastructure for computer vision applications and to accelerate the use of machine perception in the commercial products. Being a BSD-licensed product, OpenCV makes it easy for businesses to utilize and modify the code.
Recent Releases
4.11.026 Jan 2025 14:18
major feature:
New Year update for OpenCV 4.x has been released.
Internal C API cleanup and back-ports for 5.x.
RISC-V/AArch64: disable CPU features detection #25901
Support C++20 standard #26590
algoHint parameter for some functions to allow potentially faster, but not bit-exact implementation
Core Module:
Added int64 data type support for FileStorage #26434
Fixed invalid attribute value handling in FileStorage #25955.
Extended LUT for FP16 support #25787.
Fixed stdDev tail filling with zeros with HAL in meanStdDev #25789.
Set and check allocator pointer for all cv::Mat instances #25979
Improved accuracy of Rect::contains #26022
Fixed result offset in minMaxIdx with HAL in some cases #26080
Replaced C++ operators with wrapper functions on universal intrinsics backends #26109
Extended cv::TickMeter #26212
Rewrote OpenCL-OpenGL-interop device discovery routine without extensions and with Apple support #26281
Marked cv::Mat(Mat ) as noexcept #25899
Multiple Eigen library interop improvements #25751.
Calib3d module:
Multiple chessboard detector improvements #25427, #25807, #25991, #26014
Enabled checkerboard detection with a central / corner marker on a black tile #25808
Fixed Rodrigues CV_32F and CV_64F type mismatch in projectPoints #25824
Added fisheye::distort with non-identity projection matrix #25943
SQPnP solver updates #26219
Fixed vector access in USAC #26530
Imgproc Module:
Added a new function that approximates the polygon bounding a convex hull with a certain number of sides #25607
Added Weighted Hough Transform #21407
Fixed bug in contours approximation #25672
Fixed bug in divSpectrums #25738
Fixed result buffer overflow in intersectConvexConvex_ for non-convex input #25725.
Added flag to GaussianBlur for faster but not b
4.1.211 Oct 2019 19:43
minor feature: