package-update-indicator 9

The package-update-indicator utility regularly checks for software updates and notifies the user about available updates using desktop notifications and either a status notifier icon or a system tray icon.

Tags desktop packaging utilities c x11 gtk linux end-users
License MITL
State initial

Recent Releases

910 Jun 2024 04:45 minor feature: Add Chinese translations. checking for network state changes and string lookup. Obtain network state from GNetworkMonitor. Improve Swedish translations. Add Swedish translations. Add Portugese translations
808 Sep 2022 03:15 minor feature: Add setting to disable preferences widgets. typos and improve German translations. Add new setting to hide indicator menu items. Add new setting "always-active". Add Brazilian Portugese translations. Add Dutch translations. Do not hardcode pkg-config. desktop files. Remove translated icon names. Add Spanish translations
718 Nov 2020 03:15 minor feature: Explicitly schedule the initial check for updates after a short delay. Add delogging when periodic checks are inhibited. Update Russin translations. Add Russian translations
622 Aug 2020 07:25 minor feature: Add Italian translations. Correct translations. Add French translations. incorrect translation. Add Danish translations. Back out fallback icon support which does not work as intended
501 Sep 2019 07:05 minor feature: Reduce delay before checking for updates after an "updates-changed" signal. continuos loop of update checks if the refresh cache interval is 0. Add fallback icons for KDE-based themes
209 Dec 2018 03:15 minor feature: Add keywords to desktop files. typo in notification message. Do not run glib-compile-schemas if schemas are installed into staging Directory. Set application indicator title. Add note for vendors on how to override default settings
107 Jul 2018 08:56 major feature: Notify about required session or system restarts. Add Indonesian translations. Add German translations. Add English translations. Make PackagKit use the user's network proxies. Do not check for updates if the battery is low. Add setting to control whether to use a mobile connection. Add menu item to launch the preferences application. Use GtkBuilder for all widgets. Add preferences application.