Quelea 2016.1

Projection software designed for churches

Tags presentation recording video
License GNU GPLv3
State initial

Recent Releases

2016.115 Oct 2016 13:05 minor feature: * Fix "c" selecting pre-chorus * Add missing labels * Fix recording level bar * Add song select import options for copyright key * Fix keyboard shortcuts for presentations * Fix record button behaviour when no recording device is found * New options dialog layout * Add support for controlling recordings through the apps * Add support for jumping to a schedule item from the apps * Fix remote control play/pause functionality for timers * Fix Mac recording conversions * Add CCLI number to SongSelectParser * Fix vlc arg option splitting for absolute paths on windows * Add presentation manager import * Add mission praise import * Add video psalm import * Reorder import options to be alphabetical * Fix Opensong import to recognise chords and section titles * Fix missing required attributes for openlyrics export * Add "copy to schedule" option * Add Bulgarian translation