RaySession 0.14.4

RaySession is a GNU/Linux session manager for audio programs such as Ardour, Carla, QTractor, Guitarix, Patroneo, Jack Mixer, etc... The principle is to load together audio programs, then be able to save or close all documents together. Its main purpose is to manage NSM compatible programs, but it also helps for other programs. Features: Load many programs together and remember their documents and jack connections in an unified folder Nice patchbay with stereo connections, wrappable boxes and a search tool Snapshot at each save (optional), then you can go back to the snapshot (it uses git) Save client as template, and then restore it easily Save session as template Make almost all actions and get several informations with the CLI named ray_control Script sessions and clients actions with shell scripts Remember and recall JACK configuration with the jack_config session scripts Having sub-sessions working through the network with the "Network Session" template Remember the virtual desktop of the programs (requires wmctrl, doesn't works with Wayland) Bookmark the current session folder in your file manager and file pickers (gtk, kde, qt, fltk)

Tags audio
License GNU GPLv3
State stable

Recent Releases

0.14.429 Nov 2024 14:05 minor bugfix: Release. : Support pyliblo3 as well as pyliblo. Ray_control open_session_off (very important for some scripts) Execute chmod +w on session files after their copy from template (needed for NixOs) Save_via_windows script is now POSIX compliant Improvments: Add --osc-port argument to sooperloooper_nsm executable
0.14.302 Dec 2023 23:14 minor feature:
0.14.202 Dec 2023 12:28 minor feature: v0.14.2 Minor bug fix release, probably the last of the year. BugFix: Top left Favorites button was not working, template were listed, but nothing happened when clicking on it fix a possible ray-alsapatch crash some widgets were not locked in client properties dialog when it is launched for a template preview Change: client full rename now restarts the client or make it reload its project if it is already started Templates: add Ardour8 template