sox_ng 14.4.3

sox_ng is another Swiss Army Knife of sound processing utilities. It can convert audio files to other popular audio file types and also apply sound effects and filters during the conversion.

Tags audio audio-editing audio-processing c commandline-tool digital-audio-editor opensource sound
License GNU GPL
State stable

Recent Releases

14.4.302 Sep 2024 22:38 major bugfix: New features: o There is a new regression test suite, primarily against the CVEs Bug fixes: o For CVE-2017-11332, CVE-2017-11333, CVE-2017-11358, CVE-2017-11359, CVE-2017-15370, CVE-2017-15371, CVE-2017-15372, CVE-2017-15642, CVE-2017-18189, CVE-2019-1010004, CVE-2019-13590, CVE-2019-8354, CVE-2019-8355, CVE-2019-8356, CVE-2019-8357, CVE-2021-23159, CVE-2021-23172, CVE-2021-23210, CVE-2021-33844, CVE-2021-3643, CVE-2021-40426, CVE-2022-31650, CVE-2022-31651, CVE-2023-26590, CVE-2023-32627, CVE-2023-34318, CVE-2023-34432, o spectrogram segfault when width exceeds number of samples o segmentation fault in rate.c o floating point exception in startwrite() o wavpack check errors o writing hcom files on bigendian systems O Fixes for memory leaks and a double free()s o It now compiles under C99 and on AIX o Support for uClibc and builds with other non-glibc C libraries o Various build system fixes from the software distributions j o Spelling errors are fixed o It now builds on AIX, FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Solaris o Almost all compiler warnings are fixed Copyright: o Uncopyrighted files have been attributed o Copyrighted files with no license now have licences o Multiple copyright notices in single files have been harmonized o The lpc10 module was of dubious copyright and is now 3-clause BSD o The libgsm module was missing its copyright notice o There was an erroneous address for the FSF o The copyright of opus.c is GPLv2-only because it's based on oggenc.c o Therefore the overall copyright of sox_ng and libsox_ng is GPLv2