SportsTracker 8.0.2

Application for tracking sporting activities for all kind of sports (e.g. cycling, running, swimming or tennis). It provides exercise overviews and the creation of statistics. Users of tracking devices can display and organize the recorded exercise data.

Tags sport training track exercise garmin polar java javafx
License GNU GPL
State stable

Recent Releases

8.0.227 Dec 2024 17:27 major bugfix: This minor update adds small improvements in ExerciseViewer (pause time in FIT files and proper lap split calculation). All dependencies have been updated and some bugs have been fixed.
8.0.121 Jan 2024 14:06 major bugfix: This minor update fixes a bug in all list views (Exercise, Note and Weight) of the application, the editing of entries and list updates are working fine again. For macOS 14 (Sonoma) users the slow app startup has been fixed, thanks to bugfixes in JavaFX. All other dependencies have been updated as well. The list of all changes can be found in the changelog.
8.0.012 Nov 2023 09:06 major feature: The major change is the storage of all application data in a SQLite database instead in multiple XML files. This provides better performance and avoids consistency problems. In addition, all users with basic SQL skills can now use external SQLite clients and build custom training evaluation queries for their specific needs. All existing application data will be migrated automatically from XML to SQLite on the initial startup. Besides that, the updated LeafletMap viewer for showing tracks supports the OpenTopoMap now. Several improvements and bugfixes were done in the exercise parser implementations (Garmin FIT, GPX, etc.). Java has been updated to the version 21 LTS, all other dependencies were updated as well. The list of all changes can be found in the changelog.
7.9.125 Jan 2023 20:49 minor feature: This release contains several minor improvements, bugfixes and dependency updates. The ExerciseViewer now supports newer Garmin devices and the mapping of sport types can now be automated when importing FIT files (documented in README.txt). The search for entries now supports multiple search terms (AND logic). For the SQLite export the database model has been improved as well. The list of all changes can be found in the changelog.
7.9.002 Jan 2022 13:15 major feature: This release contains some new features in the ExerciseViewer. Power data from FIT files (e.g. Garmin) can now be displayed (if recorded) in various panels (e.g. in Diagram). Heartrate zones are now supported for FIT files and can be displayed in the Main and Diagram panels. The Main panel now also displays the sport type if present (e.g. for Garmin and Polar files). In addition there were several updates (e.g. JDK 17, Kotlin 1.6) and bugfixes. The list of all changes can be found in the changelog.
7.8.005 Apr 2021 20:09 major feature: This release contains a lot of changes since the previous release. Users can now track the usage and the age of their equipment (e.g. running shoes) by using the Equipment Usage dialog. Replaced equipment can now be marked as inactive. The Exercise dialog reminds the user when no equipment has been selected. The ExerciseViewer supports newer devices (e.g. Garmin Fenix 5/6, Suunto Spartan) and contains many bugfixes for the existing parsers. Internally Java has been updated to version 16, which provides interesting new language features. All libraries have been updated to their latest releases. As always, the list of all changes can be found in the changelog.
7.7.013 Jul 2019 12:28 major feature: This release provides some nice new features: In Exercise Viewer the Track Panel displays an altitude chart below the track, so the user can locate the climbs and descents easily on the map. The Diagram Panel shows colored slopes in the altitude chart, there are multiple colors for the slope percentage ranges (thanks to Francois Kneib). Withdrawn equipment such as worn shoes or replaced bikes can be marked as 'not in use', so there are no long equipment selection anymore. And SportsTracker checks now automatically for application updates on each startup. This update also contains several minor improvements and bugfixes, the Kotlin migration has progressed too. The list of all changes can be found in the changelog.
7.6.008 Feb 2019 20:07 major feature: This release contains a long requested feature: the user can now define for each sport type separately whether speed data is handled as speed or pace (e.g. for running). Alex Jarosch has provided support for descent exercise data (similar to ascent) and improved support for cadence and steps handling in Garmin FIT exercise files. The Java runtime has been updated to version 11.0.2 (uses AdoptOpenJDK now) and Kotlin to version 1.3. Because of the removed packaging system in Java 11, the packaging for Windows, macOS and Linux has been completely rewritten. And the reported macOS 10.14 problems have been fixed in the updated JavaFX library. The list of all changes and bugfixes can be found in the changelog.
7.5.030 Mar 2018 20:19 major feature: There are many improvements and bugfixes in the Exercise Viewer, e.g. the Diagram Panel is now easier to read due to transparent area charts instead of line charts. And it also displays an average line now. The support for exercise files from Garmin monitors has been improved too, if you had problems you need to test this version again. This update also contains many internal changes, Java has been updated to 9/10 and all unit tests are now using JUnit 5. The creation of native installation packages has been rewritten, Windows users need to use the 64bit version now (Java 10 is for 64bit only). The list of all changes and bugfixes can be found in the changelog.
7.4.101 Oct 2017 19:37 minor feature: This release provides minor feature updates and exercise file parser improvements. Users of recent or updated Garmin devices need this update, otherwise new recorded exercises might not be displayed anymore. The Exercise Viewer component has been rewritten completely in Kotlin (except for some Java parsers), Groovy is not used anymore. This provides less code, better fault tolerance and an improved maintainability. The Diagram Panel has been improved as well, the graphs are better readable now. As always, the list of all changes and bugfixes can be found in the Changelog.
7.4.030 Mar 2017 12:31 minor feature: This release brings many improvements in the Exercise Viewer. Tracks are now displayed by the new LeafletMap component which uses the Leaflet.js JavaScript library. It supports multiple layers (e.g. OpenStreetMap, OpenCycleMap, Hike Bike), a scale and improved markers. The previous Swing-based solution has been removed, the JavaFX migration is finally completed. The Diagram Panel supports chart smoothing now, this makes charts with much data better readable (mostly for speed, cadence and heartrate). The smoothing is optional and can be disabled in the preferences.
7.1.020 Jun 2015 18:14 minor feature: This update provides some minor improvements and bugfixes. All the dialogs are now using the new JavaFX spinner and formatted text field controls for easier input. Full support for HiDPI / Retina displays has been added (tested on Mac OS X) and the translations has been updated. The native installers now contain Java 8u45 which provides a lot of JavaFX bugfixes.
7.0.027 Feb 2015 14:09 major feature: Full rewrite of the complete user interface by using JavaFX. New look feel (now also perfect on Linux) and a new icon set based on the IcoMoon project. Native SportsTracker packages and installers for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux with an embedded Java Runtime, a Java installation is not needed anymore. Instant input validation in all SportsTracker dialogs. Replay of exercise tracks on the map viewer in ExerciseViewer. New korean translation and updates for french and spanish.