stafwag_ansible-role-cloud_localds 2.1.2

An ansible role to create cloud-init config disk images. This role is a wrapper around the cloud-localds command.

Tags ansible role cloud-init
License MITL
State stable

Recent Releases

2.1.221 Jul 2023 18:11 minor bugfix: Generate netconfig when network config template is used * bugfix: Generate network config when network_config_template is used * Generate network config when network_config_template is used * Align on double quote style * docs/examples added
2.1.125 Jun 2023 04:24 minor bugfix: network config templating * bugfix. This release implements network config templating. The previous release copied the template instead of using templating.
1.1.010 Jul 2021 18:06 minor feature: * Installation of cloud_localds added for Debian, ArchLinux, CentOS/RHEL added. * Debug tags added Jun 2021 18:13 minor feature: meta data update