SVR.JS 4.0.0

SVR.JS is a web server running on Node.JS, that's free as in freedom, scalable, secure, and configurable.

Tags http-server javascript system-administrators information-technology
License MITL
State stable

Recent Releases

4.0.014 Sep 2024 17:56 major feature: Added support for SVR.JS mods with ".js" extension. Changed SVR.JS logo. Optimized many functions Redesigned default pages and default error pages. Regex strings now can have single unescaped "/" within square parentheses (" " and " "). Removed "graceful-fs" dependency. Rewritten SVR.JS to use multiple split files for the source instead of single one. SVR.JS now uses build system consisting of esbuild, ESLint, Prettier, and Jest.
3.15.727 Aug 2024 03:15 minor bugfix: Released in August 26, 2024. . in getting public IP address without crypto support.. in partial content serving functionality.. in the factory reset function.. in the IP address match function.. in the URL parser with href attribute of a parsed URL missing a port number.. with config.json read errors being undefined.. in the block list.. Main process crashes no longer display as worker crashes.. Server crashes now results in exit code of 1 if no exit code is not specified.. Updated dependencies.. . .
3.15.619 Aug 2024 17:33 minor feature: - Added new config.json property - optOutOfStatisticsServer. - Implemented sending data to the statistics server, so that SVR.JS can measure the popularity of the web server.