VFU File Manager 5.07

VFU is versatile file manager covers virtually all file managing needs and offer large set of behaviour options. VFU is licensed under GPLv2.

Tags file manager console utilities linux unix
License GNU GPL
State stable

Recent Releases

5.0718 Feb 2023 11:45 major feature: 5.xx series add full UNICODE Level 1 support! more detailed GIT history: + 1. Added full wide char (UNICODE) support. VFU now implements Level 1 support. Filenames and text file contents are now assumed UTF8 and internally VFU is using UTF32 for all string operations. + 2. Added option for list scrolling paging. options are: * 1 line (smooth scrolling with 1 line when on border of pagesize) * 30 of the page size (default) * 50 of the page size ! 3. f, F, g and G do not require quotes anymore. VFU will escape all special characters in filenames. + 4. Added extended info when calculating directory size. VFU now reports files/dirs count in the traversed path and total size in short/human form and in bytes also. + 5. Added option in the dir size menu (key Z) to calculate dir sizes only for directories without calculated size (missing sizes ones). + 6. Added rx support for *.tar.zst archives. ! 7. Fixed filename matching for corner cases. ! 8. Fixed rx_auto searching. ! 9. proper unicode padding for uid/gid/hostname !10. refresh views cleanup !11. init data setup cleanup +12. dir sizes menu: added "missing dirs size calc" (keys Z, M) !13. load settings loading optimized !14. added getdirname helper menu ctrl-o +15. dir menu allows negative-xy !16. get dir name glob and complete are fixed +17. added option in dir sizes menu (key Z) to delete cache
4.2321 Feb 2022 13:22 minor feature: 4.23: 20.Feb.2022 + 1. Added scroller feedback in main files list. ! 2. Fixed possible overflow in tab expansion in See. - 3. Review of all FIXMEs left :) 4.22: 01.Dec.2021 x 1. Removed useless ascending/descending Unsorted order :) - 2. Removed compatibility arrange mode 'D' (used to be modify time) - 3. Arrange by mode key is changed to 'D'. + 4. Added new quick arrange swap key 'A' between NAME and CHANGE TIME. ! 5. fixed panelizers (ALT+R) bug and remove sort order to keep incoming. + 6. added 'Panelizee from current file' panelizer in file read menu (ALT+R).
4.2106 Oct 2021 10:42 minor feature: Initial freshcode release.