Wine Staging 1.7.55

Wine Staging is a testbed Wine compilation with new experimental features and application bug fixes (formerly known as wine-compholio). It's synced with regular Wine, and patches sent upstream after testing. There are for example CSMT, or CUDA/PhysX support, DXVA2 GPU video decoding, Job Object support, named pipe message mode, IO performance optimizations, S3/DXTn support, the threadpool API, d3dx9 improvements, Windows ACL support, and a PulseAudio driver for Wine.

Tags c wine windows emulation patchset
License GNU LGPL
State initial

Recent Releases

1.7.5516 Nov 2015 03:15 minor feature: Added patch to revert "Prepare GL resources before calling context_apply_fbo_state". Added patch to implement support for "Purist Mode" (override for all dlls). Added patch for partial implementation of ITfThreadMgrEx_ActivateEx. Added patch for stub of hid.HidP_TranslateUsagesToI8042ScanCodes. Added patch to properly handle multiple registry notifications per key. Added patch for stub of kernel32.FreeUserPhysicalPages. Added patch for stubs of advapi32.RegCreateKeyTransacted A/W . Added patch to required privileges for load_registry and unload_registry wineserver call. Added patch to make sure CompareString immediately aborts on first non- matching character. Added patch to implement marshalling for TKIND_COCLASS. Added patch to implement stubless proxies on x86_64. Added patch to allow dinput EnumDevices callback with broken calling convention. Added patch to allow to set default display frequency in registry. Remove disabled shell32-Quoted_ShellExecute patchset (already and all tests pass). Remove disabled reg-Cleanup patchset (only cleanup and not actively maintained). Remove disabled ntdll-FD_Cache patchset (only for PowerPC, no longer necessary because Wine uses inline cmpxchg64 now when compiling with gcc). Removed patch to implement kernel32.GetConsoleFontSize (accepted upstream). Removed patch to zero out returned stats when IEnumSTATSTG::Next reaches end of enumeration (accepted upstream). Removed patch for SfcGetNextProtectedFile stub function (accepted upstream). Removed patch for SetConsoleKeyShortcuts stub function (accepted upstream). Removed various PulseAudio driver patches (accepted upstream). Removed patch to protect TVM_GETITEM from invalid item pointers (accepted upstream). Removed patch to ensure that X11 input events handled even without explicit message loop (accepted upstream). Removed patches to multiple in widl typelib generator (accepted upstream). Removed patch to handling of opening read-o
1.7.5401 Nov 2015 14:45 minor feature: Updated server-FileEndOfFileInformation patchset, growing a memory mapped file should still work. Added patch to use wrapper function for consolidation callback during unwinding. Added patch to implement stub for ProcessQuotaLimits info class. Added patch to release capture before sending WM_COMMAND. Added patch to block interruption of system APC in server_select. Added patch to implement FileNamesInformation class support for NtQueryDirectoryFile. Added patch for implementation of additional HSTRING functions. Added patches for memory allocation cleanup in gdiplus functions. Added patch to implement hal.KeQueryPerformanceCounter. Added patch to build failure. Added patch to pass '-read_only_relocs suppress' to the linker on OSX and enable patchset to use Nt function wrappers. Added patch to use _handle instead of Ntfor internal memory management functions. Added patch to improve INetFwAuthorizedApplication::get_ProcessImageFileName stub. Added patch for SetCoalescableTimer stub function. Added patch for SfcGetNextProtectedFile stub function. Added patch to zero out returned stats when IEnumSTATSTG::Next reaches end of enumeration. Added patch to multiple in widl typelib generation. Added patch for SetConsoleKeyShortcuts stub function. Added patch to implement kernel32.GetConsoleFontSize. Added patch to implement SystemHandleInformation info class. Removed patch to implement kernel32.GetPhysicallyInstalledSystemMemory. (accepted upstream). Partially removed patches for ws2_32 TransmitFile (accepted upstream). Removed patch to NULL dereference in ICSeqCompressFrameStart. Removed patch to return default palette entries from GetSystemPaletteEntries for non-palette-based devices (accepted upstream). Removed patch to use wrapper function for consolidate callback during unwinding on x86_64 (accepted upstream). Removed patch to release capture before sending WM_COMMAND (accepted upstream). Removed patch to avoid check for signaled object after user APC in server_select (a
1.7.5320 Oct 2015 03:15 minor feature: Added patch to implement support for msiexec /passive command line option. Added patch to implement stub for DSPROPSETID_EAX20_ListenerProperties. Added patch to show windows version when collecting system info in winedbg. Added patch to implement DSPROPSETID_EAX20_ListenerProperties stub. Added patch to implement DSPROPSETID_EAX20_BufferProperties stub. Added patch to handling of wait interrupted by User APC. Added patch to use wrapper functions for syscalls to appease Chromium sandbox (32-bit Linux only). Added patch to the initialization of combined DACLs when the new DACL is empty. Added patch to implement comctl32.PROPSHEET_InsertPage. Added patch to return WN_NOT_CONNECTED from WNetGetUniversalName REMOTE_NAME_INFO_LEVEL stub. Added patch to always use 64-bit registry view on WOW64 setups. Added patch to implement kernel32.GetPhysicallyInstalledSystemMemory. Added patch to delay signaling threads until they are really gone. Removed patch to mark RegOpenKeyExA, RegKey and RegQueryValueExA as hotpatchable (accepted upstream). Removed patch to mark BitBlt and StretchDIBits as hotpatchable (accepted upstream). Removed patch to mark WritePrivateProfileStringA as hotpatchable (accepted upstream). Removed patch to implement ws2_32.InetPtonW function (accepted upstream). Removed patch to pass cookie by reference to msvcrt_local_unwind4 in _seh_longjmp_unwind4 (accepted upstream). Removed patch to implement LoadIconMetric (accepted upstream). Removed patch to correctly parse double quotes in msi token values (accepted upstream). Removed patch to ignore width/height passed to edit control in WM_SIZE message (accepted upstream). Removed patch to silence repeated wbemprox "timeout not supported" me. Removed patch to add support for /passive command line option to msiexec. Removed patch to return a dummy BIOS name in Win32_BIOS (accepted upstream). Removed patch to implement empty enumerator for IWiaDevMgr::EnumDeviceInfo.
1.7.5204 Oct 2015 19:25 minor feature: Added patch to return STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST when trying to call NtReadFile on directory. Added patch to ignore higher bits in selector for ThreadDescriptorTableEntry info query. Added patch to ensure codepage conversion fails when destination length is smaller than zero. Added patches for msidb commandline utility (to read and write *.msi files). Added patch to implement semi-stub for d3d8 swapchain effect D3DSWAPEFFECT_COPY_VSYNC. Added patch to reduce stack usage of virtual memory functions. Added patch to calculation of listbox size when horizontal scrollbar is present. Added patch to ignore width/height passed to edit control in WM_SIZE message. Added patch to refresh MDI menus when DefMDIChildProc(WM_SETTEXT) is called. Added patch to protect TVM_GETITEM from invalid item pointers. Added patch to avoid using GdipAlloc and GdipFree in internal gdiplus functions. Added patch to implement additional stub functions in authz.dll. Added patch to avoid waiting for hook thread startup in IDirectInput8::Initialize. Added patch to pass cookie by reference to msvcrt_local_unwind4 in _seh_longjmp_unwind4. Added patch to mark RegOpenKeyExA, RegKey and RegQueryValueExA as hotpatchable. Added patch to mark BitBlt and StretchDIBits as hotpatchable. Added patch to mark WritePrivateProfileStringA as hotpatchable. Added patch to make ddraw1 and ddraw_surface1 vtable as writable. Added patch for implementation of mfplat.MFTEnum. Added patch to implement ws2_32.InetPtonA/W functions. Added patch to random crashes of Cygwin/MSYS2 for some compilers. Added patch to correctly parse double quotes in the msi token values. Removed patch to possible memory leak in netprofm init_networks. Removed patch for stub of dwmapi.DwmUpdateThumbnailProperties (accepted upstream). Removed patch free RPC parameters allocated by application before anything else. Removed patch to try harder to get the host name address in getaddrinfo. (accepted upstream). Rempved patch to use proper glyph names
1.7.5107 Sep 2015 03:15 minor bugfix: Update patchset for CSMT (commandstream multithreading), to keep in sync with upstream repository. Added patch to in wineserver de_children inheritance. Added patch to access violation in MSYS2 git when when cloning repository. Added patch to return a dummy BIOS name in Win32_BIOS record. Added patch to compile failure in d3d11 with recent versions of gcc. Added patch to map EXDEV error code to STATUS_NOT_SAME_DEVICE. Added patch to failure to create anonymous file mapping after failed open_fd server call. Added patch to error handling in DeferWindowPos when passing an invalid HWND. Added patch to allow non-nullterminated string as working directory in kernel32.create_startup_info. Added patch with stub for winspool.SetPrinterW level 8. Added patch to translate flags in LaunchINFSectionW. Added patch to SHFileOperation with FO_MOVE on Vista+ (should create non-existent subdirectories). Added patch to silence repeated crypt32.CryptUnprotectMemory MEs. Added patch to fallback to default comspec when COMSPEC is not set. Added patch to create Microsoft Windows Themes directory during Winepre creation. Added patch to avoid deprecation warning for OpenCL 1.2 APIs. Added patch to implement FolderImpl_Items and stubbed FolderItems interface. Added patch for stub of dwmapi.DwmUpdateThumbnailProperties. Added patch to use proper glyph names in wineps driver. Added patch to properly sockets when WSACleanup is called. Added patch to implement Set,Get ThreadGroupAffinity and related ntdll functions. Added patch to properly render themed buttons when they are pressed. Added patch to possible memory leak in netprofm init_networks. Added patch to properly initialize caps- dwZBufferBitDepths in ddraw7_GetCaps. Added patch to for IHTMLLocation::hash property's getter implementation. Removed patch to in wineserver de_children inheritance (accepted upstream). Removed patch to use helper function for NtWaitForMultipleObjects and
1.7.5023 Aug 2015 10:45 minor feature: Updated GTK3 patchset to "division by zero" exception errors. Add patch to implement remaining OpenMP locking functions. Added various patches for imagehlp cleanup. Added patch to implementation of ntdll.MapViewOfSection. Added patch to implement enumeration of sound devices and basic properties to dxdiagn. Added patch to implement special handling for calling GetChildContainer with an empty string. Added patch for shell32 IDragSourceHelper stub interface. Added patch to improve startup performance by delaying font initialization. Added patch to set SFGAO_HASSUBFOLDER only when there are really subfolders. Added patch to multiple uninitialized memory in wineserver. Added patch to implement shell32 NewMenu class with new folder item. Added patch to report correct ObjectName for NamedPipe wineserver objects. Added patch detection of case-insensitive systems in MSYS2. Added patch to implementation of krnl386.exe16.GetTempDrive. Added patch for forward/backward compatibility of previous format of high precision registry timestamps. Added patch to use a helper function for NtWaitForMultipleObjects and NtWaitForSingleObject. Added patch to block deallocation of thread stack for current thread. Added patch to reject setting EOF on memory mapped files. Added patch to implementation of msvcrt.when stdout == stderr. Added patch to return STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_INVALID in wine_nt_to_unix_file_name for paths that only contain a pre. Added patch to make sure Notepad creates new files immediately. Added patch to return a valid mesh in D3DXCreateTeapot. Removed patch to move security cookie initialization from memory management to loader (accepted upstream). Removed patches for stub of D3DCompileFromFile and D3DCompile2 (accepted upstream). Removed patch to multiple uninitialized memory in wineserver. Removed patch implementation of ntdll.NtMapViewOfSection (accepted upstream). Removed patches to implement additional vcomp functions (accepted upstream). Removed patch to store registry
1.7.4910 Aug 2015 03:15 security: Added patch to improve stubs for dxgi MakeWindowAssociation and GetWindowAssociation. Added patch for stub dlls required by the MSVC 2015 runtime library. Added patch with stubs for additional wininet options in InternetSetOption. Added patch to implement stub for vcomp._vcomp_flush. Added patch to fix leak and use-after-free in winecfg theming implementation. Added patch to move cookie initialization code from memory management to loader. Added patch to fake success in IViewObject::Draw stub. Added patch to fix possible integer overflow in VarR4FromDec. Added patch to make sure Winhttp raw request headers are terminated using double r n. Added patch for native GTK3 theming support by Ivan Akulinchev. Removed patch to avoid race-conditions with long running threadpool tasks. (accepted upstream). Removed patch to add support for ThreadQuerySetWin32StartAddress info class. (accepted upstream). Removed patch to fix security cookie handling for UPX compressed executables. (accepted upstream). Removed patch to force creation of MachineGuid registry key during creation of Wineprefix (accepted upstream). Removed patch to add stub for D3DXComputeNormals. Removed patch to add stub for D3DXTessellateNPatches (accepted upstream). Removed patch to improve stub for NtQueryInformationJobObject (accepted upstream). Removed patch to avoid OpenCL deprecation warnings (accepted upstream). Removed patch for implementation of dbghelp.UnDecorateSymbolNameW (accepted upstream). Removed patch for dynamic work scheduling in vcomp.dll (accepted upstream). Removed patch to send WM_DROPFILES only when OLE dnd fails (accepted upstream). -- Sebastian Lackner Sun, 09 Aug 2015 22:03:07 +0200.
1.7.4830 Jul 2015 22:05 security: Update patches for d3dx9_36.D3DXGetShader Input,Output Semantics and add additional tests. Update patchset to query GPU infos with GLX_MESA_query_renderer extension. Update vcomp patchset and add implementation for various atomic functions. Updated CSMT patchset to fix crash in Path of Exile after character selection. Added patch to forward exitcode from child process when in wineconsole. Added patch to check architecture before trying to load libraries. Added patch to share source of d3dx9_36 with d3dx9_33 to avoid Wine DLL forwards. Added patch with stubs for d3dx10_43.D3DX10CreateEffectFromFileA/W. Added patch to silence repeated LocaleNameToLCID/LCIDToLocaleName unsupported flags FIXMEs. Added patches to improve security cookie handling. Added patches to implement ThreadQuerySetWin32StartAddress info class. Added patch to fake success in kernel32.SetFileCompletionNotificationModes. Added patch to export additional OpenAL32 functions. Added patch to return dummy ID3DXSkinInfo interface when skinning info not present. Added patch to store registry timestamps with nanoseconds precision. Added patch to implement AMStream GetMultiMediaStream functions. Added patch with stub for D3DXTessellateNPatches. Added patch with stubs for D3DCompile2 and D3DCompileFromFile. Added patch to implement dbghelp.UnDecorateSymbolNameW. Added patch to add wined3d detection of GeForce GT 425M. Added patch to use video memory for rendering targets if possible. Added patch to avoid race-conditions with long running threadpool tasks. Removed patch to allow to enable/disable InsertMode in wineconsole settings. (accepted upstream). Removed patch to improve IoGetDeviceObjectPointer stub to appease SecuROM 5.x (accepted upstream). Removed patch to forward GIF encoder requests to Windowscodecs (accepted upstream). Removed patch to ignore garbage after decoding gif lines (accepted upstream). Removed patch to increase buffer size in widl/typegen.c (accepted upstream). Removed patch to revert secu
1.7.4712 Jul 2015 03:15 security: Added patch to silence repeated winhttp "no support on this platform" message. Added patch to silence repeated wbemprox "timeout not supported" fixme. Added patch to increase buffer size in widl/typegen.c to avoid buffer overflow. Revert security cookie patch causing regression in multiple applications. Added patch to use GLX_MESA_query_renderer extension to get more exact GPU infos. Added initial set of patches for multithreaded vcomp implementation. Added patch to avoid dereferencing NULL pointer for fonts without VDMX. Removed patch to implement kernel32.GetNumaProcessorNode (accepted upstream). Removed patch to initialize *end with NULL on failure in msvcrt.strtod. (accepted upstream). Removed patchset for new Threadpool implementation (accepted upstream). Partially removed patches for RtlDecompressBuffer implementation (accepted upstream). -- Sebastian Lackner Sun, 12 Jul 2015 04:12:43 +0200.
1.7.4629 Jun 2015 03:15 minor feature: Add reference to upstream bug report for various patchsets. Added patch to improve IoGetDeviceObjectPointer stub to appease SecuROM 5.x. Added patch to globally invalidate key state on changes in other threads. Added patch to fix possible use-after-free in wineserver device IPR code. Added patch to fix wineserver crash when pipe server object is destroyed before client. Added patches to improve crosscompiling Wine for other platforms. Added patch to improve output of '--check-libs' on OSX. Added patch to implement general tab for file property dialog. Added patch to initialize *lpcDevices in RasEnumDevicesA. Improved nvcuda-CUDA_Support patchset to search for dylib on OSX. Improved wined3d-DXTn patchset to search for dylib on OSX. Updated kernel32-GetVolumePathName to fix several test failures. Updated ntoskrnl-Emulator patchset to implement emulation of MOVZX instruction on x86_64. Updated patchset ntdll-WRITECOPY to be compatible with OSX. Disable patch to avoid crash when NULL pointer is passed to atof / strtod functions. Removed patch for implementation of GdipCreateRegionRgnData (accepted upstream). Removed patch to fix output buffer size for IOCTL_DVD_READ_STRUCTURE requests (accepted upstream). Removed patch to add stub for kernel32.SetFileCompletionNotificationModes. (accepted upstream). Removed patch to use random names when caching very long urls in wininet. (accepted upstream). Removed patch to fix link notification conditions for riched20 (accepted upstream). Removed patch to emulate access to USER_SHARE_DATA on x86_64 (accepted upstream). Removed patch to fix possible use-after-free in wineserver device IPR code. (accepted upstream). Removed patches to implement GetVolumePathName (accepted upstream). Removed patch for advapi32.GetWindowsAccountDomainSid (accepted upstream). Removed patch for stub implementation of fltlib.FilterLoad (accepted upstream). Removed patch for AT_ROUND_TO_PAGE support
1.7.4514 Jun 2015 12:25 minor feature: Add reference to upstream bug report for various patchsets. Updated server-Key_State patchset to fix a test failure in comctl32/listview. Updated shell32-Icons patchset to fix a test failure in comctl32/imagelist. Updated shlwapi-AssocGetPerceivedType patchset to fix error checking for RegGetValueW. Updated patch to fix opening clipboard from multiple threads. Updated patchset for ObjectTypeInformation and fix typename for various additional wineserver object types. Added patches for FileRenameInformation support. Added additional tests for behaviour of opening readonly files. Added patch to fix opening a readonly file with FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES access. Added patch to silence test failures in ntdll/directory tests. Added patches for support of FileLinkInformation. Added patch to restore original error code in rpcrt4 when ReadFile fails with ERROR_MORE_DATA. Added patch to set NamedPipeState to FILE_PIPE_CLOSING_STATE on broken pipe in NtQueryInformationFile. Added patch to allow setting pixel format for desktop window. Added patch to set a proper caption for shell32 Run dialog. Added patch to support AT_ROUND_TO_PAGE flag in NtMapViewOfSection. Added patches to fix error code for ReadFile/WriteFile on closed pipe. Added patch to initialize System CurrentControlSet Control TimeZoneInformation registry keys. Added patch to implement default homepage button in inetcpl.cpl. Added patch to fix link notification conditions for riched20. Added patch to fix endless loop in regedit when importing files with very long lines. Added patch to improve stubs for NtQueryEaFile. Added patch for semi-stub of FileFsVolumeInformation information class. Added patch to use NVX_GPU_MEMORY_INFO extension for more exact video memory accounting on NVIDIA graphic cards. Added patch to fix handling of periodic advice timers causing high CPU usage. Added patch to forward GIF encoder requests to windowscodecs. Added patch to ensure console InsertMode changes take effect immediately. Added patch
1.7.4431 May 2015 03:15 security: Added patch to handle ' r' as whitespace in wbemprox queries. Added patch with stubbed ISWbemSecurity interfaces in wbemdisp. Added patch with shell32 placeholder icons to match offsets with Windows. Added patch to assign a drive serial number during prefix creation/update. Added patch for support of ws2_32.dll.WSAPoll. Added patch to allow to enable/disable InsertMode in wineconsole settings. Added patch for stub of iphlpapi.ConvertInterfaceLuidToGuid. Added patch to use random names when caching very long urls. Added patch to fix crash in Gothic 1/2 with builtin directmusic caused by wrong return value. Added patch to return fake device type when systemroot is located on virtual disk (improves compatibility when wineprefix is on tmpfs). Added patch to fix NULL pointer dereference in get_frame_by_name. Added patch to fix handling of opening a file with RootDirectory pointing to a file handle. Added patch to output winedbg system information also to the terminal, not only to dialog. Added patch to allow hiding wine version information from applications. Added patch to fix scaling behaviour of images and mipmap levels in IDirect3DTexture2_Load. Added patchset to fix various upstream issues detected by Coverity. Added patch to avoid using unixfs for devices without mountpoint. Revert upstream patch which causes broken rendering in various games. Removed patch to reset device state in SysKeyboard*Impl_Acquire (accepted upstream). Removed patch to avoid creating thread queues for foreign threads in attach_thread_input (accepted upstream). Removed patch to fix access violation when calling GetStringTypeW with NULL src (accepted upstream). Removed patch to return correct device type for CD devices without medium. (accepted upstream). Removed patch to fix memory leak in wininet cookie handling (accepted upstream). Removed patch to allocate fake hWnd for wineconsole curses backend (accepted upstream). Removed patch to dirti
1.7.4318 May 2015 01:25 cleanup: Disable patchset shell32-Default_Folder_ACLs. * Updated patch to calculate msvcrt exponential math operations with higher precision. * Updated patchset for CopyFileEx improvements, fix testfailures in kernel32/file and add additional tests. * Updated patch to emulate Device Null using /dev/null, use a proper device driver. * Added patch to wait before reusing recently freed memory. * Added patch to improve ReadDataAvailable handling in FilePipeLocalInformation class. * Added patch with tests for shlwapi.AssocGetPerceivedType. * Added patch with stub for atl80.AtlIPersistPropertyBag_Save. * Added patch to return default palette entries from GetSystemPaletteEntries for non-palette-based devices. * Added patch with stub for winsta.WinStationEnumerateW. * Added patch to implement support for ObjectTypeInformation class support in NtQueryObject. * Added patch to fix error handling in OpenSCManagerW. * Added patch to fix leak of async handle in pipe_server_flush. * Added patch to dirtify vertex shader on transformed update, fixes graphical corruption. * Added patch to use POSIX implementation to enumerate directory content on FreeBSD. * Added patch for stub of fltlib.FilterLoad. * Added patch to implement shlwapi.AssocGetPerceivedType. * Added patch to avoid creating foreign thread queues for attach_thread_input requests. * Added patch with IEnumString stub interface for ACLShellSource. * Added patch to create stub files for system32/drivers/etc/ services,hosts,networks,protocol . * Added patch to allocate fake hWnd for wineconsole curses backend. * Added patch to implement kernel32.GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime. * Added patch with tests for imagehlp. ImageLoad,ImageUnload,GetImageUnusedHeaderBytes . * Added patch to fix memory leak in wininet.HTTP_InsertCookies. * Added patches for additional tests of wininet cookie/header/authentication handling, in preparation of various cleanup patches. * Added patch to add HTTP Host header in HttpSendRequest instead of HttpOpenRequ
1.7.4204 May 2015 17:05 minor feature: Added patch with stub for advapi32.ImpersonateAnonymousToken. * Added patch to implement FileFsFullSizeInformation information class. * Added patch to update timezone information in wine.inf. * Added patch to fix check for texture levels in wined3d_device_update_texture. * Added patch to ignore garbage after decoding gif lines. * Added patch to fix various issues related to advapi32.LookupAccountSidA. * Added patch with stub for d3d11.D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain. * Added patch with stub for D3DXFrameFind. * Added patch to return failure in NtProtectVirtualMemory when last argument is omitted. * Added patch to emulate Device Null using /dev/null. * Added patch to make sure OpenClipboard with current owner doesn't fail. * Added patch to create HKLM Software Microsoft Cryptography MachineGuid registry key. * Removed patch to avoid crash when trying to bind mshtml event scripts to window. * Removed patch for stub of ntdll.WinSqmIsOptedIn. * Removed patch to fix issues with invalid console handles for new processes (accepted upstream). * Removed patches to fix timezone information (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to recognize localhost as local machine in wbemprox (accepted upstream). * Partially removed patches to fix handling of opening read-only files for FILE_DELETE_ON_CLOSE (accepted upstream). -- Sebastian Lackner Sun, 03 May 2015 22:01:51 +0200.
1.7.4119 Apr 2015 03:15 security: Updated server-PeekMessage patchset to reset message filter in accept_hardware_message call. * Updated ntdll-FileDispositionInformation patchset to block deleting mapped files. * Various improvements to the ACL patchsets. * Disable DXVA2 controls in winecfg when support is not compiled in. * Added patch to enable/disable EAX support via winecfg. * Added patch with stub for setupapi.SetupDiSetDeviceInstallParamsW. * Added first part of patchset containing various improvements for LsaLookupSids. * Added patch to calculate msvcrt exponential math operations with higher precision. * Added patch to fix regression caused by blacklisting supported OpenGL extensions. * Added patch to reset device state in SysKeyboard*Impl_Acquire. * Added patch to properly handle closing sockets during a select call. * Added patch for support of process specific debug channels. * Added patch to recognize localhost as local machine in wbemprox. * Added patch to implement support for wbemprox Win32_SystemEnclosure table. * Added patch to fix handling of opening read-only files for FILE_DELETE_ON_CLOSE. * Added patch for implementation of mfplat.MFTRegister. * Added patch for stub of ntdll.WinSqmIsOptedIn. * Added patch for ProfileList registry subkey. * Added patch to avoid crash when trying to bind mshtml event scripts to window. * Added tests for RtlIpv6AddressToString and RtlIpv6AddressToStringEx. * Removed patches to fix invalid memory access in get_registry_locale_info (accepted upstream). * Removed patches to avoid repeated FIXMEs in PsLookupProcessByProcessId stub (accepted upstream). * Removed patches to return more context attributes in schan_InitializeSecurityContextW (accepted upstream). * Removed patches to allow NULL pointer as keystate in ToUnicodeEx (accepted upstream). * Removed patches to avoid returning an error in WS_select when EINTR happens during timeout (accepted upstream). * Partially remove advapi32-Revert_DACL patches. * Removed additional
1.7.4007 Apr 2015 03:15 minor feature: Update dsound fast mixer patchset to use integer math. * Various improvements to Debian packaging files, pull request . * Added patch with stubs for Power Set Clear Request. * Added patch to avoid spam of FIXME messages for PsLookupProcessByProcessId stub. * Added patch to implement empty enumerator for IWiaDevMgr::EnumDeviceInfo. * Added patch to fix handling of ANSI NTLM credentials. * Added patch to fix compatibility of Uplay with gnutls28. * Added patches for Environmental Audio Extensions (EAX), pull request from Mark Harmstone. * Added patch to fix return value of WS_select in case of EINTR during timeout. * Added patch to fix calculation of 3D sound source. * Added patch for stub of fltmgr.sys (filter manager driver). * Added patch to return correct device type for cd devices without medium. * Added patch to fix device paths in HKLM SYSTEM MountedDevices. * Added patch to show unmounted devices in winecfg and allow changing the unix path. * Added patch for support of 8bpp grayscale TIFF images with 8bpp alpha channel (replaces previous stub). * Added patch to implement support for linux priority levels. * Added patch to implement mscoree._CorValidateImage for mono runtime. * Added patch to implement proper handling of CLI .NET images in Wine library loader. * Added patch to stub ntoskrnl.PsRemoveLoadImageNotifyRoutine. * Added patch to fix invalid memory access in get_registry_locale_info. * Added patch to allow to open files/directories without any access rights in order to query attributes. * Added patch to implement DDENUMSURFACES_CANBECREATED in IDirectDraw7::EnumSurfaces and fix some bugs. * Added patch to ignore unsupported job object restrictions. * Added patch to allow NULL pointer as keystate argument in ToUnicodeEx. * Added patch with stub for setupapi.SetupDiSelectBestCompatDrv. * Removed patch to fix regression causing black screen on startup (accepted upstream). * Removed patch to fix edge cases in TOOLTIPS_GetTipText.
1.7.3924 Mar 2015 09:45 minor feature: This release mostly concentrates on speed optimizations and various bug fixes related to keyboard input handling. Implements shared memory communication to reduce slow wineserver wakeup calls. In order to retain security, the code requires support for memfds and thus a kernel = 3.17 for the time being.